History 10/30 quiz

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what decision did the United States about who would be free

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what decision did the United States about who would be free

north would be free, south would be slave, they would try to coexist

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why did the north oppose slavery

not necessarily for moral reason, but because its bad for business

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when was the Louisiana purchase


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when was the mexican american war


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what was the Missouri compromise 1820

for each new state in the union, one would be free and one would be slave

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compromise of 1850

california entered into union as free

utah and new mexico could vote (popular sovereignty)

Keep the North happy by making California a free state, and end the slave trade in Washington dc

strengthen the fugitive slave clause by passing the fugitive slave law that allowed Southerners to recapture slaves in the North, also allowed Utah and New Mexico to vote on whether or not to allow slavery (popular sovereignty)

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what question sparked the compromise of 1850

would the new land won in the war with mexico be slave or free?

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How do southerners see the constitution in regard to slavery

it explicitly allows for it

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what did Calhoun think about the DOI

Hierarchy not equality was the natural order of things, constitution lays out this hierarchy, constitution embodies the true principle value of inequality

Doling out equality too broadly was dangerous and threatened to give a voice in democracy to those who were not equipped to handle it. Which would hurt and weaken society

The freedom of whites rested on the slavery of black people

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many founding fathers believed that slavery was a “necessary evil”

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what pro slavery advocates believed about the constitution

Fugitive Slave Clause affirms that the founders explicitly sought to protect slavery as a constitutional right of property

The Fifth Amendment was about due process protections of property–not about the liberty of the slave 

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Why could no compromise be reached about slavery?

Both believed that they had god on their side, that the constitution/DOI was written in their favor

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Moderate republicans were against slavery because…

it was bad for capitalism/competition, it was cruel (but not immoral), slavery devalues labor

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what were moderate republicans views on equality

white people and black people not equal, not deserving of equal rights

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what society was abraham lincoln a part of

american colonization society, supported the idea of shipping emancipated slaves to Africa

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what did moderate republicans believe about DOI

proclaimed principles of equality and liberty

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what did moderate republicans believe about the constitution

anti-slavery document, constitution affirmed that everyone born free, congress had no right to allow slavery

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what event inspired the radical abolitionists

the second great awakening

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what do radical abolitionists believe about god + slavery

it goes against god’s wishes, and jesus is coming back to earth very soon and those participating in slavery will be judged

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what did radical abolitionists believe about the constitution?

John C Calhoun is right that the Constitution protects slavery

The constitution is not something beautiful, but protecting a corrupt system

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what did radical abolitionists believe about the DOI?

Proclaimed the equality of all men

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key radical abolitionist?

William Lloyd Garrison

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what did radical abolitionists believe was the best way to end slavery

for the northern states to secede from the union

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what was the Kansas Nebraska Act


created two new territories

left it up to the people to vote to be slave or free

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what was bleeding kansas


slavery supporters burned/looted an abolitionist town

abolitionist John Brown and others retaliated, killed 5 men

senator charles sumner made a speech critizing the south for supporting the k-n act, senator preston brooks beat him with a cane

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what was harpers ferry

attempt by john brown to start an armed slave revolt

it failed and brown was hung

becomes a martyr

southerners now paranoid about a slave uprising

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when was dred scott v stanford


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who was dred scott

enslaved man who moved to Illinois with his master, where slavery was illegal, then moved back to Missouri and filed a lawsuit claiming that his residence in a free state made him free

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what were the questions in the dred scott case

Can a black person be a citizen and therefore sue in federal court?

Does residence in a free state make one free?

Did congress possess the power to prohibit slavery in a territory in the first place

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who is chief justice in 1854

roger taney

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what does taney rule about dred scott case (three thigns)

Black people are not citizens of the US (not just slaves)

Residence in a free state does not make one free, because slaves are always property

Congress never had the power to make slavery illegal in the first place

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in what year is lincoln elected


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why do the south feel lincoln does not represent them

he won but with less than half of the vote, received no southern votes

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how does the south act on their outrage over lincoln's election

spread rumors about him and his ethnicity

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who controlled the government for the first 61 years of its creation

the south

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when does the civil war end


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what were the main conflicts being fought over in the civil war

meaning of American democracy, national identity, citizenship, national unity

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what amendment made slavery illegal in the US

thirteenth amendment, passed 6 months after the civil war’s end

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during what years was the reconstruction


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what changes about the meaning of the constitution after the war

now an anti-slavery document

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how did radical republicans view freedom after the war

The vote

right to property, education, fair trials, freedom from discrimination

Equality = Equality of Rights

Cannot just end slavery and have black people compete equally with white for jobs

Goal of civil war to create a racially equal society

Inspired by garrison, brown, second great awakening

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how did radical republicans view the federal government after the war

Federal government should promote & protect equal rights

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how did moderate republicans view freedom after the war

Free to labor (economic autonomy)

With free labor, every other right would naturally follow

The South would eventually come to resemble the “free society” of the North

Equality = Equality of Opportunity

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how did moderate republicans view the federal government after the war

Federal government should give tools to make equal opportunity possible

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how did democrats view freedom after the war

Absence of slavery

Every other attribute of citizenship was a privilege reserved for whites

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how did democrats view federal government after the war

No need for federal involvement.

