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Life skills

These type of skills are developed by your life experiences. When we are borned, we don't know how to do things, like surviving.

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Lifeskills examples

Self-awareness, Empathy, Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Communication

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Implies the knowledge that your words and actions can affect others.

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Ability to understand another person's point of view and feelings.

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Critical thinking

Implies considering and analyzing a problem logically to form a response.

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Creative thinking,

Basically is thinking outside the box to solve a problem.

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Is how you express yourself to others and actively listening the others

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Decision making

We always make decisions; some can have an important impact in your life.

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To make good decisions you can use these tips:

Making a "pros and cons" list, Sleep on it, Take your time, Stay open to many possibilities, Create some rules.

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You have different relationships, as you grow, the number of relationships will grow and become complex.

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Some of the following skills can be helpful for your relationships:

Leadership skills, Listen, Communicate, Empower and inspire others, Manage conflict

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Knowing your learning style

Visual/Spatial, Aural/Auditory/Musical, Verbal/Linguistic, Physical/Kinesthesic, Logical/Mathematical, Social/Interpersonal, Solitary/Intrapersonal

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Growth mindset

Implies the thoughts and beliefs that your abilities can develop through hardwork, by strategies and listening to feedback.

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Is conformed by the reasons to give yourself to strive for what you want.

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Setting Goals

Can guide you on how you achieve what we want. It's important to: be specific, make it a challenge, share them, celebrate the small things and treat yourself.

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Preparing a study place

The place you choose must be comfortable, quiet or with soothing music to concentrate. Also, without distractions.

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Uses bullets points to organize information.

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Makes connections between ideas.

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Divides paper into sections and subsections with the main topic at the top.

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Cornell method

Has 3 sections: Smaller comments section in the left, large section in the right and summarizing section at the bottom.

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Transition from student to employee

Your schedule is going to change a lot. So, you can use an agenda Organize how you spend your money and create a budget. Clean up your social media presence because companies may look your profiles. Your first job may not be your first career. Networking is important during college; it can help you to get a job.

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Interview skills

Dressing code, Communication and body language, Soft skills, Prepare to answer questions

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Dressing code

Wear suits, button-down shirts, ties, have neat and simple hair, polished and simple shoes, clean and close shave tidy and trimmed nails

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Communication and body language

Start with small talk, eye contact, listen actively, pay attention to you body language, speak clearly, don't interrupt, mirror the interview, avoid using slangs

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Soft skills

Flexibility, leadership, decisiveness, written and oral exchange, problem solving, workplace collaboration and temwork

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Narrative Essay

They are about telling a story and showing off your creativity.

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Expository Essay

This type of essay talks about facts, figures and information, tries to explain causes and effects and compare-contrast data.

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Thesis statement

is the idea or opinion that you'll support in an essay

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Persuasive and Argumentative Essay

This type of essay is about persuading someone or making an argument to prove a point. Uses emotional appeals and personal opinions.

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Analytical Essay

This essay uses analysis for a specific work, as a book. It's use to explore a work and discuss about it

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Analytical Essay structure

Introduction: three-to-five sentences introducing the topic, discussing why the work is important and what your take is.

Body paragraphs: two-to-four paragraphs to discuss your analysis

Conclusion: three-to-five sentences summarizing what you've written, restating your thesis, and any further thoughts you might have on the topic.

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Is to acknowledge someone's ideas and work in your essay

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Application requirements

Application form Transcripts (overview of grades in highschool) Standardized tests Language exams or certifications Letters of recommendation Interviews Student visa Personal statement

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Personal Statemen

Type of essay to describe about yourself for your admission process.

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You can consider these essay categories for the personal statement:

Personal history Problem-solving Teamwork School-specific Getting creative

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