Talent Acquisition MGMT Exam 3

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Person-Job Fit

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Person-Job Fit

The potential of an individual to meet the needs of a job and the potential of the job to meet the needs of the individual

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Dimensions of person job-fit

Possible dimensions of fit: intelligence, job related skills & competencies, job knowledge, experience, & personality related to performing job tasks

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Person-group fit

The match between individuals and their work groups, including their supervisors

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Dimensions of person-group fit

Possible dimensions of fit: teamwork skills, expertise relative to other team members, conflict management style, preference for team-based work, communication skills, personality related to working well with others

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Person-organization fit

the fit between an individual's values, beliefs, and personality and the values, norms, and culture of the organization

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Dimensions of person-organization fit

Possible dimensions of fit: Alignment between one's personal motivations and the organization's purpose, values, goals

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Person vocation fit

the fit between an individual's interests, abilities, values, and personality and his or her occupation

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dimensions of person vocation fit

possible dimensions of fit: aptitudes, interests, personal values, long-term goals

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External assessment goals

Maximize fit Accurate assessment Maximize return on investment Generate positive stakeholder reactions Support talent philosophy and HR strategy Establish and reinforce employer image Identify new hires' development needs Assess ethically Ensure legal compliance

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Complementary fit

when a person adds something that is missing in the organization or work group by being different from the others

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Supplementary fit

when a person has characteristics that are similar to those that already exist in the organization

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return on investment

Whether the assessment method generates a financial return that exceeds the cost associated with using it

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assessment methods

Some _____ _______ even identify applicant's preferred learning styles, which can decrease training time, improve training effectiveness, and increase retention

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-Must be defined in terms of behavior -each knowledge must be a part of a body's learned information that is used in and necessary for required and observable job behaviors

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-Must be defined in terms of observable aspects of job behavior -Each ability should be necessary for the performance of important work behaviors -Any selection procedure measuring an ability should closely approximate an observable work behavior

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Job applicants

When people first apply for a job and are evaluated against the minimum acceptable criteria for the job, such as relevant education and skills

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Job candidates

applicants passing the initial screen

are assessed in more depth to evaluate their characteristics and qualifications as defined by the job specification as well as on dimensions relevant to person-organization and even person-group and person-supervisor fit

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The organization makes its hiring decision from the group of ______ that remains after all assessment methods have been completed

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Screening methods

narrow a pool of job applicants down to a smaller group of job candidates

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examples of screening methods

•Resumes and cover letters •Job applications and weighted application blanks •Biographical information •Telephone screens

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Evaluative methods

evaluate the pool of job candidates to determine who should receive job offers

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examples of evaluative methods

-Cognitive and noncognitive ability tests -Values assessments -Personality assessments -Integrity tests -Polygraph tests -Job knowledge tests -Behavioral, situational, and case interviews -Situational judgment tests -Job simulations -Work samples -Reference checks

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contigent methods

job offers are contingent on passing these: -medical and drug tests -background checks

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characteristics related to poor fit or performance that should be screened out

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examples of derailers

•Being too micromanaging •Being too sensitive to criticism •Being too attention-seeking •Being too moody •Being high on the dark triad traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism

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Whether the assessment method predicts relevant components of job performance

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Applicant reactions

including the perceived job relatedness and fairness of the assessment method; perceiving sufficient opportunity to perform, or believing that one had an adequate opportunity to demonstrate one's ability to do the job, influences perceptions of the fairness of the selection process, particularly if the person is rejected for the job

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Selection ratio

having a low selection ratio means hiring only a few applicants, which allows an assessment method to have maximum impact in improving the performance of the people hired

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Adverse impact

An assessment method is more effective if it predicts job performance and other important hiring outcomes without discriminating against members of a protected class

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people in the organization must be willing and able to use the method consistently and correctly

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Tools to evaluate a method's effectiveness

validity, applicant reactions, return on investment, selection ratio, adverse impact, usability

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External assessments methods

screening methods, evaluative methods, contingent methods, derailers

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Unstructured interview

Questions vary across candidates and across interviewers; no scoring key

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Cons of unstructured interviews

-Not as job related as structured interviews; legal risks -difficult to compare candidates because the content is differed

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Structured interview

use standardized, job-related questions with predetermined scores for different possible answers

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Behavioral interview questions

based on the idea that what an applicant did in the past is a better indicator of their future job success than what they believe, feel, think, or know

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example of a behavioral interview question

"Tell me about a time when you... "

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situational interview questions

-appropriate if not all candidates can be expected to have had a certain experience (e.g., leading, managing a crisis, etc.)

