Person/event in the OT that points to something in the NT
Original holiness
Original state of human beings in their relationship with God
Original justice
the state of harmony of our first parents with themselves, each other, and all of creation
inclination to sin
divine pedagogy
the way God teaches/reveals himself
How do the OT and the NT connect
NT is found in the OT. OT is fulfilled in the NT
What is the Enuma Elish
The babylonian creation story
What are some themes for the Enuma Elish
older gods vs newer gods. humans were slaves to the gods
When the the firs creation account written
during the babylonian exile
What sort of questions are the authors of the creation accounts answering
questions of meaning
How do we approach the second creation account
Adam and Eve. It’s more closely detailed. God is closer to his creation
Why did the first humans have free will in the first place
because God wanted humans to willingly choose him
What was at the heart of the fall
What does Protoevangelium mean
the first gospel
What is the symbolism behind the language
Woman = Mary/You=Satan/Her offspring=Jesus
What was Cain’s attitude towards his offering in the first place
He wants to bring glory to himself
Harmony between Cain and Abel
Cain killed Abel. No more harmony
harmony within Cain is gone
no inner harmony
No harmony with creation
God told Cain he couldn’t bare food from the ground
What is the phrase God repeats to his people in the OT?
“They will be my people and I will be their God”
What language does They will be my people and I will be their God” signify
covenant language
How do people generally respond to "They will be my people and I will be their God”
They reject God and his covenant
What sort of relationship is God offering to the people in the covenants
Are we in a covenant now
Yes-The New Covenant
How is a great nation fulfillled
animal cutting ceremony
how is a great name fulfilled
how is worldwide blessing fulfilled
the almost sacrifice of Isaac
What was God essentially saying in the strange chopped-up animals cereony
If i break this covenant let me be cut in half like these animals
What is the bassic family tree of the ISrealites at the end of Genesis
What is rhe deeper significance of God giving over his name
He desires a personal relationship with his people
What is the message that God is sendin gto the Pharaoh, Egyptians, and the Israelites through the plagues
He is killing the gods of Egypt. Breaks Israels addiction to power
What is the sign of the covenant with Moses
What is the condition of the Mosaic covenant
keep the law + commandments
On mount Sinai, what sort of nation does God tell Moses that Israel is to be
a holy nation
What is Moses’ message of two ways
obedience and disobedience
Why does God call the judges
They are called because Israel followed other gods + provoked the Lord
What is the role of the judges
Their role was to bring the Israelites back the the Lord
What was the cycle of judges which the Israelits experiences at the time
Serve Lord, Idolatry, Judges, Israel is delivered
Why do the Israelites want a king
to be like other nations
What does it mean to be the annointed one
the one chosen by God
How does David being the annointed one affect the way he treats Saul
he decided not to kill Saul because it’s not what God would do
WHo were the Judges in order
Saul 2. David 3. Solomon
Who moves the Ark to Jerusalem and makes it the capital city
What is God’s covenant with David
He promises his throne will last forever
What happened during the babylonian exile
The israelites forgot God so Jerusalem was invaded + destroyed
What is the book of Lamentations
The Israelites reflecting + mourning Israel
What are the themes in the book of Lamentations
Lady Zions grief
Fall of Jerusalem
The suffering one
The siege of Jerusalem
Communal prayer for God’s mercy
How does Isiah describe the Messiah
the suffering servant
what are some specific details from the Suffering Servant passage
Brings light to people, upon Davids throne, God Hero, Forever Father, Prince of Peace
Who is the audience of the gospel of mark
Jewish Christians
What are the themes in Mark
Messianic Secret
Son of God
Authority/mighty deeds/ power/divinity
demands of discipleship
jesus vs rel leaders
jeses vs satan
jesus vs disciples
What are the Father’s words at the Baptism and the transfiguration
Your are my beloved Son
WHy si John the baptist imprisoned
he didn’t approve of Herod’s unlawful marriage
What is the double meaning of the healing of the paralytic
