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Main artery in the human body starting from the left ventricle to the stomach.
Right Atrium
Receives blood from all parts of the body. Blood is high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.
Right Ventricle
Pumps blood to the lungs. Blood is high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.
Left Atrium
Receives blood from the lungs. Blood is high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide.
Left Ventricle
Pumps blood to all parts of the body except the lungs. Blood is high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide.
Largest of all the blood vessels. Carries blood away from the heart. __, except those that go to the lungs are rich in oxygen. Carries materials that the cells need.
Carries blood back to the heart. __, except those that go to the lungs carry blood with dissolved materials. Medium sized.
Connects the arteries and the viens. They are tiny in size-some as thin as one strand of hair. Most numerous in your body.
White Blood Cell
Fights diseases and infections. Destroys harmful germs in the body. Largest of the blood cells.
Red Blood Cell
Contains hemoglobin that gives it the red color. Most numerous. Carries oxygen to all pats of the body. Picks up carbon dioxide waste from the cells.
Tiny, colorless pieces of cells. Help stop bleeding by giving off a chemical that helps blood clot. The smallest of the blood cells.
Also known as the wind pipe. It connects the Larynx to the lungs. It is made of rings of cartilage.
The primary organ of the respiratory system. They take in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide. They are inflated and defeated by the action of the diaphragm.
The main passageway into the lungs. They become smaller and are called bronchioles inside the lungs. They then evolve into air sacs called alveoli.
The most important muscles in the respiratory system. it expands and contracts forcing air in and out of the lungs. Spasms of this muscle cause hiccups.
Tiny sacs in the lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and the blood stream.
Fist-sized muscle in the chest that pumps blood.
A thick tissue that travels through the vessels to our body’s cells.
A protein that gives blood a red color when mixed with oxygen.
Blood Vessels
Carries blood to and from the heart and other parts of the body.
Blood flows out of the aorta.
Does blood flow in or out of the aorta?
The right ventricle.
What part of the heart receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs?
It pumps blood to the rest of the body.
What does the left ventricle do?
Inferior vena cava
What is the largest vein in the human body?
Superior vena cava
What vein collects blood from the head and arms?
What is the main artery of the body?
The right ventricle
Where does blood go after leaving the right atrium.
To the heart
Where do the pulmonary veins carry blood?
What is responsible for supplying blood throughout the circulatory system?
Inferior vena cava
What vein carries blood to the lower and middle part of the body?
Fills with blood, contracts, and forces the blood to move out and go through blood vessels.
How does the heart beat?
60 seconds.
How long does it take for blood to travel throughout the body?
Voice box
How many lobes is the right lung?
How many lobes is the left lung?
Thoracic Cavity
Which body cavity are the lungs found within