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Chapter 11: Thermodynamics

Essential Definitions


  • System is the part of universe under study

  • Everything else is called surroundings

  • Open systems transfer energy and matter to surroundings

  • Closed system can transfer energy but not matter

  • Isolated system has no energy or matter transfer

State Functions

  • State functions describes an aspect of a chemical system

    • Pressure, volume, temperature, and moles are state functions in the ideal gas law

  • Thermodynamics state functions can be internal energy (E), enthalpy (H), entropy (S), and Gibbs free energy (G)

  • Changes in state function depend on the initial and final state of a system

  • Not state functions are heat (q) and work (w) because they rely on the steps used to transform matter from initial to final

Standard State

  • Extensive properties of matter change as the amount of sample changes

    • Such as ΔH, ΔS, ΔG, and ΔE

  • To make them intensive properties, the temperature, pressute, mass, and physical state must be defined

  • Standard state is 1 atm, 25 celsius, and 1 mol of compound present

    • This gives them a superscript of zero to note that they are at standard state

    • ΔH°, ΔS°, ΔG°, ΔE°

Exo- and Endo- Prefixes and Sign Conventions

  • Exo-, or exothermic, means energy is being lost from the system to the surroundings

    • Negative sign for quantities

    • ΔH is negative if exothermic

  • Endo-, or endothermic, means energy is being gained from surroundings

    • absorbs heat energy

    • ΔH is positive

Types of Energy

  • Energy can be heat, light, chemical, nuclear, electrical, or mechanical

  • Law of conservation of energy states energy cannot be created or destroyed. All forms of energy can be converted to heat energy

  • Can be called kinetic, KE, or potential, PE, energy

    • Kinetic is the energy matter has because of its motion

    • potential energy is stored and released under certain conditions

      • gravitational energy is PE

      • electrostatic attraction between oppositely charge ions is PE

Measurement of Energy

Specific Heat

  • Calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of something by 1 degree celsius. 1 calorie = 4.184 joules

    • The specific heat of water is the energy needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree celsius = 4.184 J/g*C

  • Specific heat equation

    • q = x g x ΔT

    • heat energy = (specific heat)(mass in grams)(temperature change)

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • First law of thermodynamics states energy is always conserved

  • ΔE = q + w

    • change in energy = heat + work

    • if q is positive, heat is added to the system

    • if w is positive, work is done on the system


  • Work is the force applied to an object as it moves a certain distance

    • work = force x distance moved

  • Can also be found over a given area

    • work = pressure x area x volume change

Definition of qp, qv, ΔE, and ΔH

  • First law of thermodynamics

    • ΔE = qp - PΔV

    • heat, q, have the subscipt, p, to indicate the pressure must be held constant

  • When heat energy is measure in a calorimeter that does not allow the volume to change, PΔV is zero, resulting in ΔE = qv, where the volume is held constant

    • Calorimeters that do not let volume change are called bomb calorimeters

  • Enthalpy change is ΔH where H is the heat content of the substance and the Δ is the difference

    • ΔH = Hproducts - Hreactants

  • ΔE = ΔH - PΔV

Standard Enthalpy Changes and the Standard Heat of Reaction

  • ΔH is an extensive property and to make it intensive, the amount of chemical reacting must be specified

  • Standard heat of reaction, ΔH°, is the heat produced when the number of moles in the balanced equation reacts. in kJ.