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example of a situational interview questions

"What would you do if..."

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STAR technique

When answering behavioral interview questions it can be useful to follow the _____ _____ format

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Situation or Task

STAR: describe a specific event or _______ , giving enough detail for the interview to understand the situation and your goals

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STAR: ______ that you took

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STAR: _______ that you achieved and what you learned

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Semi-structured interview

the interviewer asks a set of pre-identified open-ended questions, often behavioral, that prompt discussion and give the interviewer the opportunity to explore some responses or themes further

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Case interview

•interviewer gives the candidate a situation, problem, or challenge and asks him or her to address and resolve it

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consulting positions

A case interview is a popular type of interview for _____ _____ and jobs that require strategic thinking, problem-solving, logical reasoning, and analytical skills.

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examples of cognitive ability questions

-Pencils sell for 17 cents each. What will four pencils cost? -How many of the following are exact duplicates?

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Reducing Adverse Impact

-Begin with a valid job analysis -Use strategic sourcing and targeted recruitment -Expand the definition of job performance -Use well-developed simulations, interviews, assessment centers, and situational judgment tests rather than cognitive ability tests

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low selection ratio, less adverse impact

If only a few applicants are hired/___ ___ ___, use assessment method with ___ ___ ___ early in the selection process and those with greater adverse adverse impact later

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Assessment Plan

____ ____ describes: -Which assessment method(s) will be used to assess each of the characteristics on which applicants will be evaluated -In what sequence the assessments will take place -What weight each assessment will receive in determining an overall score for that characteristic based on the importance of each characteristic to job performance.

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validated integrity tests

•Some _______ ______ _____ can assess honesty, trustworthiness, and attitudes towards risky workplace behavior, theft, lying, and unethical behavior

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•Algorithms are sometimes used to quickly evaluate job applicants -If not created properly, they can perpetuate existing biases -Focus on what predicts employee success and why

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•Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can help us overcome implicit and explicit bias and improve new hire diversity -Video scoring algorithms have features that can make them essentially blind to many of the protected characteristics we unfairly use to evaluate others (age, race, gender, etc.)

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Internal Assessment

•Evaluation of current employees for purposes of training, reassignment, promotion, or dismissal •Evaluation of fit with other jobs •Aligns a firm's talent with its vision, goals, and business strategy

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Job posting

a manager posts an open job, and all interested employees are able to apply

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Job slotting

a manager personally identifies a preferred candidate and "slots" him or her into the open position

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Pros of job posting

These positions tend to perform better, stay longer, and receive higher salaries than those found through job slotting

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succession management programs

________ _________ ________: also help identify internal candidates for open positions

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job posting, job slotting

Ways to fill internal openings

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Internal Assessment Goals

•Maximize fit •Accurate assessment •Maximize return on investment •Positive stakeholder reactions •Support talent philosophy and HR strategy •Establish and reinforce HR strategy and employer value proposition and image •Identify employees' development needs •Assessing ethically •Legal compliance

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Internal Assessment methods

•Skills inventories •Mentoring programs •Performance reviews of task and interpersonal behaviors •Multi-source assessments (360 degree assessment) •Job knowledge tests •Assessment center methods •Clinical assessments

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mentoring programs

reciprocal relationship between more experienced employee and a more junior employee

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clinical assessments

rely on trained psychologists to subjectively analyze a candidate's attributes, values, and styles in the context of a particular job

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Skills inventory

outlining which employees have certain skills, competencies & other relevant job characteristics

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employees sent on foreign assignment

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Most important to expatriate success is ______ agility

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Cultural Agility

-the ability to recognize and appropriately respond to different cultural behaviors and worldviews to build strong intercultural working relationships

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nine box matrix

a combined assessment of an employee's performance and potential

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assessment's methodology

Value of the nine box matrix depends on the quality of the _____ _____ that determines the box that each individual is placed

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Nine box matrix can help companies understand the overall _____ of their workforce, but only if the employees were accurately evaluated in the first place.