physical and mental/spiritually healing
What si the basic message of the arable of the Sower
You must be open to receiving God’s word in order to grow (bear fruit)
WHat analogy does Jesus use about Satan in the Belzebul Story
The strong man (Satan) being tied up by the stronger man (Jesus)
What conflicts occur with the disciples in the violent storm and walking of water scene
Jesus shows his divinity over nature. The disciples were terrified + didn’t have faith
WHat is the demoniacs response to hsi healing
he wants to stay and follow Jesus. Jesus tells him to go back to his family and preach what just happened
what sort of territory is the demoniac living in
gentile territory
How does the feeding of the 5000 reference past and future events
past: Manna
future: Eucharist
What truly causes defilement
unchastity, diety, pride, envy, murder, greed, malice, blasphemy
What does Perter confess, and why is he rebuked by Jesus
Peter doesn’t believe Jesus when he said that he would suffer + die. Jesus calls him Satan
How does Jeuss’ prediction contrast with the Jewish Messianic expectations
Jesus said he would suffer + die. The Jewish expectations were that Jesus would live forever and never suffer
What demands of discipleship Jesus lists at the end of chapter 8
deny yourself and take up your cross
Why is there conflict with Jesus and the Pharisees
The Pharisees were man because Jesus’ disciples weren’t following the tradition of the elders
What is the role of the Pharisees
Had a quest for holiness + separation. Tried to seperate Israel from the Gentiles
Why does Jesus refer to “dogs” and “children in his conversation with the Syrophoenician woman
The gospel is offered to Jews before the Gentiles.
Dogs: Gentiles
Children: Jews
How much one be childlike in order to enter the kingdom
humility, faith, perservearance
What visual images does Jesus use to explain sin and lead others to sin
cutting of your hand
What does Jesus say in response to the request of James and John
They must drink from his cup and be baptized with his baptism
What occurs in the story of Bartimaeus
He is blind but can see Jesus’ messianic identity
How is Jesus greeted upon entering Jerusalem
everyone welcomes him shouting “hosanna” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Wicked Tenants
The wicked tenants who beat up the vineyard owner
WHat does each thing mean in the parable of the wicked tenants
Tenants: Israel’s leaders
Servants: OT prophets
vineyard: Israel
Beloved son: Jesus
tower: temple
owner: God
What does Jesus predict in Matthew 13
Jesus predicts the end of time
What is the meaning of Apocalypse
the end
What is the meaning of apokalupis
What does Jesus quote while on the corss
“my God my God why have you abandoned me”
What is the role of Simon in Marks Passion Account
he helped Jesus carry his cross
What is the role of the centurion in Marks Passion Account
realized Jesus was truly the Messiah
What is the role of barabbus in Marks Passion Account
was released instead of Jesus
What is the role of joseph in Marks Passion Account
was given Jesus’ body to bury, burries Jesus
What is the role of mary magdalene in Marks Passion Account
saw where Jesus was laid
What are the major themes of the Gospel of Matthew
kingdom of heaven
Who is the audience of Matthew
What do the gifts of the magi represent
Gold: Kingship
Frank: Divinity
Myrrh: Death
Why is it the teaching gospel
it includes a lot of Jesus’ teachings
How is Jesus the New moses
They both taught on a mountain
Baptized int he Jordan River
What are the other teachings we covered in Matthew, from the Sermon on the mount and otherwise
parables about the kingdom
the parables reveal nature of the kingdom of God
What are the major themes in Luke
Universal message of salvation (Jews, Gentiles, Lowly)
WHo is the audience of Luke
Gentile Christians
What are the words of Mary to Gabriel
What ais the magnificat
Mary’s song of praise to God for his mercy, reversing human expectations/raising up the lowly
What does the manger represent
Manger: feeding trough for animals
foreshadows Jesus’ death and the Eucharist
What are th emajor themes in John
Divine family
Human family
What is the purpose of the book of John
to show God’s love
What is the meaning of Logos
the song of God
What is the meaning of incarnation
God’s eternal song without loss of divine nature
Divine family
the only son has revealed the father
Human family
those who will accept the light become children of God