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cover surfaces, line body cavities, form protective sheets around organs
functions of body membranes
cutaneous, mucous, serous
list the epithelial membranes (3)
cutaneous membrane
epithelial membrane composed of epidermis and dermis; exposed to air and is dry
stratified squamos epithelium
tissue type of epidermis
dense irregular (fibrous) connective
tissue type of dermis
mucous membrane
epithelial membrane that lines all body cavities open to exterior (respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive); bathed in secretations or urine; absorption and secretion
epithelium / loose (areolar) connective tissue / lamina propria
mucous membrane is composed of ___ resting on a ___ membrane called a ____
stratified squamos epithelium (mouth, esophagus) or simple columnar (digestive)
tissue type of most mucosae
does the urinary tract secrete lubricating mucus?
serous membrane
epithelial membrane that lines open body cavities and compartments in ventral body cavity closed to exterior; occur in pairs (parietal and visceral)
layer of simple squamos resting on thin areolar connective
tissue type of serous membrane
serous layer that lines a specific portion of the wlal of the ventral body cavity
serous layer that covers the outside of the organ in that cavity
serous fluid
serous layers separated by ____ that allows the organs to slide easily across cavity walls and one another w/o friction or pain
serosa lining abdominal cavity and covering its organs
serosa surrounding lungs
serosa surrounding heart
synovial membrane
connective tissue membrane that lines fibrous capsules arround joints, provide a smooth surface, and secrete lubircating fluid, and line bursae and tendon sheaths
loose areolar connective (NO epithelial)
tissue type of synovial membrane
another name for cutaneous membrane is?
maintains boudnaries by keeping water and others in and excess out; blocks bacteria; prevent heat loss
functions of skin
integumentary system
skin and its appendages (sweat and oil glands, hair, nails)
insulates and cushions deep organs; protection from mechanical damage (bumps and cuts), chemical damage (acids and bases), thermal damage (heat and cold), UV radiation (sun), and microbes; prevents water loss; regulate heat loss; excretion
functions of integumentary system
urea, salts, water / sweating / vitamin D, acid mantle (protect against bacterial invasion)
what does the skin excrete and when? What does the skin produce?
burn or friction causes separation of epidermis and dermis, and interstitial fluid accumulates in cavity
how do blisters form?
tissue type of hypodermis (subcutaneous)
no / skin / organs / nutrient storage / shock absorber / insulates / curves
Is the hypodermis part of the skin? It anchors the ____ to underlying ___ and provides a site for ____. It serves as a ____ and ____ the deeper tissues from extreme temp changes. Also results in women’s ____.
keratinocytes / desmosomes
most cells of the epidermis are this, which produce the fibrous protein that makes it a tough protective layer; they are connected by?
is the epidermis vascular or avascular?
stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum
list the epidermis layers from deepest to most superficial
stratum basale
deepest epidermis layer connected to dermis along wavy border; contins most adequately noursihed cells; cells constantly dividing
stratum spinosum
epidermis layer in which cells contain thick bundles of intermediate filaments made of pre-keratin
sratum granulosum
epidermis layer in which cells are flattened, organelles are deteriorating, cytoplasm full of granules, and more keratinized
stratum lucidum
clear epidermis layer only present in areas where skin is hairless and thick (palms and soles)
accumulating keratin, water-repellent glycolipid secreted, distance from blood supply, inadequate nutrients and oxygen
reasons for epidermal cells dying in lucidum —>
stratum corneum
outermost epidermal layer 20-30 cell layers thick, accounting for ¾ of epidermis; shinglelike dead clels completely filled with keratin are cornified
abundance of tough keratin proteins
why is the stratum corneum a durable body coating
melanin / melanocytes / stratum basale
pigment that ranges in color from yellow to brown to black and produced by special spider-shaped cells called ____. found chiefly in ____.
freckles and moles
forms where melanin is concentrated in one spot
epidermal dendritic cells
important sentries that alert and activate immune system cells to a threat of bacteria or virus
merkel cells / merkel discs
found at epidermal-dermal junction and associated with sensory nerve endings and tough receptors called ____
leathery skin, depressed immune system, human herpesvirus 1 (cause cold sores), skin cancer
effects of excessive exposure to UV light
skin’s natural sunscreeen
your “hide”, strong, strethcy envelope that helps bind body together; composed of 2 major regions (papillary and reticular)
areolar connective tissue
tissue type of papillary dermis layer
dense irregular connective tissue
tissue type of reticular dermis layer
papillary layer / dermal papillae
superficial dermal region that is uneven and has peglike projections called ____ which indent epidermis
capillary loops / pain / touch
papillary layer may contain ____, which furnish nutrients to epidermis. others house ____ receptors (free nerve endings) and ____ receptors
papillary patterns
ridges of fingertips and gripping ability of fingers and feet caused by?
