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functions of the CV system
transportation, regulation (pH, temperature, water), protection (platelets, WBCs, blood proteins)
scientific names for RBC and WBC
RBC = erythrocytes, WBC = leukocytes
cell fragments (with no nucleus) that initiate clots and close blood vessel breaks
what makes up the majority of blood
plasma (mostly water)
heart COVERINGS from outer to inner
fibrous pericardium
serous pericardium (2a. parietal pericardium, 2b. visceral pericardium / epicardium)
fibrous pericardium
tough, fibrous connective tissue that is the protective outer sac of the pericardium
serous pericardium
double-walled inner sac of pericardium composed of the parietal and visceral pericardium
parietal pericardium
outer layer of the serous pericardium
visceral pericardium (epicardium)
inner layer of serous pericardium sac / outer layer of heart wall; rests ON ORGAN
pericardial/serous cavity
space between parietal and visceral layers of the serous pericardium containing pericardial/serous fluid; decreases friction as heart moves
thick middle layer of heart wall composed of cardiac muscle; has many blood and lymph capillaries and nerve fibers
Cardiac muscle
= rhythmic, involuntary, striated fibers connected in branching 3D networks; contract in ALL-OR-NONE manner
smooth inner layer of the heart wall composed of endothelium and elastic connective tissue
pulmonary circuit
carries blood from the heart to lungs to heart again
(starts in RV)
systemic circuit
carries blood from the heart to whole body to heart
(starts in LV)
amount of oxygen and CO2 in blood are always ___ of each other?
thin-walled upper heart chambers that RECEIVE RETURNING blood
thick-walled lower heart chambers that receive blood from the atria and contract to FORCE BLOOD OUT of the heart into the arteries
(left ventricle is largest with thickest walls)
solid, wall-like structure that divides the heart into left and right halves, preventing blood from mixing
interatrial septum
thinner, upper portion of the septum that separates atria
interventricular septum
lower, thicker portion of the septum that separates ventricles
atrioventricular valves
valves composed of leaf-like cusps that prevent backflow into the ATRIA; includes the tricuspid and bicuspid (mitral) valve
semilunar valves
valves composed of deep U-shaped cusps that prevent backflow into the VENTRICLES; includes the pulmonary and aortic valves
can AV valves be open while semilunar valves are open?
path of blood flow through the heart (starting with right side)
coronary sinus and vena cavae
tricuspid valve
pulmonary valve
pulmonary trunk
pulmonary arteries
pulmonary veins
bicuspid (mitral) valve
aortic valve
aorta (ascending, arch, descending)
coronary sinus
smaller vein which returns blood from the heart wall into the RA
Chordae tendineae
strong, fibrous strings that attach to the cusps of AV valves on the ventricular side
Papillary muscles
muscles that pull on chordae tendineae to prevent AV valve cusps from swinging back into atria
are AV valves open or closed during ventricular contraction?
why do heart valves open and close?
Valves close due to PRESSURE DIFFERENCES created by ventricular contractions and relaxations
what happens right before the AV valves close?
atrial contraction increases atrial pressure to empty remaining blood into ventricles
mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
one or both cusps of the mitral valve stretch and bulge into the LA during ventricular contraction, causing regurgitation of blood into the LA and heart murmur
rules regarding pressure
the fuller the chamber (more contents), the higher the pressure
the bigger the chamber (more space), the lower the pressure
coronary arteries
arteries branching from the aorta that supply oxygenated blood to the walls of the heart
Cardiac (coronary) veins
veins parallel to coronary arteries that drain blood that has passed through myocardial capillaries; join the coronary sinus to return blood to RA
Coronary artery disease (CAD) / heart disease
partial or complete blockage of coronary circulation, usually due to coronary atherosclerosis and reduction of blood flow to the myocardium
symptoms: angina pectoris, MI, stroke
risk factors: cholesterol, smoking, hypertension, family history, post-menopausal women, men >45
#1 cause of death in the US
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
records electrical changes (depolarization and repolarization) in the myocardium during the cardiac cycle
P wave
when does contraction occur?
depolarization of the atria (to push out the last bit of blood)
Contraction occurs during following flatline
QRS complex
when does contraction occur?
depolarization of the ventricles (only really shows left because the myocardium is so thick)
Contraction occurs AFTER the peak of the R wave
T wave
Repolarization of the ventricles
(before relaxation)
slow HR < 60 bpm
fast HR > 100 bpm
contraction of a heart chamber; increases pressure
relaxation of a heart chamber; decreases pressure
Cardiac cycle
one complete heartbeat; the coordinated contraction of the heart chambers
(Atrial/ventricular) Syncytium
mass of merging muscle fibers that act as a unit
*Note: atrial and ventricular syncytium are mostly separated to prevent simultaneous atrial and ventricular contraction
heart murmur
abnormal heart sound; may be the sound of blood moving back into the LA due to MVP
blood hits closed AV valves during ventricular CONTRACTION
blood hits closed pulmonary and aortic valves (snap shut) during ventricular RELAXATION
automaticity / autorhythmicity
cardiac muscle contracts without neural or hormonal stimulation
cardiac conduction system definition
system of specialized cardiac muscle that initiates and distributes nerve impulses for contraction; contains few myofibrils because its function isn't contraction
cardiac conduction system order
SA node
junctional fibers (internodal fibers)
AV node
AV bundle/Bundle of His
L/R bundle branches
Purkinje fibers
SA node
self-stimulating specialized cardiac muscle tissue that generates the heart's rhythmic contraction; depolarizes fastest
located near opening of superior vena cava beneath the epicardium and continuous with the atrial syncytium
Junctional (internodal) fibers
cardiac muscle fibers with small diameters that slow and conduct impulses from the SA node to the atrial syncytium, resulting in atrial contraction, AND conduct impulses from the atrial syncytium to the AV node
SA -> atrial syncytium -> AV
AV node
specialized cardiac muscle tissue that slows the spread of impulse to ventricles; depolarizes slower
*Functions as a secondary (but slower) pacemaker if SA node fails
located in inferior portion of interatrial septum just beneath the epicardium
AV bundle / Bundle of His
group of large fibers forming the only electrical connection between the atria and ventricles
L/R bundle branches
division of AV bundle fibers (beginning at the upper part of the interventricular septum) that deliver impulses to Purkinje fibers or directly to papillary muscles
lies between the endocardium
*left branch is larger because it supplies the larger left ventricle
Purkinje fibers
division of bundle branches that spread from the interventricular septum into papillary muscles and from the apex to the base of the heart
their branches are continuous with cardiac muscle fibers
Why does the heart contract in a twisting motion?
