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Foreign Commerce Clause
Vests Congress with the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations
Treaty Clause
States that the president shall have the power to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur
Bilateral treaty
Between two nations
Multilateral treaty
Involves more than two nations
Treaty sponsored by an international organization
General Assembly
Legislative body that is composed of all UN member nations
– Adopts resolutions concerning human rights, trade, finance, and economics
Security Council
Composed of 15 member nations
– Five permanent members
– Ten members are chosen by the members of General Assembly, responsible for maintaining international peace and security
Staff of persons that administers the day-to- day operations of the UN
– Headed by the secretary-general, who is elected by the General Assembly
United Nations Agencies
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Agency of the United Nations whose primary function is to provide aid to improve the lives of the world’s children
– Goal is to provide humanitarian aid and assistance to children and mothers of children in developing countries
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Agency of the United Nations whose primary function is to promote sound monetary, fiscal, and macroeconomic policies worldwide by providing assistance to poor countries
Council of Ministers
Composed of representatives from each member country who meet periodically to coordinate efforts to fulfill objectives of the treaty
European Union Commission
Charged to act in the best interest of the union
– Independent of the member nations
Single monetary unit that has been adopted by many countries of the EU that comprise the eurozone
ASEAN Plus Three (APT)
Includes China, Japan, and South Korea
ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)
• ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA)
• ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership
• ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA)
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Comprising of the oil-producing and oil-exporting countries of the world
Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)
An association of several Central American countries and the United States designed to reduce tariffs and trade barriers among member nations
Comprised of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela
Andean Community of Nations (CAN)
Comprised of Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru
Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
Economic organization consisting of 12 member nations with a population of approximately 400 million people
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Multilateral treaty that establishes trade agreements and limits tariffs and trade restrictions among its member nations
WTO panel
Body of three WTO judges that hears trade disputes between member nations and issues panel reports
WTO dispute settlement body
Composed of one representative from each WTO member nation that reviews panel reports
WTO appellate body
Panel of seven judges selected from WTO member nations that hears and decides appeals from decisions of the dispute-settlement body
National courts
Courts of individual nations
– Primarily deals with commercial disputes between private litigants
Choice of forum clause (forum-selection clause)
Designates which nation’s court has jurisdiction to hear a case arising out of the contract
Choice of law clause
Designates which nation’s laws will be applied in deciding a dispute arising out of the contract
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA)
Governs suits against foreign nations that are brought in federal or state courts in the United States
– Codifies the principle of:
Qualified immunity
Restricted immunity
Commercial activity exception
States that a foreign country is subject to lawsuit in the United States if it:
Engages in commercial activity in the United States
Carries on such activity outside the United States but causes a direct effect in the United States