Antonie van leeuwenhoek
Improved the first microscope
Who invented the first microscope
Zaccharias Janssen
Han Janssen
Robert Hooke
Coined the term Cells
Who is the Father of microscopy
Robert Hooke
Superphylum Stramenopila
Includes diatoms and brown and yellow algae
Stramenopila characteristics of movement
Two whip-like flagellae
Has hair like extensions that enhance movement
Organisms that make identical copies of themselves and live together as a colony
How do stramenopoles get their energy
Convert light energy to chemical energy
Do not consume other organisms for energy and use light energy
Primary producers
The base of the food chain on which all other animals depend
What type of producers are stramenopiles
Primary producers
Where are Protista viridiplantae found
Both marine and freshwater habitats
What type of producers are viridiplantae
Are viridiplantae parasitic
some of them are
What is a synapomorphy of Viridiplantae
presence of chlorophyll a and b
Examples of viridiplantae
Volvox globator
Euglena gracillis
Trypanosoma cruzi
Cells that form an outer parameter
Is Volvox globator asexual or sexual
colonies can form sexually or asexually
How do Volvox globator swim
What is Euglena gracilis characterized by
Two heterokont flagella
A specialized structure of the cell wall that is organized like aluminum siding to give protection
Where is E.gracilis commonly found
fresh water ponds and lakes
What are transparent parts of the cell
Obligate parasites
Must have a host to live
What disease does T. cruzi cause
Chagas disease
What disease does T. brucei cause
Sleeping sickness
What vector causes Chagas disease
Kissing bug
What vector causes sleeping sickness
Tsetse flies
What does T.cruzi attack
Muscle tissue
What does T.brucei attack
Nervous tissue
White blood cells
What is a synapomorphy of Superphylum Aveolata
The presence of a distinct sac-like alveolus or depression on the cell surface
What is the only parasitic Protozoan in Superphylum Avleolata
Plasmodium falciparum
Where are Avleolates normally found
Fresh or marine water
Hair like projections off the cell that help them move
Alveolates with a very distinctive morphology
What habitat are Dinoflagellates found
Marine but some have adapted to freshwater
Red tides
Dinoflagellates can build up neruotoxins and can kill off other marine life near them
Symboinots to sea anemones and corals they provide protection to the Zooxanthillae
Plasmodium falciparum
Protist that causes malaria
Apical complex
What differs P. falciparum from other protists
What represents the Superphylum Parabasalida
Trichomanas vaginalis
What is a synapomorphy of T. vaginalis
What synapomorphys do amoebas have
Arm like appendages amoebas have that pull it forward
Hyaline cap
The tip of the pseudopodium in amoebas is also fluid and also appears glassy
A condition in which an animal cannot be cut into two equal portions
Asymmetry example
Phylum Porifera
Radial symmetry
Occurs when there are two or more ways in which an animals body could only be cut to produce equal halves that are mirror images of each other
Biradical symmetry
an animal that can be cut with two planes to produce equal halves
Radial symmetry examples
Jellyfish, sea anemones, sea stars, sand dollars
Bilateral symmetry examples
A body can split into two equal halves left and right
Animals with bilateral symmetry that have all of their sense organs in their head and typically only move one direction
Radial plane
In radially symmetry animals any plane that can divide the body into equal halves
Oblique plane
Any plane that does not divide the body into equal halves
What is the oral surface of a jellyfish
Oral surface
The surface of the body where the mouth is located
Aboral surface
The opposite of the oral surface
Umbrellar surface
The aboral surface in jellyfish
Close to the central core
Far from the core
Most of young animals also differentiate into the basic type of embryotic tissues that will eventually be used to construct body tissues
Embryo after a zygote divides into two daughter cells
The cells divide to form eight cells then sixteen and so on
hollow sphere of the cell after cleavage
Cells of a morula or blastula
Polar bodies
The three excess cells produced during meiosis in the female
Formation of the stomach
Deepest levels of tissue and lines the lumen of he Archenteron
The outermost layer and lies in direct contact with the environment
A layer that is situated between the ectoderm and endodermal layers
Cellular grade
Constructed by loosely articulating clusters of cells
The arrangement of cellular grade organisms
A distinct deep layer endoderm and a distinct superficial layer ectoderm. Also lacks a mesodermal layer
Has all three types of embryonic tissue
Four basic categories of adult tissues
Epithelial tissues
Connective tissue
Muscle tissues
Nervous tissues
Epithelial tissues
specialized layers of cells that provide a protective barrier between the outside of an animal and other tissues of the animal or different regions of the same animal
Basal lamina
The layer of cells is attached to a common sheet of protein fibers that serves to align the cells
Apical end
The surface of each cell facing the space
What are different types of epithelia named for
Number of cell layers in the epithelium
Shape of cells
If multiple layers in the epithelia are evident
Cells of an epithelium are of variable size but in which all cells contact the basal lamina
Flat rectangular or cigar shaped cells
Tall rectangular cells
Cells that are square and round
Connective tissue that binds skeletal elements together
Connective tissue that binds muscles to skeletal elements
Skeletal muscle
Responsible for the movement of the bones
Dark bands
A bands
Lighter bands
I bands
Nervous tissue
Responsible for rapid transmission of information
Point of each neuron
filters food for the sponge
Three grades of complexity among sponges
The elements used to classify sponges into larger taxonomic levels
What synapomorphies are Class Calcarea Class Hexactinllida an Class Demospongaie all have
Spicules made of calcium carbonate
Presence of oscular spicules
What are members of Class Hexactinnelida commonly known as
Glass sponges
What synapomorphies do members of Class hexactinnelida have
Spicules compose of silicon and hexaxonix
Spicules are joined together and for a solid scaffold
Class hexactinnelida examples
Venus flower basket