Marcus Aurelius
________ was forced to spend the majority of his reign repelling hazardous invasions in the East and along the Danube border.
________ fortified Roman fortifications by erecting a stone wall in southern Scotland and a timber wall across the Rhine- Danube triangle.
________ was the first emperor to go on the offensive for an extended period of time.
second century CE
The affluence brought about by the end of civil war and the infusion of money from the East could not last beyond the first part of the ________.
________ and council members were held individually and collectively liable for unpaid taxes.
The Romans introduced the notion of the semicircular arch, taken from the Etruscans, to the fundamental post- and- lintel design employed by the ________.
He was executed in ________, most likely around 30 C.E., via the harsh and demeaning procedure of crucifixion.