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What are s&s of an mcl sprain?
Pn, swelling, stiffness
limited flex & ext
+ valgus
joint line pn
What is the ROM for an MCL sprain?
Flexion & extension
What is the MOI for an mcl sprain?
Valgus contact or non-contact valgus &/or rotation
What is the MOI for an lcl sprain?
— & tibial internal rotation
What are S&S for an lcl sprain?
Hearing “pop” or tear
Point tenderness
What is the ROM for an LCL sprain?
Flexion & Extension
What is the MOI for an ACL sprain?
Anterior tibial translation or
posterior femoral translation, Noncontact rotational injuries, or Hyperextension
What are S&S of an ACL sprain?
hearing or feeling “Pop”, immediate function loss & swelling within 4-6 hours
What is the ROM for an ACL sprain?
As swelling sets in, theres a decrease in ROM
What are the extrinsic predisposing factors of an ACL sprain?
Muscle strength & fatigue
Muscle activation & coordination
Q angle
Anterior pelvic tilt
Menstrual cycle
What are the intrinsic predisposing factors of an ACL sprain?
Small ACL size
Narrow intercondylar notch width
Joint laxity
What is the MOI for a PCL sprain?
posterior tibial translation, landing on anterior tibia with knee flexed, or landing on dorsiflexed ankle
What are the S&S for a PCL sprain?
may be asymptomatic, popliteal fossa pain & tenderness, & effusion develops over time
What is the ROM for a PCL sprain?
MMT: Quad strength decrease in chronic patients
What is the MOI for a posterolateral corner injury?
Hyperextension w/ varus, & Hyperextension w/ external tibial rotation
What are S&S of a posterolateral corner injury?
“Knee instability”, localized pain, giving way, rapid non-contained edema
What is the MOI for a meniscal tear?
rotation with flexion &/or valgus/varus stress
What are S&S of a meniscal tear?
“clicking” or “locking”
Joint line pain
Decreased motion
What are the classifications of a tibiofemoral dislocation?
Tibial Displacement
High or Low velocity
What is the MOI for a tibiofemoral dislocation?
Hyperextension w tibial rotation
Posterior tibial displacement w flexed knee
What are S&S of a tibiofemoral dislocation?
Severe pain
“Dimple sign”
Suspect w impaired neuro symptoms
What are predisposing factors to IT Band friction syndrome?
Genu varum
Foot pronation
Leg length
Lateral heel strike
What is the MOI for IT Band friction syndrome?
Repeated flexion & extension
What are the S&S for IT Band friction syndrome?
Point tenderness
MMT pain, none with AROM
What is disrupted with Anterolateral Rotatory Instability?
Anterolateral & Posterolateral capsule
Biceps femoris
Lateral meniscus
What do patients complain of with rotary instability?
“giving out or giving way”
Decreased strength
Decreased performance
Lack of confidence
What are the special tests for IT Band syndrome?
Nobel’s & Ober’s
What is the Unhappy triad in anteriomedial rotary instabillity?
Medial meniscus
What are the special tests for anteriomedial rotary instability?
Isolated ACL & MCL
Solcum drawer
What is a discoid menisucus?
Increased thickness & overs a larger area of the tibia
Size, shape & stability causes instability, clicking or locking
What is a meniscal cyst?
Associated w longitudinal tears
Often painless
Breaches joint capsule and fills with synovial fluid
What is an osteochondral lesion?
damage to the bone and cartilage
What are S&S of an osteochondral lesion?
Diffuse pain
Locking or clunking
Increased pain & decreased strength when WB
What are the special tests for uniplanar anterior instability?
Anterior drawer
Prone lachmans
What are the special tests for uniplanar posterior instability?
Posterior drawer
quad activation
Dynamic posterior shift
External rotation recurvatum
What are the special tests for uniplanar medial instability?
Valgus test
What are the special tests for uniplanar lateral instability?
Varus test
What are the special tests for multiplanar anteriolateral instability?
Slocum drawer
Flexion/rotation drawer
Pivot shift
What are the special tests for multiplanar anteriormedial instability?
Anterior drawer
Slocum drawer w/ ER to 15°
What is the MOI for an ACL sprain?
Anterior tibial translation or
posterior femoral translation, Noncontact rotational injuries, or Hyperextension
What are S&S of an ACL sprain?
hearing or feeling “Pop”, immediate function loss & swelling within 4-6 hours
What is the special test for a osteochondral lesion?
What are special tests for meniscal tears?
What are the purposes of the patella?
Increase mechanical efficiency
Anterior protection
Absorption & transmission of joint foreces
What are the planes of the patella?
Frontal & sagittal: Triangular
Frontal: superior portion is wider
Sagittal: Anterior, non-articulating, narrower posterior surface
What are the patella articulations?
Medial, lateral, odd
Medial & lateral have superior, middle & inferior facts
Odd facet has no articulation support
What is the patella ROM?
