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A collection of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service
Competitive Market
in which there are so many buyers and sellers, each only has a small impact on price and output
Perfectly Competitive Markets
All goods are offered the exact same
There are so many buyers and sellers that the actions of no individual have an impact on the market price (price takers)
Quantity Demanded
The amount of that good or service that buyers are willing and able to purchase
Depends on the price
Law of Demand
All else equal, quantity demanded falls when the price of a good or service rises, and rises when the price falls. People are willing and able to purchase more when the good is cheaper.
Demand Schedule
A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good or service, and the quantity demanded
Demand Curve
A graph of the relationship between prices and quantities demanded at those prices (for individuals or the whole market)
Movement along the demand curve
Occurs when there is a change in quantity demanded due to price
Shifts along the demand curve
Occurs when there is a change in quantity demanded at every price due to a change in something other than the price
Leftward shifts along the demand curve
when the quantity demanded decreases for every given price
Rightward shifts along the demand curve
When the quantity demanded increases for every given price
Demand Shifters
Prices of Related Goods
Changes in Tastes and Preferences
Number of Buyers
Normal Good
demand for a good shifts left when income falls, and shifts right when income rises
ex. fancy steak dinner, new car
Inferior Good
demand for a good shifts right when income falls, and shifts left when income rises
ex. packaged ramen noodles, bicycle
Goods that are used together
Demand shifts to the left when the price of a complement rises and shifts right when the price of a complement falls
ex. peanut butter and jelly
Goods that are used in place of each other
Demand shifts left when the price of a substitute falls, and shifts right when the price of a substitute rises
ex. Coke and Pepsi, Verizon and AT&T
Expectations causing Shifts in the demand curve
Includes expectations about future prices or your future income
ex. If gallon gas is going to be several dollars cheaper next week, buyers may hold off filling up their tanks until next week. This shifts today’s demand left.
Changes in Tastes and Preferences causing Shifts in the demand curve
Crocs went out of style in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Demand shifted to the left. In 2020, Crocs became popular again, and demand shifted right.
Number of Buyers causing Shifts in the demand curve
Market demand depends on the number of buyers in the market. If the number of buyers increases, the demand shifts right. If the number decreases, demand shifts left.
Quantity Supplied
the amount of a good or service that sellers/producers/suppliers are willing and able to sell
Depends on price
Law of Supply
all else equal, quantity supplied falls when the price of a good or service falls, and rises when the price rises. Sellers are willing and able to sell more when the good is more expensive. They want to not only cover their costs, but also make a profit
Supply Schedule
the relationship between the price of a good or service, and the quantity supplied
Supply Curve
the graph of the relationship between prices and quantities supplied at those prices (individuals or the whole market)
Movement along the supply curve
occurs when there is a change in quantity supplied due to a change in price
Shifts in the supply curve
occurs when there is a change in quantity supplied at every price (due to a change in something other than the price)
Leftward shifts in the supply curve
occurs when the quantity supplied decreases for every given price
Rightward shifts in the supply curve
occurs when the quantity supplied increases for every given price
Factors that shift the supply curve
Number of sellers
used to create the final product or service
If the inputs change, this affects the final cost of the product or service, which affects the quantity that sellers are willing and able to supply at a given price
Technology shifting the supply curve
Availability of technological advancements affects the supply of goods and services
ex. A new fertilizer is invented. This fertilizer doubles the growth of speed of potatoes. This shifts the supply to the right.
Expectations shifting the supply curve
Expectations about the future may shift supply for a good or service today.
ex. If gas prices are going to increase next week, sellers may hold off on supplying some of their gas this week to wait for the higher prices
Number of sellers shifting the supply curve
Market supply depends on the number of sellers in the market. If the number of sellers increase, supply shifts to the right. If the number decreases, supply shifts left.
ex. Starbucks in Cookeville, TN shuts down. This decreases the supply of coffee in Tennessee
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: The price of air mattresses (a substitute) decreases
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: The price of memory foam mattresses decreases
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: The price of blankets (a complement) decreases
Shift Right
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: A new study is published showing that memory foam mattresses increase risk of death
Shift Left
Direction of Demand Shifts: Apple lowers the price for AirPods, which can be used instead of Beats by Dre (demand for Beats)
Shift Left
Direction of Demand Shifts: The price of baking soda, which can be used instead of baking powder, increases (demand for baking powder)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: Income increases (demand for RC Cola- an inferior good)
Shift Left
Direction of Demand Shifts: Nike releases new, extended sizing options for all shoes (demand for shoes)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: Vogue’s latest issue deems flannel “uncool” (demand for flannel shirts)
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: The price of chips (a complement) increases
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: The price of sandwiches will decrease next weekend
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: People lose their taste for sandwiches
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Demand Curve: Income increases
Shift Right (for a normal good) OR shift left (for an inferior good)
Direction of Demand Shifts: Income increases (demand for landscaping service- a normal good)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: The price of houses, which often need new carpet, decreases (demand for new carpet)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: The population of Cookeville, TN increases (demand for local cuisine)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: A viral trend shows people dying their hair rainbow colors (demand for hair dye)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: The price of fishing poles is expected to increase next week (demand for fishing poles)
Shift Right
Direction of Demand Shifts: Income decreases (demand for electric vehicles-a normal good)
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Supply Curve: The price of brass- an input into the production of keys- decreases
Shift Right
Movement or Shift in the Supply Curve: A technological innovations makes cutting teeth into keys easier
Shift Right
Movement or Shift in the Supply Curve: The price of keys is expected to increase next week
Shift Left
Movement or Shift in the Supply Curve: The price of keys is expected to decrease next week
Shift Right
Direction of Supply Shifts: The price of champagne will decrease next month (supply champagne)
Shift Right
Direction of Supply Shifts: The price of leather, used to make sneakers, decreases (supply of sneakers)
Shift Right
Direction of Supply Shifts: A new cohort of kids turn 14, and all are now eligible to get permits to work as babysitters (supply of babysitting service)
Shift Right
Direction of Supply Shifts:The price of fried chicken will increase next month (supply of fried chicken)
Shift Left
Direction of Supply Shifts: A new, more efficient piping tip for icing is released (supply of wedding cakes)
Shift Right
Market for Healthcare service- movement or shift: The price of medical equipment increases
Shift Left
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: A new hospital opens in the area
Shift RIght
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: The price of healthcare decreases
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: The minimum wage increases
Shift Left
Direction of Supply Shifts: The price of constructions materials, which are used to build houses, increases (supply of houses)
Shift Left
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: Income increases (supply of desks- a normal good)
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: Pop-up Halloween stores close after October 31st (supply of Halloween costumes)
Shift Left
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: A technological advancement makes producing bracelets more efficient (supply of bracelets)
Shift Right
Movement or Shift of the supply curve: The price of pigments (used to dye printer ink) decreases (supply of printer ink)
Shift right