  • If a formation reaction occurs, ΔH°f, where only one mole of product is the equation, the units will be kJ/mol

Hess’s Law

  • When converting coefficients in a balanced equation by multiplying, dividing, or any mathematic conversion, that same conversion must be done to the heat of reaction

  • Summarized law

    • If the coefficients are multiplied by a constant, that ΔH°reaction is multiplied by the same constant

    • If two or more equations are added to create an overall reaction, the heats of the equations can be added to obtain the overall reaction heat

  • When trying to use Hess’s Law, follow the principles:

    • Focus on complex molecules first

    • focus on atoms and molecules that occur in just one reaction

    • Focus on atom and molecules that are in the overall reaction

    • Focus on finding atoms and molecules to cancel out unneeded ones from equations

Formation Reactions and Heats of Formation

  • Formation reactions are when reactants are in their standard state and there is only one mole of product. Examples:

    • Fe (s) + ½O2 (g) → FeO (s)

    • 2K (s) + ½H2 + 2O2 (g) + P (s) → Fe2O3 (s)

  • Heat of formation for elements is always zero

Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • Entropy is the number of different ways a system can arrange the particles

    • Increasing number of particles increases entropy

    • Increasing volume increases entropy

    • Changing state (liquid to gas) increasing entropy

  • Ice has the least entropy while gaseous water has the most

  • Entropy is assigned the symbol S with the units J/C

  • Standard entropy is S° with the units J/C mol

  • Entropy principles

    • Gas formation increases entropy greatly. A higher Δng means a greater entropy

    • If Δng = 0, solid to liquid phase is a high contributor to entropy increase

      • solid formation decreases entropy

    • increase in temperature increases entropy

Gibbs Free Energy, ΔG°

  • Free energy change, ΔG°, is the max amount of energry available from any chemical reaction

    • Driven by entropy and enthalpy values

  • ΔG° = ΔH° - TΔS°

  • Second law of thermodynamics is any physical or chemical change must result in the increase of entropy in the universe



ΔG° as T increases




Always negative

Always spontaneous



Always positive

Never spontaneous



Become positive

Becomes nonspontaneous as T increases



Becomes negative

Becomes spontaneous as T increases

Free Energy and Equilibrium

  • When not at standard state, ΔG is used not ΔG°

  • ΔG = ΔG° + RT ln(Q)

    • Q is reaction quotient

    • R is 8.314 J/mol K

  • ΔG° = -RT ln(K)

    • K is equilibrium constant

  • If K > 1, reaction will move forward

  • If K < 1, reaction will move reverse

Chapter 11: Thermodynamics

Essential Definitions


  • System is the part of universe under study

  • Everything else is called surroundings

  • Open systems transfer energy and matter to surroundings

  • Closed system can transfer energy but not matter

  • Isolated system has no energy or matter transfer

State Functions

  • State functions describes an aspect of a chemical system

    • Pressure, volume, temperature, and moles are state functions in the ideal gas law

  • Thermodynamics state functions can be internal energy (E), enthalpy (H), entropy (S), and Gibbs free energy (G)

  • Changes in state function depend on the initial and final state of a system

  • Not state functions are heat (q) and work (w) because they rely on the steps used to transform matter from initial to final

Standard State

  • Extensive properties of matter change as the amount of sample changes

    • Such as ΔH, ΔS, ΔG, and ΔE

  • To make them intensive properties, the temperature, pressute, mass, and physical state must be defined

  • Standard state is 1 atm, 25 celsius, and 1 mol of compound present

    • This gives them a superscript of zero to note that they are at standard state

    • ΔH°, ΔS°, ΔG°, ΔE°

Exo- and Endo- Prefixes and Sign Conventions

  • Exo-, or exothermic, means energy is being lost from the system to the surroundings

    • Negative sign for quantities

    • ΔH is negative if exothermic

  • Endo-, or endothermic, means energy is being gained from surroundings

    • absorbs heat energy

    • ΔH is positive

Types of Energy

  • Energy can be heat, light, chemical, nuclear, electrical, or mechanical

  • Law of conservation of energy states energy cannot be created or destroyed. All forms of energy can be converted to heat energy

  • Can be called kinetic, KE, or potential, PE, energy

    • Kinetic is the energy matter has because of its motion

    • potential energy is stored and released under certain conditions

      • gravitational energy is PE

      • electrostatic attraction between oppositely charge ions is PE

Measurement of Energy

Specific Heat

  • Calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of something by 1 degree celsius. 1 calorie = 4.184 joules