Medially: 45-18° into ext
Laterally: 18-0° into ext
Where is the lateral retinaculum?
Over the vastus lateralis & IT band
Where is the medial retinaculum?
Over the vastus medialis & adductor magnus
What is the primary patella lateral mover?
Vastus lateralis
What is the vastus lateralis supported by?
IT band
What movement does the vastus medialis oblique produce on the patella?
Medial & proximal gliding
What is the risk of decreased quad vs hamstring strength?
Patellofemoral risk
What do tight calves increase the risk of?
Decreased dorsi = increased pronation → Hip IR & medial patella tracking
What does a medial patella position cause?
Increased q-angle & lateral force
Where are the 4 bursae of the knee?
Subcutaneous infrapatellar
Deep infrapatellar
What are acute MOI’s for patellofemoral?
what is movie goers sign?
After sitting for a while, getting up the anterior knee is swollen
What is the true leg length?
ASIS to medial malleolus
What is a functional leg length?
Belly button to medial malleolus
What is a J-sign?
A superior/lateral glide of the patella during extension
What is the MOI for a PCL sprain?
posterior tibial translation, landing on anterior tibia with knee flexed, or landing on dorsiflexed ankle
What are the S&S for a PCL sprain?
may be asymptomatic, popliteal fossa pain & tenderness, & effusion develops over time
What is the ROM for a PCL sprain?
MMT: Quad strength decrease in chronic patients
What is the MOI for a posterolateral corner injury?
Hyperextension & varus, & Hyperextension & external tibial rotation
What are S&S of a posterolateral corner injury?
“Knee instability”, localized pain, giving way, rapid non-contained edema
What is a positive test for clarkes sign?
Feeling of crunchiness, hurts
What is a positive apprehension test?
Guarding, verbal or non verbal apprehensiopn
Medial patellar retinaculum laxity
What is a positive medial synovial plica test?
Symptom reproduction
Plica palpation on medial femoral condyle from 60-45°
What is a positive stutter test?
Irregular motion between 40-60°
Medial plica syndrome
What are the S&S of patellofemoral pain syndrome?
pain w/ stairs “movie goers”
“giving out” & “clicking:
What are the observations for patellofemoral pain syndrome?
End ranges increase pain
Point tenderness along medial retinaculum
MMT: weak quads, abductors, hip er
What are the special tests for patellofemoral pain syndrome?
What are the MOI for acute patellar disloctions?
Valgus blow
tensile stress
What are the S&S for acute patellar dislocaions?
Large blood effusion
Point tenderness & pain at MPFL, med retinaculum, VMO
cannot perform ROM
What are the special tests for acute patellar dislocations?
Apprehension to R/O major ligament involvement
What are the MOI for patellar subluxation?
Change of direction
Eccentric contraction
What are the S&S of a patellar subluxation?
Medial capsule pain
“giving out”
What are the ROM of a patellar subluxation?
pain between 0-30°
MMT: weak hip abd & Er
What are the special tests for uniplanar medial instability?
Valgus test
What are the special tests for uniplanar lateral instability?
Varus test
What are the special tests for multiplanar anteriolateral instability?
Slocum drawer
Flexion/rotation drawer
Pivot shift
What are the special tests for multiplanar anteriormedial instability?
Anterior drawer
Slocum drawer w/ ER to 15°
What are the special tests for multiplanar posteriolateral instability?
Posteriolateral drawer
Reverse pivot shift
Dynamic posterior shift
External rotation recurvatum test
What are the special tests for multiplanar posteriomedial instability?
Posteriomedial drawer
Pivot shift
What are S&S of “hoffa’s disease”?
Pain on either side of patellar tendon
Symptomatic hamstring spasm
Reduced knee extension
Limited ROM
What is patellofemoral bursitis?
Inflammation of the bursa
What bursae is effect by direct trauma to the knee?
Superficial Prepatellar
Subcutaneous Infrapatellar
What bursae is effect by overuse?
Deep Infrapatella
What are S&S of patellofemoral bursitis?
Pn localized to bursa
point tenderness
What is the ROM for patellfemoral bursitis?
Pn at specific points
MMT: quad weakness
What is a plica?
An extra fold in the synovial membrane
What are the MOIs for a synovial plica?
Direct blow
What are the S&S of a synovial plica?
Anterior knee pain
“Giving way”
Worse in the morning
Swelling over plica
What is the ROM for a synovial plica?
Pain & “catching”
MMT: quad weakness
What are the MOIs for a patellar fracture?
Rapid flexion
Acute blow
What are the S&S for a patellar fracture?
Point tenderness
What is the ROM for a patellar fracture?
Extension lag
Limited flexion
Decreased quad strength
What are the predisposing factors for a patellar tendon rupture?
Rheumatoid arthritis
What are the MOIs for a patellar tendon rupture?
Extensor mechanism overload