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Fool (0)
beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Fool reversed:
naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking
Magician (I)
power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Magician reversed
manipulation, poor planning, latent talents
High Priestess (II)
intuition, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind
High priestess reversed
hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice
Empress (III)
fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance
Empress Reversed
creative block, dependence on others
Emperor (IV)
authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation
Emperor reversed
domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility
Hierophant (V)
religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs
Hierophant reversed
restriction, challenging the status quo
Lovers (VI)
love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices
Lovers reversed
disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
Chariot (VII)
control, will power, victory, assertion, determination
Chariot reversed
lack of control and direction, aggression
Strength (VIII)
strength, courage, patience, control, compassion
Strength Reversed
weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline
Hermit (IX)
soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
Hermit Reversed
isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
Wheel of Fortune (X)
good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Wheel of Fortune reversed
bad luck, negative external forces, out of control
Justice (XI)
justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Justice Reversed
unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
Hanged Man (XII)
suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
Hanged Man reversed
martyrdom, indecision, delay
Death (XIII)
endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition
Death reversed
resistance to change, unable to move on
Temperance (XIV)
balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
Temperance Reversed
imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision
Devil (XV)
bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism
Devil reversed
detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
Tower (XVI)
disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation
Tower reversed
avoidance of disaster, fear of change
Star (XVII)
hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Star reversed
lack of faith, despair, discouragement
Moon (XVIII)
illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious
Moon reversed
release of fear, unhappiness, confusion
Sun (XIV)
fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality
Sun reversed
temporary depression, lack of success
Judgement (XX)
judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Judgement reversed
self-doubt, refusal of self-examination
World (XXI)
completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
World reversed
lack of completion, lack of closure
Suit of Cups
water; emotional sphere; emotions, relationships, feelings, connections; creativity, romanticism, fantasy, imagination
Ace of Cups
love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion
Ace of Cups reversed
blocked or repressed emotions
Two of Cups
unified love, partnership, attraction, relationships
Two of Cups reversed
break-up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony
Three of Cups
celebration, friendship, creativity, community
Three of Cups reversed
an affair, "three's a crowd", stifled creativity
Four of Cups
meditation, contemplation, apathy, re-evaluation
Four of Cups reversed
boredom, missed opportunity, being aloof
Five of Cups
loss, regret, disappointment, despair, bereavement
Five of cups Reversed
moving on, acceptance, forgiveness
Six of Cups
reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence
Six of Cups Reversed
stuck in the past, naivety, unrealistic
Seven of Cups
fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, choices, imagination
Seven of Cups Reversed
temptation, illusion, diversionary tactics
Eight of Cups
change or gaining of perspective
Eight of Cups Reversed
hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away
Nine of Cups
wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction
Nine of Cups reversed
greed, dissatisfaction, materialism
Ten of Cups
harmony, marriage, happiness
Ten of Cups reversed
misalignment of values, broken home or marriage
Page of Cups
a messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity
Page of Cups Reversed
emotional immaturity, creative block
Knight of Cups
romance, charm, "knight in shining armor", imagination
Knight of Cups reversed
unrealistic, jealousy, moodiness
Queen of Cups
emotional security, calm, intuitive, compassionate
Queen of Cups Reversed
emotional insecurity, co-dependency
King of Cups
emotional balance and control, generosity
King of Cups Reversed
emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility
Suit of Pentacles
earth; work, material possessions; manifestation, prosperity
Ace of Pentacles
manifestation, new financial opportunity, prosperity
Ace of Pentacles Reversed
lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight
Two of Pentacles
balance, adaptability, time management, prioritization
Two of Pentacles Reversed
disorganization, financial disarray
Three of Pentacles
teamwork, initial fulfillment, collaboration, learning
Three of Pentacles Reversed
lack of teamwork, disregard for skills
Four of Pentacles
control, stability, security, possession, conservatism
Four of Pentacles Reversed
greed, materialism, self-protection
Five of Pentalces
isolation, insecurity, worry, financial loss, poverty
Five of Pentacles Reversed
recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty
Six of Pentacles
generosity, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth
Six of Pentacles Reversed
debt, selfishness, one-sided charity
Seven of Pentacles
vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment
Seven of Pentacles Reversed
lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward
Eight of Pentacles
apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus
Nine of Pentacles
gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination
Nine of Pentacles Reversed
over-investment in work, financial setbacks
Ten of Pentacles
wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement
Ten of Pentacles Reversed
financial failure, loneliness, loss
Page of Pentacles
manifestation, financial opportunity, new job
Page of Pentacles Reversed
lack of progress and planning, short-term focus
Knight of Pentacles
efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical
Knight of Pentacles Reversed
laziness, boredom, feeling "stuck"
Queen of Pentacles
practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security
Queen of Pentacles Reversed
imbalance in work/family commitments