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What is the Domino Theory?
the theory that if communism spread to one country it would spread to nearby countries
What was the New Look policy?
it increased American money and military
When was the Vietnam War?
what happened in the vietnam war?
The north was supported by Communist China and the USSR, and the south by the USA
When did China become communist?
1949, under Mao Zedong
Who was Mao Zedong?
Communist leader of China from 1949-1976. Known as the "Great Leader". He was a brutal leader, insuring his power by executing anyone who disagreed with him. He also set up labor camps where millions of people were sent and many died.
-became interested in the ideas of Marx and Lenin
When was the Treaty of Friendship?
What did the Treaty of Friendship say?
-$300 million in aid would be provided to China
-95% would need to be repaid with a large interest
-China had to give two of its major parts and the right to mine in Xinjiang to the USSR
What happened to Korea after WW2?
it was divided into two zones along the 38th parallel
-the north zone was occupied by the USSR and the south by USA
Give a run down of the Korean War
Feb: Stalin reluctantly agrees to provide North Korea with weapons to fight the South
June: The North invades the South and the UN calls for a ceasefire but the war continues
Sept: US-led forces drive the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel
Oct: Chinese troops enter the war and help launch a North Korean counterattack and Seoul is caputured
July 1953: final ceasefire with Peninsula divided almost the same as before
When was the Korean War?
a person who wants independence for their country
a version of Communism based on the ideas of Mao Tsetung
the right to overrule a decision
Viet minh
Vietnamese communists, supporters of Ho Chi Minh
the communist guerrilla fighters in Vietnam
Guerrilla warfare
A hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes
How did the treaty of friendship affect the relationship between the East and West?
It changed the balance of power - America's fear of communism has now reached fever pitch
What was the Arms Race?
Competition for supremacy in the nuclear warfare, between US, the soviet union and allies
What is mutually assured destruction?
a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender
When did the USA use the first hydrogen bomb?
November 1952
When did the USSR use their first hydrogen bomb?
August 1953
When did the USA develop U2 spy planes to spy on the Soviets?
July 1956
When did the USSR develop the first ICBM?
May 1957
When the USSR launch the first man-made satellite (Sputnik) ?
October 1957
When did the USSR launched the Sputnik II?
November 1957
When did the USA launch Explorer I?
December 1958
When did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space?
12th August 1961
When did the USSR detonate the biggest hydrogen bomb ever?
October 1961
When did Apollo 11 land Neil Armstrong on the moon?
July 1969
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
A nuclear missile capable of being carried and fired by submarines.
Duck and Cover Drills
schools practiced these during the Cold War era
When did Stalin die?
March 1953
North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries
When was NATO formed?
April 1949
Why was Truman keen to have US bases in Europe?
So they were protected from a possible Soviet attack and they could resist advances that Stalin could try to make.
What was the Warsaw Pact?
Military alliance in support of the USSR.
When was the Warsaw Pact formed?
May 1955
Why did Khrushchev form the Warsaw Pacr?
He was worried about NATO rearming Germany after they caused so much damage.
How did NATO and the Warsaw Pact increase tension?
They were both gathering huge military allies in case of a war. This acted as a deterrent because neither could attack without facing the disastrous consequences.
What was de-Stalinization?
Purging the country of Stalin's memory (led by Nikita Khrushchev).in 1956
What did Khrushchev do to destalinize Russia?
-made an attack on Stalin at the Communist Party International Conference
-dredged up evidence of Stalin's purges and denounced him as an enemy
What did De-Stalinization do?
-released more political prisoners
-closed down Cominform to reconcile with Yugoslavia
-invited Tito to Moscow
-dismissed Stalin's former Foreign minister Molotov
-wanted to improve the living standards of Soviet citizens
When was the Hungarian Uprising?
October 1956
Who led the Hungarian uprising?
Imre Nagy
Why did the Hungarians revolt?
-hated the restrictions Rakosi's Communism imposed on them
-they lived in fear of the Secret Police and resented the presence of Hungarian troops
Describe the Hungarian Uprising
-in June a group within the Communist Party opposed Rakosi and he was forced out of power
-in October, the giant statue of Stalin in Budapest was pulled down
Nagy's reforms
-free elections
-impartial courts
-restore farm land to private ownership
What did Nagy intend to do which made Khrushchev kill the uprising?
-leave the Warsaw pact and declare Hungary a neutral country
Soviet reaction to Nagy's intentions
-November 1956 thousands of Soviet troops and tanks moved into Budapest and two weeks of bitter fighting followed
-around 3000 Hungarians killed and 7000 Russians
-200,000 Hungarians fled across the border into Austria
What happened to Nagy after the Soviet's reaction
he and his fellow leaders were imprisoned and executed
Why did the western powers not send any help to Hungary?
-they were preoccupied with the Suez crisis in the Middle East
-Hungary was too close to the USSR and it would have been impossible to help without sending massive forces across Europe which could trigger a war
Who did Khrushchev put in place as a leader to crush the uprising?
-Janos Kadar
-took several months to crush all of the resistance
-around 35,000 Anti-Communist leaders were killed
-introduced some of the reforms being demanded but did not allow Hungary to leave the Warsaw Pact
Suez Canal Crisis
-Britain and France invaded Egypt to take back the canal without telling America
-the USA and the USSR condemned British action and there was a furious debate in the United Nations
In the months after the Soviet invasion
-Khrushchev created a new government which disbanded most of the Hungarian army and began a programme of political education to ensure their loyalty to the USSR
-Khrushchev increased the number of soviet divisions in Hungary from two to four and forced the government to accept the presence of these troops for protection as well as pay for them
U2 crisis
May 1960
What was the U2 crisis?
-US spy planes have been spying on the USSR's nuclear capabilities
-U2 could read a newspaper on the floor from 23,000m away
-one spy plane was shot down by the USSR's new missile and Khrushchev was furious and it worsened tensions
What happened to Gary Powers?
Sentenced to 3 years in a Soviet prison and 7 years of forced labor. US and Soviet's reached deal 1 1/2 years later with a prisoner exchange. US exchanged Russian spy Rudolf Abel.
Criticism of the U2 crisis
-Eisenhower and his republican party were criticized abroad and at home they were criticized for being too soft
Mutually Assured Destruction
(MAD) if either US or the USSR was hit with a nuclear weapons they would respond with the same
Tensions in 1961
Both superpowers had hundreds of missiles pointed at each other and the tension was very high
Duck and cover
Schoolchildren practiced crawling under their desks and putting their hands over their heads to protect themselves from an atomic bomb attack.
What did the USSR do in October 1961?
Carried out a test explosion of the largest bomb ever exploded, the blast exceededthe power of all explosives used in WW2
Paris Peace Summit
Meeting planned in May 1960 Paris for Eisenhower and Khrushchev to discuss the "brain drain" caused by people fleeing East Berlin for the West-- as well as other tensions. It never happened because a U-2 plan was shot down, increasing U.S.-Soviet tensions