HRE201 - Exam Practice

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Passion Narratives

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Passion Narratives

the scriptural accounts of the suffering and Death of Jesus

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Immaculate Conception

Preserved of Original Sin, Mary was preserved of a virgin her whole life; Jesus was her only son and he was conceived of the Holy Spirit

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A complete conversion experience and evidence of the Holy Spirit

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The Trinity

One God who eternally exists as three distinct Entities, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

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Symbolic actions, gestures or body movements and accompanying words.

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The New Covenant with Jesus

God personally enters human culture as Jesus. Through Jesus, we become co-heirs of the Kingdom. Godā€™s promise that he will forgive sin of those who believe in Jesus.

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How something is revealed/made known; how God reveals Himself so we may have a better understanding of Him and have a closer relationship with Him

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7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Guides us and helps us make important decisions

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helps to know ourselves and the world around us (ex. knowing/learning in school)

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helps us untie knots, straighten out our lives and deal with our problems, received during Confirmation (ex. understanding when you are in the wrong and fixing it)

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helps us to see and understand Godā€™s plan in our lives and the world (ex. following passions and things you enjoy)

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helps us walk into the world and feel prepared, and to stand up for what we believe in (ex. stepping out of your comfort zone)

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helps us to see God in everything around us (ex. learning to respect one another as we are all of Godā€™s creation)

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keeps us awestruck by the power and beauty of God in our lives (ex. always seeking for knowledge, feeling inspired by the beauty of nature)

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Right Judgement

encourages us to talk things over so we can make safe choices that make us feel comfortable (ex. always choosing and knowing what is right in difficult situations)

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Apostles Creed

summary of the beliefs of Jesus' chosen followers; structured around the importance of the Trinity, saying and believing these words, draw us closer to God.

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Catechism of the Catholic Church

the official compliation of Catholic teaching, a rich source of information on our Catholic faith and way of life.

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7 traits of being human

  1. Humans are created in the image and likeness of God

  2. Humans are called to happiness and holiness

  3. Humans are rational and free

  4. Humans are moral beings

  5. Humans have passions or feelings

  6. Humans are blessed with a conscience

  7. Humans are able to sin

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  1. Humans are created in the image and likeness of God

We are created with love and are given the capacity to love others, by loving others, we are acting in ā€œHis imageā€

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  1. Humans are called to happiness and holiness

We achieve true happiness through our positive thoughts and actions, by loving God and one another

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  1. Humans are rational and free

We are also blessed with free will, the freedom to choose our actions, choices, and decisions shape our lives in terms of how we live and who we become

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  1. Humans are moral beings

We can act in ways that are either morally good or morally evil, we have the free will to choose our behaviour

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  1. Humans have passions or feelings

Our emotions drive us to act or to not act, it leads us to act that results in either a good or bad decision

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  1. Humans are blessed with a conscience

A moral conscience is present in every person, it is a voice that appears at a decision-making moment to do good or avoid evil

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  1. Humans are able to sin

We are capable of committing evil actions even though we are made good and in the image of God

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Paschal Mystery

Refers to the Passion, Death, Ressurection and Ascension of Jesus Christ as an event that conveys the Salvation of Humanity.

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Catholic Social Justice Teachings

a branch of moral theology addressing contemporary issues within social structures of society: political, economic, cultural.

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CSJ Teaching - Human Dignity

human life is sacred and the dignity of the person is the foundation of a moral foundation of our social teaching

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CSJ Teaching - Community/Common Good

human life is social.Ā Our Church teaches that the role of government and other institutions is to protect human life and dignity and promote the common good.

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CSJ Teaching - Rights and Duties

Every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things require for human decency.

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CSJ Teaching - Preferential Option For The Poor

In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.

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CSJ Teaching - Participation

All people have a right to participate in the economic, political, and cultural life of society.

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CSJ Teaching - Economic Justice

The economy must serve the rights of workers not the other way around

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CSJ Teaching - Stewardship of Creation

We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of Godā€™s creation

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CSJ Teaching - Solidarity

Catholic social teaching proclaims that we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, no matter where they live, we always care for one another

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CSJ Teaching - Role of Government

Its purpose is to assist citizens in fulfilling their responsibility to others in society. Citizens need the help of government to fulfill these responsibilities and promote the common good.

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CSJ Teaching - Promotion of Peace

Catholic teaching promotes peace as a positive, action-oriented concept.Ā It involves mutual respect and confidence between peoples and nations. It involves collaboration and binding agreements.

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3 Stages of Gospel Development

Stage 1: Jesus lived and worked, having a profound effect on his disciples

Stage 2: After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the disciples and early church proclaimed the Good News throughout the Roman Empire.

Stage 3: The Gospels were actually written by the Evangelists, who likely served as editors or collectors of material that they had gradually developed through the years.

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Gospels written for whom? - Mark

Gentile, non-Jewish readers

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Gospels written for whom? - Matthew

Jewish people converting to Christianity

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Gospels written for whom? - Luke

Gentille audience and perhaps well-to-do Christians

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Gospels written for whom? - John

Scholars and theologians

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Gospel stresses Jesus as? - Mark

humanity and suffering of Jesus

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Gospel stresses Jesus as? - Matthew

Jesus as the fulfillment of promises made by God in the Old Testament

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Gospel stresses Jesus as? - Luke

compassionate, merciful, being concerned for others

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Gospel stresses Jesus as? - John

Jesus is the "Word of God" and stresses his divinity

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Cultural Symbol

symbols that have a deep meaning for a particular group (ex. maple leaf for Canadians)

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Universal Symbol

symbols that people throughout the world recognize

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Religious Symbol

a natural symbol (ex. a cross = christianity)

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Personal Symbol

a symbol that is particular or unique to the yourself; a symbol that runs through many events in your life

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5 Kinds of Love

5 kinds of love humans can show towards each other

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Family Love (storge)

the love children have for their parents and vice versa, sprouts naturally, emotional and possess deep attachment

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Sexual Love (eros)

love in the romantic, sexual sense, passionate, pleasurable and spontaneous

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Friendship (philia)

This is the love of friends. It relates to common interests and insights, mutual and supportive

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Companionship (hetaireia)

the love one has for a classmate/teammate/co-worker, based off sharing a common interest, does not include emotional closeness

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Charity (agape)

to will or do the good for another deserving or not; even when it requires sacrifice, highest form of love

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Window Parable

gives us an idea of what God is like (ex. The Parable of the Mustard Seed)

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Mirror Parable

a parable that reflects our behaviour or tells us how we should behave (ex. The Good Samaritan)

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A parable is a story

who or what is the story about?

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A parable is a comparison

what is being compared in the story?

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A parable contains a crisis

what is the central crisis to this story?

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A parable has an ending

how does this story end?

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A parable is a story about God's kingdom/God's way of acting among us

what do the actions in this story tell us about the Kingdom of God? (is this a mirror or window parable?)

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Sacramental Awareness

the ability to see God around us, being aware of God's communication to us through people, places, actions, events and experiences

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Sacramental Blindness

not being able to see the sacred in life/the world because of pain, suffering, business or not knowing where to look; the cure to this is to take a second look and learn where to look

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What are 4 sacraments you've participated in

Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation

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