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Career crossroads model

focuses on managerial and leadership positions rather than technical or professional work

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yourself, managers, enterprise

Career crossroads model -Starting Point: Managing ______ -Passage 1: Managing others -Passage 2: Managing _______ -Passage 3: Managing a function -Passage 4: Managing a business -Passage 5: Managing multiple businesses -Passage 6: Managing the ________

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succession management

an ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing an organization's leadership capabilities to enhance its performance

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Succession management plans

written policies that guide the succession management process

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Replacement planning

the process of creating back-up candidates for specific senior management positions

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Career planning

a continuous process of career-oriented self-assessment and goal setting

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Career development tools

  • assessment centers

  • career counseling & career development workshops

  • training & continuing education

  • job rotation, challenging assignments & mentoring

  • sabbaticals

  • challenging & developmental job assignments

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assessment centers

Career development tool that simulates the position an employee is interested in pursuing and whether or not they are a good fit for the job.

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career counseling

Career development tool that can help individuals understand the jobs that best match their motivations and talents, and help them develop the skills they need to successfully compete for these opportunities.

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training and CE

Career development tool that uses skills in training in a more formalized educational setting.

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Career development tool that is used to reenergize employees

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challenging and developmental job assignments

Career development tool that can enhance key competencies and build experience in important job tasks before the individual assumes the position.

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assess, goals, action, revisit, revise

Making a Career development plan

  1. _____ yourself

  2. Set _____

  3. Develop an _____ plan

  4. _____ and ______ as needed

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job offer

The _____ _____ should maximize the employee value proposition offered to the finalist

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content of job offers

Factors that affect the _____ of ______ _____ -organizational factors -external factors -finalist factors -type of job -legal factors

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Low job offer

Compensation decisions: below market rewards package

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Competitive job offer

Compensation decisions: total rewards package is competitive with the market

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high job offer

Compensation decisions: total rewards package is above the market

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maximum job offer

Compensation decisions: the company's best and final offer

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Implicit employment contract

An understanding that is not part of a written or verbal contract.

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offer, accepted, consideration

Employment contract: To be legally binding and enforceable, any contract must consist of an _______ outlining the terms and conditions of employment (and possibly a deadline for accepting the contract) that is _____ on the terms offered. Something of value (_______), usually promises of pay in exchange for promises for labor, must also be exchanged.

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Employment contract: An ______ authorized by the receiver can negotiate on the finalist's behalf, and agents authorized by the organization such as executive recruiters and search consultants can negotiate on behalf of the company.

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offer letter

written letter describing in clear and precise terms exactly what the compensation structure and terms of employment will be.

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Golden parachutes

•Restrictive covenants that require one party to do, or to refrain from doing, certain things -First rights to their inventions and patents -Trade secrets -Nondisclosure agreements -Noncompete clauses Nonsolicitation agreements

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trade secrets

Any type of information, process, idea, or "know how" that is not generally known and gives the possessor an advantage in the marketplace. -Includes a wide range of confidential business or proprietary information, such as chemical formulas, industrial processes, business strategies, and even customer lists. -Almost all organizations have BLANK to protect. -BLANK litigation can take place after an employee is hired by a competitor, or during the interview process.

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Mandatory arbitration clauses

require parties to use arbitration rather than litigation to resolve disputes

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Statements on a job application (e.g., a statement that providing false information is grounds for termination), statements in employee handbooks, and statements in other documents may become interpreted as __________ contracts.

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presenting a job offer

•In writing via an offer letter •Verbally, often to facilitate negotiation before finalizing the terms in a formal offer letter •Showing your company as a unique or exciting place to work can help close the deal •Emphasizing the selling points of the job itself and the career development opportunities that exist, as well as selling the company's image and brand, can increase the appeal of the opportunity to the candidate §The job rewards analysis should help identify some of a job's most attractive features •Should reinforce the company image and the positive impression formed by the candidate during the hiring process •While the candidate is considering the offer, it is a good idea to stay in contact with him or her to reinforce your enthusiasm

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negotiation tips

•Do not look at a negotiation as an either/or proposition •Identify what you can and cannot part with and be realistic •Try to identify and use sources of leverage, or anything that can help or hinder a party in the bargaining situation (e.g., the employer wants you to start immediately or to work in a certain location) •Suppress your emotions •Take time to evaluate the offer •Be realistic •Practice your negotiation skills •Document and be prepared to discuss your skills and accomplishments Be appreciative and respectful; remember that employment is an ongoing relationship

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distributive fairness

the perceived fairness of the outcomes received

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