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whowere the theree childern of henery v111
Edward VI protestand, Mary catholic, (bloody mary), elizabethI protestant
what was the middle way
church woudl adopt protestant doctiren, howerver it return the leaderhsip of bishops and publihs worhisp sturcaure of the rcc
what was teh spanish armada
attacked englahd becaseu elizabeth had her catholic cousin and closet heir of mary queen of scots exucted, she had been plottin gwith king philip II of span and others to assassinate and overthwrow elizabeth
what happend afrter marys death
Pop esixturs V icited PHilip II to attack England by sea
Spanish versus english boats
sapn had 160large boats, englihs had around 200 small boats
Why did the englihs win the naval battle? Five reasosn SHORT ANSWER
1) englihs ships were smaller but faster
2)use of fire boats
3) poor leadership form span naval commanders
4)not enough supply of ammunition
5)stromy weather of the west coast of england that wrecked enve more ships of the armarda ad the spansh were running away
what was the naval battle
off englands east coast
what is a fire boat
bots set on ffier and rrced into the ranks of the spanish ships
what were the two effects of the defeat of the armada in engalnd
1)Politiacal: defeat of the amrada stoked a wave of english naionalism
2)religous: many enlghs believed the deaft of the armada was an espeically visible work of Gods providene of behalf fo england
what did elziabeth never marry
not doing so would halp her inforeing relations (palying eruopean nation whichthough she mght marry one of the princes offf against another eruopans nation which though she mght marry one of its princes
what was elizbeth nown as
virgin queen and state of virginai is named after her
what was shakespeare the problory best at two
playwrigt, poet
three type of plays he wrote
1)tradegies (hamlet)
2)histories (henry V part 2
#) Comddys (The taming of the shrew)
what did shakespeare work help to do
standarzie the enlgihs lsnaguage and transform the langure from middle englhs into modern englihs
what did the roman inquiaiona do
punihs all sorts of religious criems especially hericay
concil of trent (four things)
1)removed bishop who live in immorality
2)prohibited praice of simony (sale fo church offices)
c)temportaly banned indulgences
4)reafferimed hsitoric catholic dorctrine (thus agaisnt prot ref)
who was the founder of the jesuist order of monks
Ignatius Loyola
What did these monks commit themselves to (two things short answer)
1)faithful rpactice of spirtaul disciplines
2)lives of intergriyt and peverty