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scientific method
the process of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment to form + test hypotheses
a coherent explanation or interpretation of facts + observations that have been identified in past studies (falsifiable); leads to hypothesis
a specific, testable prediction of the expected outcome of a study; based on theory (good one)
confirmation biases
tendency to search for (or favor) information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore, distort, or discredit contradictory evidence
can be intentional OR unintentional
hindsight bias
tendency to percieve past events as more predictable or obvious as they actually were before they occurred.
“I knew it all along”
“Hindsight is 20/20”
tendency for individual to have more confidence in their judgements or capabilities than is objectively justified based on their actual skills, knowledge, or past performance
involves an inflated assessment of one’s owns abilities, knowledge, or past performance
beliefs, practices, theories, or claims within the realm of psychology that lack empirical evidence, scientific validity, and adherence to the scientific method
EX) ESP, astrology, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokenesis
3 Importances of maintaining a scientific attitude
Scientific Attitude: Curiosity
wanting to explore/learn
Scientific Attitude: Skepticism
doubting + questioning
don’t want to be too gullible!
Scientific Attitude: Humility
being humble enough to gracefully accept when we are wrong
critical thinking
involves examining assumptions, appraising sources, looking for hidden biases, evaluating evidence, and assessing solutions
open to the possibility that one could be wrong!
contemporary psych consists of numerous specialized of these
basic research
builds upon previous knowledge
applied research
applies existing knowledge in the real world
biological careers in psych
aka behavioral neuroscience
focus on the biology of behavior - the nervous system (brain functs, hormones, etc)
developmental careers in psych
study new people change + develop over their lifespan
cognitive careers in psych
focus on the internal, mental processes (memory, perception, learning, language development)
how people solve problems + make decisions
personality careers in psych
the study of individuals’ characteristic patterns of thinking, feelings, and acting
pscyhometric careers in psych
focus on methods for acquiring + analyzing psychological data
industrial/organizational careers in psych
apply psychological principles and methods to the workplace to help organizations + companies select + train employees, boost morale, increase productivity, design products, environments, etc
positive careers in psych
focus on what makes life worth living; concerned w/ both individual + societal well being
sports careers in psych
help professional + amateur athletes overcome problems, enhance their performance, and achieve their goals
counseling careers in psych
help people adapt to change or make changes in their lifestyle; work w/ people who are going through a difficult time in their lives to develop coping strategies so they can be productive
clinical careers in psych
study, evaluate, assess, and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders; work w/ individuals who may be suffering from both psychological disorders
psychiatry is a branch of medicine dealing w/ psychological disorders
medical doctors
can prescribe + monitor medications (dif. between above)
the brain + mind are separate entities
ideas are innate (inborn)
the mind + body cannot be separate
ideas result from experience - scientific method
Plato (424-348 BC)
proposed anamesis - we possess innate knowledge that is recollected rather than earned anew
tripartite model of the soul - study of human motivation, emotion, and personality
Aristotle (348-322 BC)
believe who we are and what we know are derived from our experiences
the way to understand the essence of something is to study specific examples of it in nature (observation + data collection + scientific method)
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
“cogito, ergo sum” → “I think, therefore, I am”
the mind is what makes human beings distinct from other creatures/living things
studied reflexes (automatic/involuntary responses) → behavioral psych
John Locke (1632-1704)
all individuals are born as a blank slate (“tabula rasa”) : experience in the world shapes a person a person → is learned knowledge comes from observation + experience
empiricism (monism)
Locket + Aristotle (etc) believed in this →
the idea that knowledge comes from experience + that observation and experimentation enable scientific knowledge
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)
“Father of Psychology”
Founded the 1st psychology lab in 1879 in Leipzip, Germany
Believed it should be a science + independent disciplinary
worked w/ Edward Titchener (his student who brought his teachings to the U.S.)