    • The specific heat of water is the energy needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree celsius = 4.184 J/g*C

  • Specific heat equation

    • q = x g x ΔT

    • heat energy = (specific heat)(mass in grams)(temperature change)

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • First law of thermodynamics states energy is always conserved

  • ΔE = q + w

    • change in energy = heat + work

    • if q is positive, heat is added to the system

    • if w is positive, work is done on the system


  • Work is the force applied to an object as it moves a certain distance

    • work = force x distance moved

  • Can also be found over a given area

    • work = pressure x area x volume change

Definition of qp, qv, ΔE, and ΔH

  • First law of thermodynamics

    • ΔE = qp - PΔV

    • heat, q, have the subscipt, p, to indicate the pressure must be held constant

  • When heat energy is measure in a calorimeter that does not allow the volume to change, PΔV is zero, resulting in ΔE = qv, where the volume is held constant

    • Calorimeters that do not let volume change are called bomb calorimeters

  • Enthalpy change is ΔH where H is the heat content of the substance and the Δ is the difference

    • ΔH = Hproducts - Hreactants

  • ΔE = ΔH - PΔV

Standard Enthalpy Changes and the Standard Heat of Reaction

  • ΔH is an extensive property and to make it intensive, the amount of chemical reacting must be specified

  • Standard heat of reaction, ΔH°, is the heat produced when the number of moles in the balanced equation reacts. in kJ.

  • If a formation reaction occurs, ΔH°f, where only one mole of product is the equation, the units will be kJ/mol

Hess’s Law

  • When converting coefficients in a balanced equation by multiplying, dividing, or any mathematic conversion, that same conversion must be done to the heat of reaction

  • Summarized law

    • If the coefficients are multiplied by a constant, that ΔH°reaction is multiplied by the same constant

    • If two or more equations are added to create an overall reaction, the heats of the equations can be added to obtain the overall reaction heat

  • When trying to use Hess’s Law, follow the principles:

    • Focus on complex molecules first

    • focus on atoms and molecules that occur in just one reaction

    • Focus on atom and molecules that are in the overall reaction

    • Focus on finding atoms and molecules to cancel out unneeded ones from equations

Formation Reactions and Heats of Formation

  • Formation reactions are when reactants are in their standard state and there is only one mole of product. Examples:

    • Fe (s) + ½O2 (g) → FeO (s)

    • 2K (s) + ½H2 + 2O2 (g) + P (s) → Fe2O3 (s)

  • Heat of formation for elements is always zero

Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • Entropy is the number of different ways a system can arrange the particles

    • Increasing number of particles increases entropy

    • Increasing volume increases entropy

    • Changing state (liquid to gas) increasing entropy

  • Ice has the least entropy while gaseous water has the most

  • Entropy is assigned the symbol S with the units J/C

  • Standard entropy is S° with the units J/C mol

  • Entropy principles

    • Gas formation increases entropy greatly. A higher Δng means a greater entropy

    • If Δng = 0, solid to liquid phase is a high contributor to entropy increase

      • solid formation decreases entropy

    • increase in temperature increases entropy

Gibbs Free Energy, ΔG°

  • Free energy change, ΔG°, is the max amount of energry available from any chemical reaction

    • Driven by entropy and enthalpy values

  • ΔG° = ΔH° - TΔS°

  • Second law of thermodynamics is any physical or chemical change must result in the increase of entropy in the universe



ΔG° as T increases




Always negative

Always spontaneous



Always positive

Never spontaneous



Become positive

Becomes nonspontaneous as T increases



Becomes negative

Becomes spontaneous as T increases

Free Energy and Equilibrium

  • When not at standard state, ΔG is used not ΔG°

  • ΔG = ΔG° + RT ln(Q)

    • Q is reaction quotient

    • R is 8.314 J/mol K

  • ΔG° = -RT ln(K)

    • K is equilibrium constant

  • If K > 1, reaction will move forward

  • If K < 1, reaction will move reverse