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An attempt to reduce government deficits through spending cuts or taxation increases
A system of government based on coercion, rule from the top-down.
When a change in one variable causes a change in another variable.
Charismatic Legitimacy
The right to rule based on the personality of an individual
Factors that separate groups, create divisions in society.
Code Law
Based on comprehensive system of written rules
Coinciding Cleavages
A division that strengthens feelings of different and discrepancy, weakening society
Common Law
Based on tradition, past practices, and legal precedents
A political attitude that questions whether change is necessary
Granting special favors in exchange for a benefit. “Buying off” critics
When groups, such as business and/or labor work closely with the government in policy-making
An apparent connection between variables
The state, government, regime, and people who live in a political system the whole “triangle”
Cross-Cutting Cleavages
A division that include people with differences, strengthening society
A system of government that allows citizens to choose policy makers in free, competitive elections
Developed Countries
Countries with a high standard of living and strong economies
Developing Countries
Countries attempting to improve their economic status. Currently with low average income and less sophisticated infrastructure. Might be described as the “third world”
Empirical Question
A question that has a factual, scientific, or mathematical, verifiable answer.
Authoritarian regimes, such as Hitler’s and Mussolini’s. Totalitarian attempts to impose state control on all aspects of life.
Federal system
A division of federal government between central and local units of government
First-past-the-post (SMD)
Winner-take-all. Whoever wins the most votes gets the one seat available in an election
The total value of goods and services produced in a country
Gini Index
A formula that measures economic inequality within a country
The process of expanding and intensifying the interconnectedness among states, societies, and economies.
The people or party who are currently running the institutions with legitimate authority
Head of Government
Deals with everyday tasks of running the state and usually directs activities of other members of executive branch
Head of State
Role that symbolizes and represents the people both nationally and internationally. May or May not have real policy-making power
A measure of a country’s standard of living, including health and education
Illiberal Democracy
A procedural democracy, with elections, but without real competition, and lacking some civil rights and liberties
The executive, legislature, judiciary, and bureaucracy
Generally accepted view that a government has the right to rule
Liberal Democracy
A system with political competition, economic freedom, civil rights and liberties, and open access to information
Liberalism (attitude)
A political attitude favoring evolutionary transformation of the system
Liberalism (ideology)
A political ideology that places high value on political and economic freedom
An ideology favoring little government interference in the economy and personal freedoms
The theory that in a struggle over resources, the elite will dominate. eventually the proletariat will create a classless state
A group of people with a psychological sense of identity based upon cultural geographic, or linguistic ties
A state with a single predominant national identity
Pride in one’s people, and the belief that they have their own unique political destiny
Neoliberal economics
Reforms that focus on the free market with few restrictions on business and property rights
Normative question
A question that asks, “what should be the case?”
Parliamentary System
Citizens vote for legislative representatives, which in turn select leaders of the executive branch
A system of corruption where people in power build and maintain loyalty from those below them through favors and support to individuals
Political Attitude
Views about the policy-making, the government’s role, the pace of change, and freedom and equality
Political culture
The history, values, beliefs, and traditions that influence political behavior
Political economy
The relationship between political and economic systems
Political ideology
A set of political beliefs and values about the goals of government
Political recruitment
The process by which citizens are selected for involvement in politics
Political socialization
How citizens learn about politics in their country
Who gets what. The process by which people are governed
The buying power of income in a country
A form of corruption where the government believes they are entitled to a share of revenue
Presidential System
Citizens vote for legislative representatives as well as executive branch leaders
Proportional Representation
Votes for parties, rather than candidates. Parties are represented in the legislature according to the percentage of votes received
Political attitude that has extremes to the right or left that desire rapid change
Rational-Legal Legitimacy
The right to rule based on a widely accepted system of laws and procedures
Those who want to restore political, social, and economic institutions that existed in the past
The fundamental norms and rules established by administrations over time
Rentier State
An economy heavily supported by state expenditure while the state receives money for a good from other countries
The overthrow and replacement of a regime based upon broad popular support
Social Democracy
A system with competitive elections and civil rights, coupled with an emphasis on economic equality
A complex human organization with shared institutions
The ability to carry out actions independent of internal or external forces
Institutions, people, and groups that have the power to effect change, including a monopoly of force
Belief that government should take an active role in controlling the economy
Political leaders that achieve power after the era of those leaders that were members of the initial institution
A form of government where religion and politics are intertwined
Traditional Legitimacy
The right to rule because “it has always been that way”
Openly keeping citizens informed about government operations and political issues and responding to citizens questions and advice
Under-Developed Countries
The poorest countries. The bottom 12. Might be described as the “fourth world”
Unitary System
Concentration of policy making power in one central geographic place with the central government responsible for most policy areas