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Three Properties of Color
Hue: Name of color
Value: lightness or darkness of a color
Intensity/ saturation: strength, purity of Color(also called saturation)
Primary Colors
Red,Yellow,Blue(Colors that cannot be mixed)
Note- printers use red, green, blue middle because color originates from light rather then pigment
Secondary Colors
Orange, green, Violet (created by mixing equal amounts of any two primary colors)
Tertiary colors
Yellow orange, red orange,red violet, blue violet,blue green,yellow green,
Made my mixing equal quality primary color with it’s secondary next to it on the color wheel
Warm Colors
Warm colors tend to advanced
Cool Colors
Cool colors tend to recede
Range of colors used in a painting
Complementary colors
Colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel, Placed it next to each other, complementary colors increase intensity and create a”buzz” When mixed or layered they neutralize each other
Monochromatic color
Composition limited to a single hue
Analogous color
Hues adjacent on the color wheel(yellow,yellow green,green)
A hue with white added to it
A darker tone of color Achieved by adding black or other dark hue
Chromatic Gray
A neutral created from two complements where the eyes can distinguish a Color biased towards one of the compliments
Achromatic Gray
A Gray color in which red,green,blue codes are exactly equal
Josef Albers
-father of modern color theory
-“color is never seen as it really is”
Optical mixing
Color is never absolute because colors are always influenced by the color in which they are juxtaposed
Zheng Liang Feng
Native to shanghai and immigrated to the United States in 1986
earned master of fine arts at radford where he also Taught for many years