William James (1842-1910)
Father of American Psych
author of principles of psychology → opened eyes to new field
focused on the components of the mind; studied the conscience experience by breaking it down into it’s most basic elements (sensations, feelings, + images) → breaking down the seeing color
main research method
examining + reporting one’s thoughts, feelings, + experiences → not used today bc it is inconsistent
not reliable
what is the purpose + function of thinking
how do behaviors + mental processes enable an organism to adapt, survive, + flourish
William James believed this
stream of unconsciousness
William James used river stream as a metaphor for our minds intuition, etc
Max Wertheimer (1880-1943)
contributed to gestalt psych → meaning “shape” or “form” in German
Gestalt Psychology
believed that people naturally organize their perceptions according to certain patterns, our brains have a tendency to try to integrate pieces of info into meaningful wholes
“the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
Max Wertheimer
advocates for humane treatment
early beliefs regarding mental health; inability to understand the suffering and abused those ill (devil)
Dorothea Dix (1802-1887)
Tirelessly advocated
Creating more humane treatment facilities, 1st mental hospital in the U.S, and created a public awareness and understanding of mental illness
paved the way for proper mental health treatment in U.S
The American Psychological Association (APA)
scientific + professional organization of psychologists
founded in 1892 @ Clark University
created a code of ethics in 1953
G. Stanley Hall
1st American to earn PhD in psych
helped found the APA
founded first psych journal + lab
Mary Whiton Calkins
1st women admitted to William James’ seminar (his student)
1st female president of APA
denied PhD requirements despite her work
Paved the way for women in psych
Margaret Floy Washburn
1st women to complete + receive degree(PH.D) in psych
studied animals + wrote The Animal Mind
second female president of APA
Paved the way for women in psych
Psychodynamic Perspective
focuses on how the interplay of early childhood experiences + unconscious drives influences human behavior
unconscious mind: many mental processes, motivations, + conflicts operate outside of our conscious awareness but still influence our behavior
defense mechanism: used to cope w/anxiety + discomfort that arise from unresolved conflicts
childhood experiences: especially relationships + interactions w/ caregivers, particularly concerned w/ traumatic experiences
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
behavioral perspective
emphasizes the role of learning + conditioning in shaping behavior
concerned w/ environment influences (observational learning), rewards + punishments
likely to happen again when rewarded
Edward Thornlike
cognitive perspective
focuses on internal processes of the mind + how they influence behavior
how we take in info
how our perceptions influence actions
thinking, rationalization, interpretation,
most widely applied perspective
Jean Piaget
humanistic perspective
our actions/behaviors are motivated by our desire to reach our fullest potential
human capacity for choice + growth emphasized the importance of having our needs for love + acceptance satisfied
self-concept, free will, self-esteem, self-actualization
Abraham Maslow
Carl Rogers
sociocultural perspective
focuses on the role of society + culture in shaping our thoughts + behaviors
take into account social + cultural context
demographics, socioeconomics, race, culture, etc
Erik Erikson
biological perspective
AKA neurobiological/neuroscience/physiological
the influence of genetics + brain chemistry on our behavior
understanding how the brain + body physically create thoughts, emotions, memories, etc
hormones, neurotransmitters, + parts of the brain
evolutionary perspective
mental processes + behaviors exist because they aid in survival + reproduction
reproductive success; gene pool
naturalistic observation
observing + recording of behavior in naturally occurring situations + settings w/o trying to manipulate and/or control the situation
i.e Jane Goodall
KEY - participants behave naturally, no artificial conditions
WEAK - subject to experimenter bias
case study
one individual (or a small group of individuals) is examined in depth; used for practical or ethical reasons
KEY - a collection of in-depth, detailed info.; opportunity to investigate unique illnesses or situations
WEAK - cannot be generalized to the population (i.e Phineas Gage)
a technique for ascertaining the self-reported attitudes OR behaviors of a particular group, usually by questioning a random, representative sample of the group
KEY - efficient + inexpensive way to collect data
WEAK - distorted results can occur due to sampling errors, poorly phrased questions, and response bias
look very similar to actual experiment; conclusions are not as firm as those from the true experiments, but they allow research to be conducted on topics + in settings that would otherwise be impossible
allow us to observe what is already happening
ex: if a pregnant woman uses drugs during her developing pregnancy, drugs will cause abnormalties in baby
longitudinal studies
examines a person or group of people over an extended period of time
longitudinal studies pros and cons
PROS - provides in-depth info ; eliminates the cohort effect
CONS - time-consuming, expensive + typically use smaller sample sizes
cross sectional studies
compares individuals of various ages @one point in time
cross sectional studies pros and cons
PROS - shorter duration; measures age diff. in larger sample of subjects