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which of the four plans for reconstruction are enacted

presidential reconstruction

radical reconstruction

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what was the first plan for reconstruction

lincoln’s 10% plan

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what was lincoln’s 10% plan

10% of each southern state’s population had to swear loyalty to the US to be a state

southern states could set up new governments

confederate soldiers pardoned

states had to abide by emancipation proclamation

federal government had to provide basic education to black people so they could be competitive in job market

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what was the Freedman’s bureau

part of 10% plan

federal government had to…

Provide aid to the poor and aged

Secure former slaves equal treatment before the law

Distribute abandoned and confiscated land for sale to former slaves

lasted 1865 - 1872

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who is the leading congressional figure after the war and what party does he belong to

Thaddeus Stephens, radical republican

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what does stephens say about lincoln’s plan

too easy on the south, doesn’t thoroughly protect rights of black people

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who proposed the wade davis bill

thaddeus stepens

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what was the wade davis bill

50% of each state pop had to swear loyalty

confederate soldiers/officials would lose right to vote

states under military regime

states had to grant black people the right to vote

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why is the wade davis bill not passed

lincoln vetoes, is too harsh, should not treat states like conquered nations

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when is lincoln assasinated

april, 1865

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who becomes president after lincoln

andrew johnson

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what political party is johnson/ views on slavery

democrat, doesn’t like slavery bc he thinks that it took jobs away from white people

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what was presidential reconstruction

called for speedy reintegration to union

every confederate who had more than 20k before war would not be pardoned unless they begged

didn’t see giving black people right to vote as necessary

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why is presidential reconstruction passed

congress out of session while Johnson passes it

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what were the Black Codes

Laws passed by the new southern governments that attempted to regulate the lives of former slaves

Denied right to testify against whites, 

could not have guns

could not vote

Could not be part of army

could not serve on juries

If don’t, then arrested and could be hired out in prison to work for free (on railroads, etc)

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what is radical response to black codes

believed that they violated free labor principles of the north

showed South’s inability to accept emancipation, inability to accept the union’s definition of democracy

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what four actions fell under radical reconstruction

  • Civil Rights Act 1866

    • Johnson vetoes, congress overrides

  • Reconstruction Act 1867

    • Johnson vetoes, congress overrides

  • 14th amendment (ratified 1868)

    • Johnson objects

  • 15th amendment (ratified 1870)

    • Johnson objects

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what was the civil rights bill 1866

First attempt to give concrete meaning to the freedom granted in the 13th amendment

defined all people born in the US as citizens

no state could deprive people of  ights to make contracts, bring lawsuits, or enjoy equal protection of one’s person or property

no mention of black people getting a vote

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what was johnson’s response to the civil rights bill

he vetos it:

said that the act would centralize power in the national government

Said black people did not deserve the rights of citizenship. By acting to secure their rights, congress discriminated “against the white race”

congress overrides veto

first major law to override presidential veto

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what are the three major clauses in the firs section of the 14th amendment

the citizenship clause

anyone born in US is a citizen, can be naturalized

the due processes clause

procedural (what happens if court limits your rights)

substantive (what happens if gov wants to restrict major rights)

the equal protection clause
everyone entitle to equal protection under the law

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when was the 14th amendment ratified


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what document does the 14th amendment get closer to resembling


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when was the reconstruction act


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what was the reconstruction act

divided south into 5 military districts

gave black men right to vote

johnson vetoed congress overode

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what plan is the reconstruction act similar to

wade davis bill, conquered nation

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when was the 15th amendment ratified


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what did the 15th amendment do

gave voting rights to black men (not any women)

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what did the wording of the 15th amendment allow for

practices such as literacy tests/poll taxes that legally stripped black men of voting rights

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what was the thirteenth amendment

abolished slavery except for punishment of crime, exploited by the black codes

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how many black Americans held public office during the reconstruction

around 2000

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what was the tenure act

created after republicans outrage by Johnson, looking for a way to impeach him

says that to appoint an official the president must get congressional approve

jonhnson ignored it

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when was johnson’s impeachment trial


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was johnson impeached

no, saved by one vote, said that it would allow for congress to impeach anyone who they did not agree with

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slaughterhouse case - when and what


limited equal protection clause - 14th Amendment only written to give equality to former slaves, not everyone

limited privileges and immunities clause - 14th Amendment only says that states can’t infringe on a few federal privileges, not all

led to separate but equal

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Cruikshank case - when and what


Individual action is not regulated by the 14th Amendment

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Civil Rights Cases - when and what


The action of private entities is not regulated by the 14th Amendment

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Plessy vs. Ferguson - when and what


seperate but equal permissable under 14th amendment

not overturned until 1954

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what led to the end of radical reconstruction

radical Republicans replaced by more moderate Republicans

grew tired of trying to control the south, wanted to reach an agreement

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what election marked the end of reconstruction


republicans said they would end military control over the south if they allowed for their candidate to win the election

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how did the north define freedom

each man enjoys the products of his labor

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why did the north see the war as necessary

If democracy hinges on the idea of every man being free, and in this society every man is not free, then there can be no democracy

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how did the south define democracy

power to do “as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor”

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why did the south see the war as necessary

think that black and white people should not be equal, and that god is on their side

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