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Physical Water Scarcity
Shortage due to local ecological conditions
Economic Water Scarcity
Inadequate water infrastructure
Continental Shelf
Extension of continents under seas and oceans
Living on or in
Living surrounde
Keystone species
Species that plays a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecosystem
Maximum Sustainable yield
Amount of fish you can take out without reducing original stock
Bottom trawling
Fishing net pulled along the sea floorq
Walls of netting designed to entangle fish
Deploy miles of fishing in the ocean to catch fish
Purse Seines
To capture schooling fish, e.g. tuna, salmon, anchovies
Catch a variety of fish and shellfish
Fish/animals that are caught by accident and just thrown back, usually mortally wounded
Tragedy of the Commons
Illustrates tension between the common good and the needs of the individual and how they can be in conflict, Assumes humans will always act selfishly
Miracle of the Commons
Belief that humans have deep capacities for sharing resources with generosity and foresight
The right endangered species or unique landsacpes have to remain unharmedSe
If they have the capacity to experience positive and negative feelings, e.g. ability to play is huge indicator
Citizen Scientist
Normal people who contribute data to an experiment
Near zero dissolved oxygen, death of aquatic life
Low values of dissolved oxygen, Stress aquatic life
Accumulation in the same organism over time
Accumulation in organisms higher in the food chain