reticular layer
deepest skin layer containing blood vessels, sweat and oil gands, and deep pressure receptors called almellar corpuscles
cutaneous sensory receptors
tiny sensors located in skin that help with touch, pressure, temp, and pain receptors, prevent microbes from penetrating body
what type of fibers are responsible for toughness of dermis, attract water, and keep skin hydrated
what type of fibers give the skin elasticity and youth
number of collagen and elastic fibers decreases, and hypodermis (subcutaneous) layer loses fat leading to wrinklage
why does our skin age
vascular / homeostasis of body temp
is the dermis vascular or avascular and why is that important?
capillaries / swollen / red and warm / radiate from / bypasses / capillaries
When the body temp is high, ____ of the dermis become ____ with heated blood, and skin becomes ____ so that body heat can ____ skin surface. When temp low, blood _____ _____.
decubitus ulcers
occur in bedridden patients who are not turned regularly or who are dragged or pulled across the bed repeatedly
yellow, reddish brown, or black
color(s) of melanin in epidermis
sunlight exposure (leads to tan)
what stimulates melanocytes to produce more melanin pigment
melanosomes / keratinocytes / shields
as the melanocytes produce melanin, it accumulates in their cytoplasm in membrane-bound granules called ____. granules then move to ends of melanocyte spidery arms, where taken up by ____. Inside keratinocytes, melanin ____ DNA from UV damage
brown-toned / light
people who produce a lot of melanin have ____ skin and people with less have ___ skin
strtum corneum and subutaneous tissue
carotene is deposited in the
what color is carotene pigment
dermal blood vessels
hemoglobin is found in
oxygen-rich hemoglobin in dermal blood supply flushes through transparent cell layers above
why does the skin of light people appear rosy
blood and skin appears blue whe hemoglobin poorly oxygenated (in light-skinned people); common during heart failure and breathing disorders
redness is also known as
fever, hypertension, inflammation, and allergy result in ____ skin
anemia, emotional stress, low blood pressure, and impaired blood flow result in ____ skin
jaundice (yellow cast)
an abnormal yellow skin tone signifying a liver disorder in which excess bile pigments accumulate in blood, ciculate thru body, and deposit in body tissues
bruise / vitamin C / hemophilia
black-and-blue mark where blood escaped from circulation and clotted in tissue spaces; tendency to do this may signify a ___ deficiency or ____
clotted blood masses
skin apendages
include cutaneous glands, hair and hair follicles, and nails; physically located in dermis but produced by epidermal layer
cutaneous glands
exocrine glands that release secretions to skin surface via ducts; formed by stratum basale and pushed into deeper skin; 2 types (sebaceous and sweat)
sebaceous glands
oild glands found all over skin except palms and soles; ducts usually empty into hair follicle
product of sebaceous glands that is a mixture of oily substances and fragmented cells; lubricant to keep skin soft and moist and prevent hair brittling; kills bacteria
sebaceous gland ducts blocked by sebum and infected
whitehead / blackhead
If sebum in ducts does not dry, ___ forms. If it oxidizes and dries, a ___ will form
“cradle cap”, overactivity of sebaceous glands
sweat / eccrine / apocrine
sudiferous glands, also known as ___, have 2 types: ___ and ___
eccrine glands
sweat gland that is more numberous and found all over; secretes sweat (water plus some slats, vitamin C, and traces of wastes and lactic acid)
inhibits bacterial growth
Why is it important that sweat is acidic? How does sweat reach the skin surface
eccrine glands
glands important in body’s heat regulation; supplies with nerve endings
appocrine glands
glands largely confined to axillary (armpit) and genitals; larger and ducts empty into hair follicles; secretions contain fatty acids and protectins; milky or yellowish color
bacteria uses proteins and fats as nuctrient sources
when does sweat stink?
palms, soles, nipples, lips
where is hair not found on body
T or F: Humans are born with as many hair follicles as they will ever have
guarding head against bumps, shielding eyes, keeping stuff out of resipratory tract
functions of hair
part of hair enclosed in hair follicle
part of hair projecting from surface of scalp or skin
hair forms by division of well-nourished stratum basale epithelial cells in ___
each hair made up of a central core called ___, consisting of large cells and air spaces
bukly layer composed of several layers of flattned cells surrounding medulla
encloses cortex; formed by single layer of cells overlapping; most keratinized region
abrasion causes cuticle to wear at shaft tip and inner hair regions frizz out
how do split ends form
eyebrows / head / smooth / wavy / flatt / curly
hair is short and stiff in ____, long and flexible on ___. When hair shaft is oval, hair is ___ and ____. When shalft is ____, the hair is ___
hair follices
compound structures; inner epithelial root sheath composed of epihtlial and forms hair
fibrous sheath
outer dermal connective tissue that supplies blood vessels to epidermal protion and reinforces it
hair papilla / hair bulb
____ provides blood supply to the matrix in ___
arrector pili
small bands of smooth muscle cells that connect each side of follicle to dermal tissue…goose bumps