Chapter 16: Pollution, The Environment and Global Warming

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Command and control methods of pollution reduction involve

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Command and control methods of pollution reduction involve

direct government regulation of pollution through taxes or emissions limits.

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Negative externalities from pollution include

negative health impacts and associated health care costs resulting from pollution for those living downstream or downwind from pollution- emitting firms, reductions in property or product value, limits on views because of smog, smoke or exhaust, as well as impacts on climate change.

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________ is contamination of the 'environment that causes instability, harm, or disruption to ecosystems.

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Negative externalities

________ are not limited to pollution- related situations.

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The tragedy of the commons describes

how collective ownership of a resource can lead to overuse and destruction of the resource.

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cap and trade system of pollution reduction

In a cap and trade system of pollution reduction, polluters can buy tradable pollution rights that give the right to emit a specific amount of pollutant. The amount of tradable pollution rights issued is capped at the desired pollution level.

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Carbon offsets are

reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide in one place that offset emissions of carbon dioxide made elsewhere.

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Emissions limits place

controls or restrictions on specific sources of pollutants.

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