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the weakest ink
What is better than the best memory?
Adrian Rogers
Who said, “The weakest ink is better than the best memory. Study with pen in hand.“?
to document everything in a lecture or in a book, to fill up a notebook, to complete an assignment for a class
Why should we not take notes?
to document important information, to store information in short-term memory, to understand information, to create a permanent record for further study
Why should we take notes?
traditional lectures and textbook reading
What can the Cornell Notes be used for?
identification header, notes on the right, questions on the left, summary at the bottom
What do Cornell Notes use?
active learning
What does Cornell Notes involve?
creating your own study guide
By taking Cornell notes and then writing study questions, what are you doing?
Identification header
What can you add to Cornell Notes to never have trouble finding the notes to a lecture again?
4.5 inches
How large is the column where you put your notes?
What should you use instead of numbers or letters?
fragments and abbreviations
What should you use for the notes on the right?
1.5 inches
How big is the column on the left where you put your study questions?
at the bottom
Where should you put your summary?
synthesize your notes in your own words, think critically about the text, identify important information, and compose a snapshot for quick review
What does summarizing require you to do?
review notes
What should you do within 24 hours to maintain the best memory curve
visual note taking that links ideas together
What is a mind map?
quickly show relationships between topics and branch off keywords in circles
What can mindmaps do?
non-sequential note taking
What are mindmaps good for?
synthesize the material into smaller sections, makes review easier, and is great for literature assignments
What can summaries do?
Why may science and math be easier to do by hand?
a spiral notebook or binder section
What should you have for each course?
dates, new terms, names, formulas, steps to an important process, references to charts, tables, and graphs
What information should you include in your notes?
10 minute
How long of a review session should you have per class daily?
1 hour
How long of a review session should you have per class weekly?
so related topics are together
Why should you rearrange info?
things your teacher repeats and says will be on the test
What should you highlight?
a star
What should you put next to the things you want to review?
a checkmark
What should you put next to things you already know?
What subject should you have maps portraits paintings and photographs?
What subject should you have formulas and sample problems
What subject should you have formulas diagrams and schematics?
a, an, and the
What should you skip unless they are absolutely necessary to understanding?
preview the reading
What should you do before taking textbook notes?
What should you spend 2 minutes doing through the material?
by looking at headings
How should you determine the major concepts?
new facts
What type of facts should you jot down?
In what form should you build your notes?
no paragraphs, bullets only, and incomplete sentences
How can you keep your notes short?
Reviewing and revising notes within 24 hours can maintain an 50-80% memory curve as opposed to what percentage?
What type of questions should you write in the left column?
what, when, where, who, why
If its an event, write the event name and what else underneath the vent?
take a main point and turn it into a question
For large ideas, what should you do?
essay answers
What should you be ready to form for large topics?
What should you ask instead of what or how?
100 words per minute or fewer
What is the rate of speaking?
400 words per minute
What is the rate of thinking?
write them anyway
If the details do not seem vital, what should you do?
every example
What should you jot down?
What does constant writing keep your brain
mentally review and summarize the lecture
What should you use the speak/think gap to do
anticipate it
What should you do to the next point
question it
What should you do mentally to the information?
box it
What should you do to the sidetracked information to set it off from regular notes
graph paper
For math notes, what type of paper should you use?
the formula
What should you write that you need to know for the problem
exactly as the teacher completes it on the board
How should you copy the problem down?
annotate it
What should you do to the steps in your own words?
What should you include with the step if it is not easily understood?
the readings and the terms
What should you do to be familiar with the lecture before the lecture?
What percentage of test questions usually comprise of defining terms?
What will you need for essay questions?
What serve as vivid reminders of the main point
What type of cues should you watch for?
it is important information
If the teacher pauses for you to write something down, what should you assume?
What should you be alert to?
annotate your notes later or add further material
What does leaving blank space allow you to do?
near friends
Where should you not sit?
What should you not have open?
What are more important than facts
you will miss information
What will happen if you stop to daydream?
What should you not do that breaks concentration?
What should you check the night before a test
a brisk walk
If you have pre-test jitters what can you do ten minutes before?
arrive early, be silent, slow your breathing, encourage yourself, and visualize yourself passing
What should you do if you have pre-test jitters?
every page
Where should you put your name and section?
types of questions and amounts
When you first look through a paper test, what should you see?
What should you itemize on each section
easy questions
When taking a paper test, what type of questions should you do first?
Read, underline, and what again
key words
What type of words should you underline
When taking an online test, what will the questions be
1 minute before its due
When should you set your timer when taking an online test
an essay
What should you do last when finishing a test?
20 seconds
If you panic, how long of a break should you take?
get up early, set 2 alarms, and log in before the test starts
How can you start an online test at home?
1 minute before the test ends
When should you press submit?
fill out the questions randomly
If you are running short on time, what should you do at the 5 minute mark?
For a scantron, what wont work?
every 10th question
When should you check that you are on track when taking a scantron
memory level and higher level
What are the two levels of questions?
questions that focus on facts
What is a memory level question
questions that go beyond facts
What are higher level questions
applications, examples, syntheses, analyses, and conclusions
What do higher-level questions ask for?
cover them
What should you do to the choices?
obviously wrong answers
Cross out what type of answers
choose one
If 2 answers have similar words what should you do?
eliminate grammatically incorrect choices
For sentence completion problems what should you do?
the middle value
For a wide range of values which one should you choose?
to test your knowledge on lists
What do teachers use multiple choice questions for?