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What quote suggests Christs role as the sacrificial lamb and sacrificial act?
“Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us” - Angus Dei
What quote emphasises the belief in transubstantiation and the founding of the Eucharist
“Take this all of you and eat it for this is my body.. do it in memory of me” - Luke
What quote talks about St Irenaeus’ tree metaphor?
“The sin wrought through the tree was undone by the obedience of the tree” - St Irenaeus
What quote says that unlike Adam and Eve, Jesus sacrifice will mend humanities relationship?
“Through one man’s obedience, many will be made righteous” - Romans
What quote comments on Saint Anselm’s interpretations of slavery as being paid by Jesus
“The son of life came.. to give his life as ransom for many” - Matthew
What quote comments on Jesus’ obedience in suffering and surrender to Gods will? “The Example”
“Yet not what I will, but what you will” - Mark
What quote reinforces that Jesus’ death RESTORED for a more personal relationship with God?
“And the curtain of the temple was torn in two” - Mark
What was said when Jesus met Mary Magdalene, symbolising victory over death?
“Jesus said to her ‘Mary!’, she turned to him and said ‘Rabboni!” - John
What quote comments on Jesus’ ascension representing the continuation of redemption?
“He was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight” - Acts
What quote comments on the arrival and power of redemption through the Holy Spirit
“They were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues” - Acts
What quote comments on Jesus sacrificial act?
“Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world” - Agnus Dei
What quote comments on the importance of Exodus as moral guidance and Catholic view?
“You shall not kill” - Exodus
What quote from Genesis emphasises human duty to care for creation?
“Fill the earth and subdue it” - Genesis
What quote from the New Testament highlights the eternal consequences for moral choices?
“They will go to eternal punishment but righteous to eternal life” - Matthew
What quote from revelations comments on God’s plan for peaceful eternal life?
“No more death or mourning or crying or pain” - Revelations
What liberalist interpretation comments on the comparability of science and and evolution?
“Evolution is not inconsistent with creation?” Pope Francis
What quote could be used to reveal God’s omnipotent nature?
“In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the earth” - Genesis
What quote suggests that God’s word is sacred and infallible?
“Every word of God is flawless” - Proverbs
What quote shows that God is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit influences past Bible authors?
“The spirit of God was hovering over the waters” - Genesis
What quote comments on the fact that Jesus’ word is Gods word because he’s the son of God?
“When he’s asked if he’s the son of God, Jesus replies, ‘you say that I am” - Luke
What quote shows that the Holy Spirit continues to guide magisterium interpretation?
“Sacred scripture is the word of God, and hands it on to their successors” - Dei Verbum
What quote shows that divine reason is beyond human understanding?
“The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom?” - Corinthians
What quote shows God’s omnibenevolence?
“I give you every seed bearing plant and every tree that has fruit” - Genesis
What quote shows God’s transcendence?
“Let there be light” - Genesis
What quote shows God’s omnipotent nature?
“Very Good” - Genesis (showing authority and perfection of his work)
What quote is used for the Ichthus?
“Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour” - Greek Alphabet
What quote is used to emphasise the symbols in the Alpha and the Omega
“I am the alpha and the omega, first and last” - Revelations
What quote shows the sanctity of life?
“Do not kill” - Exodus
What quote shows that Gods choice to become human was holy?
“The word became flesh?” - John
What quote from the beatitudes encourages forgiveness?
“Blessed are the merciful; for they shall receive mercy” - Matthew
What quote encourages peace from the beatitudes?
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be children of God” - Matthew
What quote emphasises purity in a Christian’s intentions from the beatitudes?
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God” - Matthew