Purpose of the digestive system
to provide a continous supply of H2o,electolytes and nutrients
non-absorbed food material “undigestible material”
walls of the digestive system
Longitudinal muscle layer
runs length wise in the organ
Circular muscle
runs around the organ
Sub Mucosa layer
layer of connective tissue under the mucosa
Mucosa layer
layer of mucous membrane that secretes
Divisions of the stomach
enlarged portion above asophagus
central portion of the stomach
lower part of stomach
Organs of the gastrointestinal tract
oral cavity
tube through which a bolus go through
tube that extends pharynx to the stomach
stors food for 2-3 hours
small intestine
mixes food further
large intestine
approximetly 6cm in diameter 1.5 meters long
Accessory organs
organs not needed to live
Salivary Glands
secrete saliva
Vermiform appendix
vestigal organ below cecum
largest gland in the body stores blood
liver cells
produces digestive enzymes runs behind stomach to spleen
lies on undersurface of liver ejects bile
Structures of the oral cavity
-lips- manipulative folds that close the opening of the mouth
lateral boundries of the oral cavity; covered with mucous membrane
hard at the anterior and has bone behind it
-soft at the rear separates the mouth from the nasopharynx
-uvula- hangs down at the back of the soft palate
-a, the tongue-solid mass of skeletal muscle that keeps food between teeth- organs of mastication.
-composed of the crown- exposed portion covered by enamel
-neck-narrow portion that joints crown to root
-roots- fits into the socket of the alveolar process of the bone
-internally composed of dentin surrounding pulp cavity
Types of teeth
flattened teeth at anterior which cut material
sharp,pointed teeth for ripping
reletively flattened teeth used for grinding
very large flat teeth for grinding
reduces size of food particles and increases surface area -mechanical digestion
mixes food with saliva for ease of swallowing.
Salivary glands
-produce digestive enzymes and mucus=saliva
Parotoid glands
largest, located outside bone in front of ear.
produce watery saliva containing enzymes and enzymes.
Subligual glands
located below; produce mucous type of saliva
tube through which a bolus of food passes when moved from the esophagus during deglutination
oral stage
voluntarily controlled
formation of food bolus by tongue
-tongue pushes food against palate.
pharyngeal stage
oropharynx to esophagus
oral cavity closed by tongue, combination of contractions and gravity move bolus into esophagus
esophagus-esophagus to stomach
-inoluntary rythmic contractions that propell food in gi tract stimulated by distension
mixing movement that causes that causes back and forth movement within a single area of the gi tract; mixes food with enzymes and brings digested food into contact with mucosa to facilitate absorbtion
-tube that extends from pharynx to the stomach
-reverse peristalsis happens when food enters botoom of esophagus
-cadiac sphincter controls movement of food into stomach
-heartburn occcurs when acid comes through
-gastroephageal reflux disease.GERD
-stores large amounts of food for 2-3 hours
-mixes food with gastric secreations including gastric juice and hydrochloric acid PH 1-3
-oblique muscle layer helps in mixing movements
-food mixes with gastric juices=chyme
-absorbs alchol,some drugs,aspirin can breach the mucosal barrier and cause bleeding
-cekks are constantly shedding-newlining every 3 day
-pyloric sphincter controls exit to small intestine
stomach wall
gastric mucosa
rugae marked by gastric pits
gastric glands-secretes gastric juice
chief cells-located in gastric glands;secrete the enzyme of gastric juice
parietal cells-in gastric glands;secrete HCL
-endocrine cells secrete gastrin
Small intestine
periostalic waves move chyme; segmentation movements mix food further
-approxiematley 2.5 cm in diameter and 7m (22ft’9 inches in length
three divisions.
upper portions-adds secreations,digest
secretory and digestive functions
digestive and absorptive function
villi with microvilli increse -each contains an arteriole,venule,and lacteal for absorbing nutrients.
