cramming: study everything all at once, right before the exam
it feels efficient because you cover lot ina short amount of time
utility XX= high, XX= moderate , XX= low
Practice testing. self-testing or raking practice test on to-be-learned material
distributed practice: implementing a schedule of practice that spreads out study activities over time
interleaved practice: implementing a schedule of practice that mixes different kinds of problems or a schedule of study that mixes different kinds of material within a single study session
elaborative interrogation: generating an explanation for why and explicitly stated fact it concept is true
self-explanation: explaining how new information is related to known information or explaining steps taken during problem solving
Rereading: restudy text material again after an initial reading
highlighting and underlining: marking intentionally important portions of to-be-leaned materlan while reading
summarization: writing summaries of to-be-learned text
Keyword mnemonic: using keywords and mental imagery to associate verbal material l
Imagrgy for text: attempting to form mental images of text material while reading or listing
class size does not have an effect more to the quality of the teachers ability to teach effectively
teacher training depends on the type and quality of the training
more important factors:
obtaining formative evaluation
reciprocal teaching
distributed practice
metacognitive strategies
study skills
ability to connect new information with already know/familiar facts
self-reference effect
builds upon cognitive schemata
promote the retrieval of older information and makes it more relevant for the future
leads to a false answer
peer pressure
social anxiety
students don’t nessisarly know if they understand it fully or not
better question?
ask students to repeat concepts in their own words
ask a specific question about the concepts to see if students understand the matter
you can practice the wrong concepts making you imperfect
errors are difficulty to unlearn
cooperative learning: students help each other when studying
explaining to others strengthens understanding
different approach in langue helps to understand topic in a different sometimes better way
getting feedback form peers
completion forsters better learning outcomes