________ pay others to do the work, instead of being elected.
Large, complex organization composed of appointed officials
Government by proxy
Washington pays state and local governments and private groups to staff federal programs
Theory that government shouldn’t regulate or interfere with commerce
Discretionary authority
Extent to which bureaucrats can choose courses of action not spelled out in laws
Discretionary Authority
________: extent to which bureaucrats can choose courses of action not spelled out in laws.
________: Legislative grant of money to finance a government program or agency.
Authorization legislation
________: Legislative permission to begin or continue a government program or agency.
________: tendency for agencies to grow with regard to the costs that entails.
Independent agencies
________ are also free from executive control, meaning they are not under the direct control of the President or other executive branch officials.
Bush admin
The ________ abolished NPR and had PART, which tried to link management reform to the budget process.
Laissez faire
________: theory that government shouldnt regulate or interfere with commerce.
Iron Triangle
________: close relationship with an agency, congressional committee, and an interest group.
________ gives both Congress and president authority over the bureaucracy.
________: spending more than necessary for a product or service.
________ can pay subsidies to particular groups, transfer money from the federal government to state and local governments, and encourage regulations for various sectors.
Competitive Service
________: government offices to which people are appointed on the basis of merit.
Government by proxy: ________ pays state and local governments and private groups to staff federal programs.
And conflict ________ take place because Congress, which is very large and varied, has different intentions.
________: two government agencies are doing the same thing.
Federal civil service system
________ was designed to recruit people based on merit.
________: Agencies working at cross purposes with other agencies.
Committee clearance
________: ability of a congressional committee to review a certain agency decisions.
________: large, complex organization composed of appointed officials.
Political authority
________ is shared among several institutions.
Name request job
________: job filled by someone whom an agency already identified.
There are also five factors which explain how an official may act
the manner in which they are recruited and rewarded, personal attributes (socioeconomic background and political attitude), nature of their jobs, and constraints that outside forces impose on the agencies
Today there are five main issues with the bureaucracy
red tape (complex rules that must be followed), conflict (when agencies work at cross purposes), duplication (when agencies are doing the same thing), imperialism (the tendency for agencies to grow without regards to the cost), and waste (spending more money than necessary)
large, complex organization composed of appointed officials
Government by proxy
Washington pays state and local governments and private groups to staff federal programs
theory that government shouldnt regulate or interfere with commerce
Discretionary Authority
extent to which bureaucrats can choose courses of action not spelled out in laws
Competitive Service
government offices to which people are appointed on the basis of merit
Name-request job
job filled by someone whom an agency already identified
Iron Triangle
close relationship with an agency, congressional committee, and an interest group
Issue network
Network of people in DC interest groups , congressional staff, and in the mass media who advocate public policy
Legislative grant of money to finance a government program or agency
Authorization legislation
Legislative permission to begin or continue a government program or agency
Trust funds
Funds for government programs collected outside the budget
Committee clearance
ability of a congressional committee to review a certain agency decisions
Legislative veto
Authority of Congress to block a presidential action after it happened
Red Tape
Complex bureaucratic rules that must be followed
These agencies had one thing in common
roles was to serve, not regulate
Red tape
complex rules they must follow
Agencies working at cross purposes with other agencies
two government agencies are doing the same thing
tendency for agencies to grow with regard to the costs that entails
spending more than necessary for a product or service
Competitive Service
Government offices to which people are appointed on the basis of merit
Name request job
Job filled by someone whom an agency already identified
Iron triangle
Close relationship with an agency, congressional committee, and an interest group
Issue network
Network of people in DC interest groups , congressional staff, and in the mass media who advocate public policy
Legislative grant of money to finance a government program or agency
Authorization legislation
Legislative permission to begin or continue a government program or agency
Trust funds
Funds for government programs collected outside the budget
Committee clearance
Ability of a congressional committee to review a certain agency decisions
Legislative veto
Authority of Congress to block a presidential action after it happened. SC said Congress can’t do this
Red tape
Complex bureaucratic rules that must be followed
Agencies working at cross purposes with other agencies
Two government agencies are doing the same thing
Tendency for agencies to grow with regard to the costs that entails
Spending more than necessary for a product or service