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Apollo 11 Stones
Namibia. ca. 25,500 B.C.E. Charcoal on stone.
Lascaux Bull Paintings
Lascaux, France. ca. 15,000 B.C.E. Pigment on stone
Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine
Tequixquiac, Central Mexico. ca. 14,000 B.C.E. Bone.
Running Horned Woman
Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria. ca. 6000 B.C.E. Pigment on rock.
Bushel With Ibex Motifs
Susa, Iran. ca. 4200 B.C.E. Painted terra cotta.
Anthropomorphic Stele
Arabian Peninsula. Fourth millennium B.C.E. Sandstone.
Jade Cong
Liangzhu, China. ca. 3300 B.C.E. Carved jade.
Wiltshire, UK. Neolithic Europe. ca. 2500 B.C.E. Sandstone.
Ambum Stone
Ambum Valley, Papua New Guinea. ca. 1500 B.C.E. Greywacke.
Tlatilco Female Figurine
Central Mexico. 1200 B.C.E. Ceramic.
Terra Cotta Fragment
Lapita. Solomon Islands. 1000 B.C.E. Terra cotta with stamped patterns.
White Temple and its Ziggurat
Sumerian. Uruk, Iraq. ca. 3500 B.C.E. Mud brick.
Palette of King Narmer
Egyptian. Egypt. ca. 3000 B.C.E. Greywacke.
Sumerian Votive Figures
Sumerian. Iraq. ca. 2700 B.C.E. Shell and limestone.
Seated Scribe
Egyptian. Saqqara, Egypt. ca. 2600 B.C.E. Painted limestone.
Standard of Ur
Sumerian. Iraq. ca. 2500 B.C.E. Wood, shell, lapis lazuli and red limestone.
Great Sphinx
Egyptian. Giza, Egypt. ca. 2520 B.C.E. Sandstone.
Stele of Hammurabi
Babylonian. Babylonia. ca. 1780 B.C.E. Basalt.
Temple of Amen-Ra
Egyptian. Karnak, Egypt. ca. 1500 B.C.E. Sandstone and mudbrick.
Akhenaton and Nefertiti
Egyptian. Karnak, Egypt. ca. 1353 B.C.E. Rock and sandstone.
Menkaure and his Queen
Egyptian. Giza, Egypt. ca. 2490 B.C.E. Stone.
Queen Hatshepsut's Funerary Temple
Egyptian. Luxor, Egypt. ca. 1480 B.C.E. Sandstone.
Death Mask and Innermost Coffin of Tutankhamen
Egyptian. Cairo, Egypt. ca. 1323 B.C.E. Gold inlaid with gemstones.
Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer
Egyptian. Egypt. ca. 1275 B.C.E. Painted papyrus scroll.
Lamassu (Winged Bull with Human Head)
Assyrian. Iraq. ca. 700 B.C.E.
Athenian Agora
Archaic/Hellenistic Greek. Athens, Greece. ca. 150 C.E. Marble and Limestone.
Anavysos Kouros
Archaic Greek. Greece. ca. 530 B.C.E. Marble with remnants of paint.
Peplos Kore
Archaic Greek. Athens, Greece. ca. 530 B.C.E. Stone.
Sarcophogus of the Spouses
Etruscan. Rome, Italy. ca. 520 B.C.E. Terra Cotta.
Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes
Persepolis, Iran. Persian. ca. 520 B.C.E. Limestone.
Apollo of Veii
Estruscan. Tuscany, Italy. ca. 500 B.C.E. Terra Cotta.
Tomb of the Triclinium
Etruscan. Tarquinia, Italy. ca. 480 B.C.E. Tufa and fresco.
Niobides Krater
Classical Greek. Greece. ca. 450 B.C.E. Baked clay.
Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
Polykleitos. Original 450 B.C.E. Roman copy (marble) of Greek original (bronze).
Parthenon (Acropolis)
Classical Greek. Athens, Greece. 438 B.C.E. Marble.
Grave Stele of Hegaso
Kallimachos. Greece. ca. 410 B.C.E. Marble and paint.
Nike of Samothrace
Hellenistic Greek. Greece. ca. 190 B.C.E. Stone.
Altar of Zeus and Athena
Hellenistic Greek. Greece. ca. 175 B.C.E. Marble.
House of the Vettii
Imperial Roman. Pompeii, Italy. 2nd century B.C.E. Cut stone and fresco.
Alexander Mosaic
Roman (copy). Pompeii, Italy. ca. 100 B.C.E. Mosaic.
Seated Boxer
Hellenistic Greek. Greece. ca. 100 B.C.E. Bronze.
Head of a Roman Patrician
Roman. Otricoli, Italy. ca. 50 B.C.E. Marble.
Augustus of Primaporta
Roman. Rome, Italy. early 1st century B.C.E. Marble and stone.
Roman. Rome, Italy. ca. 90 C.E. Marble and limestone.
Forum of Trajan
Roman. Rome, Italy. ca. 110 C.E. Brick and concrete architecture, marble column.
Roman. Rome, Italy. ca. 120 C.E. Concrete and stone.
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
Imperial Roman. Rome, Italy. ca. 250 C.E. Marble.
Catacombs of Priscilla
Rome, Italy. ca. 200 C.E. Tufa and fresco.
Santa Sabina
Rome, Italy. ca. 422 C.E. Brick and stone, wooden roof.
Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well (and Jacob Wrestling the Angel)
Byzantine. Byzantine Empire. early 16th century. Tempera gold and silver.
San Vitale
Byzantine. Ravenna, Italy. ca. 530 C.E. Brick, marble, and stone veneer.