Ventricular fibers are arranged in irregular whirls
intercalated discs
points of connection between cardiac muscle fibers that allow impulses to travel from cell to cell
gap junctions
relay stations at intercalated discs that transmit depolarization to the next cardiac muscle fiber
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
part of the peripheral nervous system with nerves that innervate the viscera; associated with involuntary activities; maintains homeostasis
Sympathetic nervous system
o readies the body to expend energy ("fight or flight"); secretes NE and E, which increase HR and cardiac muscle cell metabolism, strengthening contraction and increasing stroke volume
PARAsympathetic nervous system
(like the "brakes") most active at REST; secretes Ach, which decreases HR by hyper-polarization and inhibition of cells, weakening contraction and decreasing stroke volume
cardiac output
amount of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute (mL/min), indicating blood flow to peripheral tissues; CO = HR x SV
stroke volume
the amount of blood pushed out of the ventricles per contraction (mL/beat); SV = EDV - ESV
*most important factor to cardiac output
End diastolic volume (EDV)
how full the ventricles are at the end of diastole
End systolic volume (ESV)
how much blood remains in the ventricles at the end of systole
3 purposes of CV regulation
ensure that changes in blood flow occur (1) at right time, (2) in right area, (3) without drastically changing BP or flow to vital organs
regulation of cardiac output
Extrinsic regulation: (HR, indirectly affects SV)
ANS: cardiac center sends sympathetic or parasympathetic impulses
hormones: mimic sympathetic impulses
Intrinsic regulation: (SV)
Starling's law & EDV/ESV
What 3 things control stroke volume?
preload, contractility, afterload
stretch prior to contraction; depends on fill time and venous return
strength of myocardial contraction
BP in the pulmonary trunk and aorta that must be EXCEEDED before blood can be ejected from ventricles
*more afterload = less SV because less blood leaves the heart
Blood vessel pathway from ventricles to atria
strong, elastic vessels that carry blood away from the ventricles under high pressure
thinner, muscular branches of arteries with elastic-recoil capability; regulate blood flow from arteries into capillaries
thinnest blood vessels that connect the smallest arterioles and venules; where exchange occurs
non-elastic, microscopic vessels that continue from capillaries; initially lack muscular tunica media in smallest venules
non-elastic, larger vessels that collect blood and return it to the heart
walls of arteries and veins (small to big)
tunica interna/intima
tunica media
tunica externa/adventitia
tunica interna/intima
inner wall of blood vessels composed of smooth endothelium that prevents clots; has elastic basement membrane of collagen and outer internal elastic lamina layer with small pores to allow for diffusion between walls
Tunica media
middle wall of blood vessels composed of smooth muscle and a thick layer of elastic connective tissue; regulates diameter of the lumen
Tunica externa/adventitia
outer wall of blood vessels composed of a thin layer of irregularly organized elastic and collagen fibers; protects blood vessel and attaches it to surrounding tissue
Elastic arteries
largest arteries (e.g. aorta) that are most elastic to transport a lot of blood; their tunica media is lined with elastic lamellae
Muscular arteries
medium-sized arteries that are less elastic but more muscular to distribute blood; maintain pressure by maintaining vascular tone and do not have recoil capability
Continuous capillaries
endothelial cells form a continuous tube with intercellular gaps through which exchange occurs
Fenestrated capillaries
endothelial cells have many fenestrations (pores) through which exchange occurs
larger capillaries with very large fenestrations and intercellular gaps through which exchange occurs
Autonomic regulation of blood vessel diameter
vasomotor center controls vasoconstriction and dilation
Vasomotor fibers
sympathetic innervation of smooth muscle in arteries, arterioles, veins, and venules
increased sympathetic stimulation (more NE/E) -> constriction
decreased sympathetic stimulation (less NE/E) -> dilation
precapillary sphincters
smooth muscles encircling capillary entrances that regulate blood distribution, routing oxygenated blood to different parts of the body
substances move across a semi-permeable membrane down the concentration gradient
greater hydrostatic pressure on one side of the membrane forces molecules through to the other side, often separating solids from liquids
blood pressure is greater within the vessel than outside it, forcing water across a selectively-permeable membrane while larger molecules remain inside
veins vs. arteries
Arteries: smaller lumen, thickest walls because contents are under highest pressure, so the vessels are more muscular and elastic
Veins: larger lumen, thinner walls because contents are under lower pressure, so the vessels are less muscular and elastic. Contain semilunar valves
How is blood flow maintained in veins?
valves support one-way flow and distribute weight of blood
-venoconstriction, skeletal contraction, and respiratory movements increase pressure
blood pressure
the force blood exerts against the inner walls of blood vessels (usually arteries)
why does BP decrease further away from the heart?
distance from pump + peripheral resistance
systolic pressure
maximum pressure in the arteries as a result of ventricular systole