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A mountain range that separated European Russia from Asian Russia
Early Russians
Economic structure in which surfs provided food in exchange for protection form the landlord
System of protection based on land, loyalty, and a rigid class structure---developed due to a lack of gov't
Area of land controlled by a single landlord
-manor house
-divided into fiefs
-had a church
Worked through system of manorialism, feudal contracts, and chivalry
Code of ethics which vassels and land lords used
Feudal Contract
Rules between lord and his vassel (lesser lord)
Mold Board
New Iron Plow
Three Field System
2 sections of the field would be planted and the third section left to replenish it's nutrients, the sections of field planted would rotate so that each section gets a chance to replenish nutrients
Sacred rites needed for salvation
To be kicked out of the Church
St. Benedict
a monk who served as an example with his famous rules
means Charles the Great and he established an empire in France and Germany, crowned emperor of the Romans and crated uniform law code based on Frankish law, helped to spread education and Christianity....After his death the empire fell apart
William the Conqueror
Known for Battle of Hastings
-conquered England and united the kingdoms
-formed a tax department (Exchequer)
-Domesday book
-mixed English and French culture
Domesday Book
a survey of England's land, resources, and people
(like a census)
Henry II
Second ruler of England: created a jury system and common law
Signed the Magna Carta
Magna Carta
a document that limited the power of the English King
-no taxation w/ out representation
-limited the power of the monarch
-king must obey the law
-no unlawful imprisonment
Known for creating Parliament: representative body that makes the laws
wrote a book called Yes and No which combined rational thinking and logic with religion
Roger Bacon
helped with expanding optics from Middle East
Place where Bernard said Faith alone...reason is dangerous
Summas...tried to prove existence of God using logic
economic system in which private owners control businesses
organizations that controlled trade: set prices, limited membership
Hundred Years War
fought between France and England over English owned territories in France and feudal rights versus the emerging claims of national states
Joan of Arc
St. Joan of Arc is a national heroine of France. She was a peasant girl who, believing that she was acting under divine guidance, led the French army in a momentous victory at Orléans in 1429 that repulsed an English attempt to conquer France during the Hundred Years' War
Black Death
disease killed 1/3 of Europe's population
combining Christian faith with rational philosophy
relating to a style of church architecture that developed in medieval Europe: flying buttresses, stain glass window, gargoyls, spires, etc..
3 Political Functions of the Church
1.) collected taxes
2.) punished criminals
3.) set up schools
(also: coined money, created law, helped reduce fighting by periods of peace)
3 Features of Charlemagne's Rule
1.) Established an empire in France and Germany
2.) Created a uniform law code based on Frankish law
3.) Spread Christianity
3 Features of Medieval Art and Literature
1.) focused on religion
2.) lacked 3D or being realistic
3.) Little painting
3 Results of the Growth of Trade in Western Europe
1.) Growth of towns
2.) Growth of capitalism
3.) Commercial alliances
Characteristics of Middle Ages in Europe
Growth of trade, art and lit focused very little but focused on religion, went from feudalism to countries, Church leads, disputes over eastern and western religion....basically everything IG this is a very broad topic everything else in the quizlet should cover it I'm sure lemme know otherwise and I will edit
Characteristics of Medieval Universities
Theologians were teachers and scholars, people were eager to learn, jobs weren't always the outcome, ideas form the Middle East: taught optics, middle class started to be educated
Educated Classes in Early Middle Ages
Educated Classes in Later Middle Ages
Difference Between a Feudal King and National Monarchy
In Absolute Monarchy, all the power of the state is concentrated in the monarch and exercised by ministers of his or her choosing...in a Feudal Monarchy power is shared between the monarch and the nobles
New Technologies of the Middle Ages
Mold board, new horse collar, 3 field system.....the long bow and gun powder
How National Monarchies Developed
The Crusades caused the decline of feudalism of trade and weak Byzantine empire= feudalism dissipating, conquests for more land in Byzantine, economic flourishing
military expeditions fought to get the holy land back from the Muslims
Results of Crusades
Failed militarily: Christians didn't win, Byzantine Empire was weakend, growth of trade into Western Europe, Decline of Feudalism
Problems of the Catholic Church
Christian debate over faith v.s. logic, disputes over practices between east and west, pope was corrupt/greedy, excommunication was rampant.....Anything else? plz lemme know
Difference Between Early and Later Religious Scholars
Early scholars preferred to go by the book while later ones preferred to expand on the book and incorporate new traditions and philosophies and sciences like in the Christian Debate
How Christianity Mixed with the Pagans of Western Europe
Christians adopted local pagan customs
The Holy Roman Empire
decentralized political entity in Medieval Europe founded on Christianity, feudal system, election of an emperor and limited imperial power
Location of the Holy Roman Empire
Central Europe: Germany, Austria, parts of Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Switzerland
First Development of Trade: Location
Italy, Belgium, Northern France
First Development of Trade: Results
Cultural diffusion, economic growth and urbanization, wealth accumulation, trade routes established