unit 5 AP compsci

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why do we use functions

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why do we use functions

helps us understand the code easier

makes code less repetitive and more organized

makes code reusable

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The inputs/what goes into a function

Order matters

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local variables

defined inside a function/loop and can only be used inside that function/loop

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global variables

can be used anywhere in the code

ex: constanants

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the area of code that a variable can be used in

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why do we need scope

differentiate variables with the same name in different parts of code

(cannot have 2 variables with the same name within the same scope)

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What does API stand for

Application Programming Interference

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what does api do

Set of tools for buliding programs

Helps two programs connect or communicate with each other

Helps devices connect and connects devices to programs

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API examples

spotify, twitter

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return value

returns the value when the function is called, does not print value unless println is used

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What part of the function is bolded?

function start(){

var numApples = 4;

println("Before: " + numApples);

var twiceAsMany = doubleNumber(numApples);

println("After: " + twiceAsMany);


function doubleNumber(x){

var doubledX = 2 * x;

return doubledX;

calling the function

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What part of the function is bolded?

function start(){

var numApples = 4;

println("Before: " + numApples);

var twiceAsMany = doubleNumber(numApples);

println("After: " + twiceAsMany);


function doubleNumber(x){

var doubledX = 2 * x;

return doubledX;

defining the function

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What part of the function is bolded?

function start(){

var numApples = 4;

println("Before: " + numApples);

var twiceAsMany = doubleNumber(numApples);

println("After: " + twiceAsMany);


function doubleNumber(x){

var doubledX = 2 * x;

return doubledX;

function body

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What part of the function is bolded?

function start(){

var numApples = 4;

println("Before: " + numApples);

var twiceAsMany = doubleNumber(numApples);

println("After: " + twiceAsMany);


function doubleNumber(x){

var doubledX = 2 * x;

return doubledX;

return value statement

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What part of the function is bolded?

function start(){

var numApples = 4;

println("Before: " + numApples);

var twiceAsMany = doubleNumber(numApples);

println("After: " + twiceAsMany);


function doubleNumber(x){

var doubledX = 2 * x;

return doubledX;


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syntatic validation

enforces correct syntax on structures fields

ex: 9 digits in SSN, date in correct form

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semantic validation

enforces the correctness of the values in the specific business context

ex: start date is before end date

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