Human Resource Management / Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science / Exam Date: 6/14/24 *listed to be on exam
*Aspects of HR Management
Find right people
Train, motivate, appraise
Helps employees/employers understand rights and responsibilities
*Human capital
Intangible knowledge, skills, and capabilities of individuals that have economic value to an organization
Planned elimination of jobs
Hiring outside the company to perform processes previously done within the firm
Output gained from a fixed amount of inputs
*Ways HRM can contribute to productivity
Enhance ability of employees—invest in training
Improve Work environment
*Challenges to managing changing labor force
Five generations
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Enhancing benefit programs
Embrace technology
Consider “new” ways of scheduling workers
Flex time
*Lack of progress
People resist change as it involves modifying or abandoning familiar ways of working
*What might be a suggestion for soaring health costs?
Provide employees a set amount to purchase health insurance on their own
*What ethnic group is going to double over the next 25 years?
*Labor participation rate
Number people employed or actively looking for work
HRM strategic challenges to business
Manage changing labor force
Lack of progress
Soaring costs (esp. healthcare)
Labor participation rate
Cultural and societal changes
*Visionary leadership style
“Come with me”
*Coaching leadership style
“Try this”
*Democratic leadership style
“What do you think”
*Commanding leadership style
“Do what I tell you”
*Affiliative leadership style
“People come first”
*Employee engagement
Extent to which employees are enthused about their work and committed to it
Work/life balance
*Knowledge workers
Workers who responsibilities extend beyond the physical execution of work to include planning, decision-making, and problem-solving
Ability to produce a good or service without damaging the environment or depleting a resource
Companies are making strides to reduce their carbon footprints
*Changes must be managaged and to do so you must:
Envision the future
Communicate vision
Set expectations for performance
Reorganize people/relocate assets
*Strategic planning
Procedures for making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies
*Human resources planning (HRP)
Process of anticipating and providing for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization
Basic purpose of the organization and its scope of operations
*Strategic vision
Clarifies the long-term direction of the company and it's strategic intent
*Core values
Strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for it's decisions
*Corporate culture
The shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that shape the work environment and the guide the actions of individuals within an organization
Value-based hiring
Outlining behaviors that exemplify a firm’s corporate culture and hiring people who are a fit for them
*Swot analysis
Comparison of
Strength (Internal)
What was done well?
Weaknesses (Internal)
Where can we improve?
Opportunities (External)
Do competitors have any weaknesses we can benefit from?
Threats (External)
New competitors or expansion in existing competitors
for strategy formulation purposes
*Business (external analysis of environment)
Factors that a firm cannot directly control but can affect it's strategy
*Competitive (external analysis of environment)
Consists of a firm’s specific industry
*Remote (external analysis of environment)
Economy and ecological, technological, social, demographic, and legal/regulatory changes
*Porter's five forces
The definitive way to analyze/study your competition in the environment
*Core capabilities
Integrated knowledge sets within an organization
Distinguish the organization from its competitors and deliver value to customers
Value creation
*Value creation
What the firm adds to a product or service by virtue of making it
Value= Benefits-costs
*Cultural audits
Assesses the quality of work life in an organization by asking employees about nature of work and seeks input on how it should be done
*Strategic considerations in a labor shortage
Develop and invest in current employees
Recall employees
Outsource via contractors
*Consideration during labor surplus
Need to downsize
Hiring freeze
Reducing work hours
Consider layoffs
“Forced” retirements
*Human capital readiness
Evaluating the availability of critical talent in a company and comparing it to the firm’s supply
Difference between the quantity and quality of employees required and available represent the gap that needs to be remedied
Corporate strategic options
Growth and diversification
Only cemetery---> cemetery, crematory, composting, lawn service, vault services
Mergers and acquisitions
Alliances vs joint ventures
Two businesses of similar size and scale of operations combine into one new company
More of a partnership
One business buys another, often smaller, business
Strategic alliances
Arrangements between two or more parties while each retains its independence
Starbucks and Target
Joint ventures
Arrangement between two or more parties while they share the risks associated with the objective’s development
Ford and Toyota, made hybrid trucks together
Sell off, getting rid of
Hillebrand sells off Batesville
*Low-cost strategy
Focuses on efficiency, cost containment, and minimizing waste in systems and processes
HR goals
Supply chain and logistics
*Differentiation strategy
Based on delivering high-quality products, innovative features, speed to market, and/or superior service
HR goals
Exceed expectations with service and quality
Looking at an organization’s practices and performances in an area and comparing them with those of other companies
*Balance scorecard (BSC)
Measures a firm strategic alignment
Helping to translate strategic goals into operational objectives in consideration of stakeholders
*Equal employment opportunity (EEO)
Treatment of individuals in all aspects of employment hiring, promotion, and training in a fair and nonbiased manner
*Environmental scanning
The process of gathering information about events and their relationships within an organization's internal and external environments
*Cultural and societal changes influence reactions to
Work assignments
Leadership styles
Reward systems
*Levels of good corporate citizenship: highest→lowest
Philanthropic initiatives
Environmentally friendly initiatives
Community projects
Fair trade investments
*Formal communications to employees
Employee handbooks
*Informal communication to employees
Corporate culture
*Features of corporate culture
Core values and beliefs
Clear communication
Leadership style
Adaptability and flexibility
*Factors that provide competitive advantage for businesses in having/using resources
Difficult to imitate