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includes lissamphibia and amniota
includes synapsida+mammals and reptilia; sister to lissamphibia
includes testudines and diapsida; Includes all other amniotes to be monophyletic (Without birds is paraphyletic); many obscure synamoporphies like phi keratins in skin and scales
includes lepidosauria + testudines, crcodylia and aves
includes squamata and rhynchocephalia
outgroup to tetrapoda
3: actinopterygii, actinistia, dipnoi
ray finned fish; very diverse, highly derives, fins have extrinsic muscles
lobed fined fish; includes actinistia, dipnoi, and tetrapoda; fins supported by bone with intrinsic muscle; teeth w/ enamel
Coelacanth, Latimeria
2 extant species
Symmetrical, 3-lobed tail
“living fossil”
3 extant genera
Gondwanan origin
Evolved after the split of pangea and only in the southern section (now only parts of the southern hemisphere)
1 in S. America, Africa, Au
Includes all modern amphibians and amniotes, and their last common ancestor
Partial shared features (mostly skeletal)
tetrapoda shared features
Ankle and wrist joints.
Fully developed pectoral girdle.
Pectoral girdle free from skull.
Discrete shaft of humerus.
Paired bones in the distal part of limbs.
Radius and ulna
Tibia and fibula
Digits at end of limbs.
Osteolepiform “fishes”
Large, flat predatory fish
Support on pectoral fins
Perhaps move out of water
includes Tiktaalik
Transitional form to tetrapods. → picture
Mobile neck; pectoral girdle detached from skull.
Still retained gill arches.
Primitive tetrapods (Icthyostegalia)
includes: Acanthostega, Ichtyhostega, Tulerpeton
No weight bearing wrists or ankles
Had 2/3 of 41 tetrapod synapomorphies.
Limbs like fish but with digits instead of fin rays.
Short ribs did not enclose body.
No evidence of gills arches.
Improved inhalation into lungs.
Pectoral girdle completely separate from skull.
Bend in limbs (knees and elbows).
They are starting to spend time on land
First robust shoulder joints.
Slender digits. Still >5 digits.
Superficially similar to crocodile
how did primitive tetrapods support their weight
development of weight-bearing limbs; larger and more differentiated + joints; pectoral girdle dissociated from skull; limb girdles more closely attached to axial skeleton (forces transfer to the center axis)
how did primitive tetrapods move
swimming —> walking; more robust limbs; intrinsic muscles in limbs
how did primitive tetrapods breathe air
lungs (earliest adaptation for terrestrially and appeared in bony fishes); swim bladders evolved from lungs; gills —>gills and lungs —> lungs only
how did primitive tetrapods conserve water
ammonia —> uric acid; use of kidneys; mucous glands, postures, behaviors to limit loss in amphibians
how did primitive tetrapods hear
Hyomandibula bone of the 1st gill arch gives rise to stapes, an inner ear bone that connects to tympanum.
Enhances conduction of sound vibrations to the inner ear.
Loss of lateral line system for vibration detection in water.
Still present in amphibian larvae.
how did primitive tetrapods feed
Loss of suction feeding.
Increasing use of jaws and tongue
how did primitive tetrapods reproduce
amphibia: largely tied to water; External fertilization in anurans (as with fish); Aquatic eggs; Aquatic larvae
amniotes : amniotic egg
Early amniotes
reptilomorph outgroups to extant amniotes; diverse, terrestrial, some herbivores
Amniote synapomorphies
Amniotic egg
Internal fertilization
Loss of labyrinthodont teeth
Several other skull and limb characters
surrounds embryo
Forms space filled with amniotic fluid
permeable to allow Gas exchange
Protects embryo
Concussion (cushion from falls)
Becomes the innermost layer of the placenta
Outermost membrane within the shell
Forms other/outer layer of placenta in mammals
Sac formed from posterior part of GI
Collects wastes during development
Grows as it fills (yolk sac shrinks simultaneously)
Involved in formation of umbilical cord in placental mammals
Yolk Sac
Filled with yolk, nutrient source for embryo
Shrinks as yolk is used
Other membranes from outside embryo but are connected to embryo.
Shell is created by mother.
Can be calcified or leathery.
Involved in gas exchange and protection
transition to dry habitats
many amphibians become terrestrial (but still have permeable skins and need water to reproduce); but amniotes lifecycle are independent of water bc of amniotic egg and skin (Increased keratinization, Deposition of lipid in epidermis, Scales, feathers, hair)
3 Major amniote groups
synapsida (mammalia and stem mammals), anapsida (testudines and stem turtles), diapsida (archosauria, lepidosaura, and others)
one temporal fenestration (opening without structure through it behind the orbit/eyesocket) most likely ancestral form
The presence of ___ skulls in turtles means there was a major change among the diapsid condition widespread in reptiles.
Mammalia Synapomorphies
Lower temporal fenestra
Atlas vertebra
Mammary glands