Large intestine -colon
approxiemately 6cm. diameter;1.5 m (5ft) long
blind sac located below leoceal where the ileum empties into colon
veriform appendix
vestigal organ below cecum
ascending colon
vertical section on rigtht side of abdomena
tranverse colon
crosses horizontally across the abdomen above the small intestine
descending colon
vertical section on left side of abdomen
connects descending colon to rectum
last 7-8 inches of intestinal tube- stores fecal material for defication
-sheet of serous membrane that helps to hold intestines in place
membrane between folds of small intestines,allows free movementrr
tranverse mesocolon
extension of peritoneum that holds tranverse colon place
Accessory organs
largest gland in the body(1.5 kg), just below diaphragm
blood within liver is within spaces called sinusoids
Bile ducts
bile ducts within the liver carry bile to the gallbladder
detoxifies many substances such as alcohol and barbiturates
secrete bile in form of bile salts
helps in metabolism of fats,carbohydrates, and proteins
stores iron some vitamins and glucose
form many blood components:erythrocytes in embryo,plasma proteins,prothrombin and other clotting factors
blood within liver is within spaces called sinusoids
liver cells
runs from duodenum,behind stomach,to spleen
exocrine gland
portion produces digestive enzymes
which travel to duodenum through the pancreatic duct. Endocrine portion
secretes insulin and glucagon directly into the capillaries
lies on undersurface of liver
stores and concentrates bile
ejects concentrated bile through bile duct to duodenum
Mechanical digestion
changes the physical state of food large solif pieces to small pieces
so that chemical digestion is more efficient
mastication and deglutination
peristalsis and segmentation
Chemical digestion
chemical breakdown of food by enzymes
enzymes are protein catalysts
are specific in what they digest
enzymes are protein catalyst
are specific in what they digest
enzymes work best at specific PH
Carbohydrate digestion
used primary by the body as energy sources
must be broken down into mono saccharides simple sugars to be used by cells
-glucose , fructose and galactose
polysaccharides to disaccharides to monosaccharides.
salivary amylase-in saliva begins carbohydrate digestion
pancreatic amylase added in the small intestine begins the digestion of carbohydrates that aren’t affected by saliva amylase
ex-sucrase,maltase, and lactose complete the digestion into monosaccharides
-these enzymes are located within the epithelial cells covering the villi and preform contact digestion
protein digestion
proteins must be digested into amino acids to be absorbed and utilized
proteases work on proteins and break them into intermidiate product such as peptides
digestion begins in the stomach with pepsin wich breaks large polypeptides into smaller polypeptides and single amino acids
trypsin and chymotrpsin produced by the pancrease continue protein digestion in the small intestine
-peptidase anzymes by seperating individual amino acids
complete protein digestion
Lipid digestion
since fats marew insoluble in wate they must be emulsified before they can be digested
lecithin and bile emulsify oilsa and fats in smallintestine-form tiny speres call micelles
all fat digestion takes place in thge small intestion
lipases formed by pancreas digest fats
final products of fat digestion=fatty acids,monoglycerides,nd glycerol
sum of all chemical reaction in body
decomposition process
breaks food into small molecules
realses energy which is useful if first transferred to high energy bond og ATP
ATP highh energy bonds are easily broken and supply energy for cell reaction
cibstructive reactions
synthesizaes larege molecules celluar products from smaller molecules
require energy which it gets from atp
splits one glucose into pyruvic acids
occurs in cytoplasm
anerobic no o2
prepares sugar for krebs cycle
1g=2pa +atp +heat
Krebs cycle
convery 2 Pa in 6 co2
occurs in mitochondria
cycle stops without oxygen
forms glycogen by ccombining sugar
occurs when glycosis mechanics are occupied
split glycogen to form glucose
in response to low blood sugar
new sugar formed from proteins and fate
Eletion transport o
occurs in mito
o2 required
uses products of krebs cycle to produce lots of ATp
amino acids used to produce sugar
six atp are used in production
prancreatic islets
decreses blood sugar by helping cells absorb it
increases blood sugar ny increasing rate of glycogenolysis
during starvation cotisole promotes glyconeogenesis protein breakdown in muscle,supplies amino acids to the liver
stimulates protein mobilization and gluconeogenesis.
fatty acids broken in krebs cycle
2x as much rnrtgy as carbs
syntheseis of lipids(triglycerides and cholesterol)
triglycerides are stored as fat
only sats fatty acids and be synthesized
essential fatty acids must enter with diet
Protein metabolisim
is primary- proteins are tissue building foods
proteins are synthesides by ribosomes
-every cell makes its own structural proteins and enzymes
-some build special proteins for export
-proteins are used for growth reproduction,tissue regainand replacement
Metabolic rate
amount of energy used by the body within a given time
rate of which an organisim uses food by cellulare respiation
exspressed as kcal/hour
Basal metabolic rate
amount of energy used with no action
affected by size,sex,age,thyroid,body temp
kcal per lb of fat
3,500 kcal in a pound
regulating food intake
hypothalmus-controls hungrt
appetite center neurons who bring hunger
satiety center-neurons whos pulses decrease appetite
increase blood tempincreased blood temp = not hungry
glucostatic theory -increased in blood sugar=hungry
increases motility of small intestine
contents of lower colon and rectum move slow
viral disease charecterizes by swelling parotoid glands
Tooth decay
decay occurs on tooth surfaces where food bres acid secreting bacteria and plaque communicatrion
solid material and cholesterol
wound in a membrane caused by tissue deconstruction
helicobacter pylori cause ulcers
caused by tension