CONS - results can be influenced by the fact that the diff. age groups (cohorts) grew up in distinctive historical periods, so it is difficult to separate age effects from cohort effects
correlational studies
examine relation between 2 variables; these help us to predict, NOT imply cause + effect
positive correlation
variables move in the SAME direction
number of gallons of gas you pump is ________ correlated with the amount of money you spend on gas
negative correlation
variables move OPPOSITE directions
number of miles you drive is ___________ correlated w/ the amount of gas left in your tank
type of graph that is used to represent correlations
slope of points
amount of scatter
slope of points
direction of the relationship between the 2 variables
amount of scatter
the strength of correlation
correlation coefficient ( r )
numerical value that measures the degree of relationship between 2 variables
tells us the strength + directions of the relationship
always fall between -1.00 and +1.00
# → strength of relationship
(±) → direction of the relationship
illusory correlations
an expected or suspected relationship that does not empirically exist
i.e. random evidence
carefully regulated procedure in which the researcher manipulates variables that are believed to influence some other variable
KEY - it’s the only research method that can establish cause + effect relationships
WEAK - can be expensive + time-consuming
experiments are the only search method that can…….
establish cause + effect relationships between variables
independent variable (IV)
the variable the experimenter manipulates in order to determine its effects
dependent variable (DV)
the variable that may change as a result of manipulations of the independent variable
operational definitions
explain how variables will be measured so that the experiment can be replicated
confounding variable OR 3rd variable
extraneous factors that may interfere with the results
all of the individuals in a group to which the study applies
subset of the population that participates in the study
random sample
every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
representative sample
a sample that accurately represents the population being studied.
if the sample is not representative, we can’t generalize our finding to the larger population
stratified sample
subgroups in a population are equally represented + members of those population subgroups have an equal chance of becoming members of the sample
experimental groups
the group that receives the treatment
control group
the group that does not receive the treatment
random assignment
process that ensures that all members of the sample have an equal chance of being placed into either the control or the experimental group
assigning the people chosen
research participant bias
occurs when the behavior of research participants during the experiment is influenced by how they think they are supposed to act or by their experience/expectations of what is happening to them
the placebo effect
a physical or psychological treatment given to the control group, but that contains NO active ingredients; think that they are receiving the treatment
single blind study
an experimental design in which participants don’t know whether they are in the experimental group or the control group
experimenter bias
occurs when the researcher’s expectations influence the outcome of the research
double blind study
an experimental design in which neither the researcher nor the participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental group + which are in the control group until the data has been collected
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
public + private institutions have IRBs that must approve all research conducted within their institution
the APA created a code of ethics in 1953
informed consent
researchers must inform participants about every aspect of the study that might influence their choice to participate
want to make sure participating is voluntary
must fill out consent form
no cohersion
minors can’t sign, so they obtain ascent from child during interview
limited deception
some require that researchers mislead participant about the true nature of the study
if we tell beforehand, might alter behavior
can’t deceive about risk factors + can’t falsify results
participants must be told about deception during debriefing after the experiment
control group, placebos
protection from harm + discomfort
researchers must take measures the minimize any discomfort or risk involved in the study and must act to prevent participants from suffering any long term consequences
participants must leave in the same condition they arrived in
leaving sober
researchers are responsible for keeping all data they gather on individuals completely confidential + when possible, anonymous
typically, participants are not identified by name
also done during experiment to prevent experimenter bias
even after experiment is over, still required to protect confidentiality
if deception is used, researchers must reveal that during debriefing by explaining falsification
reveal all relevant info + true intention + results
correct any misimpressions + the nature of the conclusion
guidlines for research involving Animal Subjects
Institutional Animal Care + Use Committee (IACUC)
APA’s Committee on Animal Research + Ethics (CARE)
Researchers must ensure the comfort + health of animals and make an effort to minimize pain, illness, and infection
Measures of Central Tendency (MoCT)
single number that represents the overall characteristics of a data set
useful when data sets don’t have outliers
best measure of tendency when the data is NOT skewed/normally distributed