Hagia Sophia
Originally Byzantine, converted by Islamic Empire. Istanbul, Turkey. ca. 535 C.E. Brick and ceramic.
Merovinigian Looped Fibula
Early Medieval Europe. ca. 550 C.E. Gilded silver and gold inlaid with gemstones.
Virgin and Child between Saints Theodore and George
Byzantine. Byzantine Empire. late 6th century. Encaustic on wood.
Lindisfarne Gospels
Early Medieval. Lindisfarne, UK. ca. 700 C.E. Ink on animals skin and gold leafing.
Great Mosque of Cordoba
Umayyad. Cordoba, Spain. ca. 785 C.E. Stone masonry.
Pyxis of Al-Mughira
Umayyad. Spain. ca. 968 C.E. Ivory.
Church of Sainte-Foy
Romanesque. France. Church; ca. 1050 C.E. Reliquary; 9th century C.E. Stone and paint (architecture); gold, silver, gemstones on wood (reliquary).
Bayuex Tapestry
Norman OR Romaneque. Normandy, France. ca. 1066 C.E. Embroidered tapestry.
Chatres Cathedral
Gothic. France. ca. 1150 B.C.E. Limestone.
Dedication Page with Blanche of Castle and King Louis IX of France
Gothic. France. ca. 1230 B.C.E. Ink, tempera and gold leafing on vallum.
Rottgen Pieta
Gothic. Germany. ca. 1300 C.E. Painted wood.
Arena Chapel
Gothic. Giotto, Italy. ca. 1305 C.E.
The Golden Haggadah
Jewish. Spain. ca. 1320 C.E. Pigments and gold leafing on vellum.
Alhambra Palace
Nasrid Dynasry. Granada, Spain. ca. 1354 C.E. Whitewashed adobe stucco, wood, tile, paint, and gilding.
Merode Altar Piece
Campin. Northern Renaissance. ca. 1425 C.E. Oil on wood.
West Facade of the Pazzi Chapel
Brunelleschi. Early Italian Renaissance. ca. 1440 C.E. Masonry.
Arnolfini Portrait
Van Eyck. Northern Renaissance. ca. 1434 C.E. Oil on wood.
Donatello. Early Italian Renaissance. ca. 1430 C.E. Bronze.
Palazzo Rucellai
Alberti. Early Italian Renaissance. ca. 1450 C.E. Stone masonry.
Madonna and Child with Two Angels
Fra Filippo Lippi. Early Italian Renaissance. ca. 1465 C.E. Tempera on wood.
Birth of Venus
Botticelli. Early Italian Renaissance. ca. 1485 C.E. Tempera on canvas.
The Last Supper
Da Vinci. High Italian Renaissance. ca. 1495 C.E. Tempera fresco.
Adam and Eve
Durer. Northern Renaissance. ca. 1504. Engraving.
Ceiling of Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo. High Italian Renaissance. ca. 1508 C.E. Tempera mural.
The School of Athens
Raphael. Northern Renaissance. ca. 1510 C.E. Oil on wood.
Isenheim Altarpiece
Grunewald. Northern Renaissance. ca. 1515 C.E. Oil on wood.
Deposition from the Cross (Entombment of Christ)
Pontormo. High Italian Renaissance. ca. 1525 C.E. Oil on wood.
Allegory of Law and Grace
Cranach the Elder. Protestant Reformation. ca. 1530 C.E. Woodcut carving.
Venus of Urbino
Titian. High Italian Renaissance. ca. 1538 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza
Viceroyalty of New Spain (Colonial America). ca. 1541 C.E. Pigment on paper.
Il Gesu (Triumph of the Name of Jesus fresco)
Vignola (architect); Porta (facade architect); Gaulili (fresco artist). Italy. ca. 1550. Brick, marble, fresco and stucco.
Hunters in the Snow
Bruegel the Elder. Northern Renaissance. ca. 1565 C.E. Oil on wood.
Mosque of Selim II
Sinan (architect). Edirne, Turkey. ca. 1570 C.E. Brick and stone.
Calling of Saint Matthew
Caravaggio. Baroque. ca. 1600 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Henry IV Recieves the Portrait of Marie de'Medici
Reubens. Flemish Baroque. ca. 1625 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Portrait with Saskia
Rembrandt. Dutch Baroque. ca. 1636. Etching.
Facade of Saint Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
Borromini. Italian Baroque. ca. 1675 C.E. Stone and stucco.
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Bernini. Italian Baroque. ca. 1650. Marble.
Archangel with Gun
Master of Calamarca. Colonial Spain. 17th century C.E. Oil on canvas.
Las Meninas
Velazquez. Spanish Baroque. ca. 1656. Oil on canvas.
Woman Holding a Balance
Vermeer. Dutch Baroque. ca. 1664 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Palace of Versailles
Le Vau and Hardouin-Mansart (architects). French Baroque. ca. 1680. Marble and bronze.
Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and Hunting Scene
Colonial Americas. ca. 1700 C.E. Tempera, resin and enconchado on wood.
The Virgin of Guadalupe
Gonzalez. Mexico City, Mexico. ca. 1698 C.E. Oil and enconchado on canvas on wood.
Fruits and Insects
Ruysch. Dutch Baroque. ca. 1711 C.E. Oil on wood.
Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo
Juárez. Colonial Americas. ca. 1715 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Breakfast Scene from Marriage a la Mode
Hogarth. Rococo. ca. 1745. Oil on canvas.
Portrait of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Cabrera. Mexico. ca. 1750 C.E. Oil on canvas.
A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrey
Derby. English Neoclassical. ca. 1763 C.E. Oil on canvas.