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behavioral technique of ignoring a behavior until the individual or group stops engaging in that behavior. This technique is often used in behavior modification to reduce undesirable behaviors.
it can often help to predict the client’s future performance in educational, training, or workplace settings. Can also help clients to make decisions about their educational or occupational futures.
Standard error of measurement SEM
is a statistic that provides an estimate of the amount of error in an observed test score, indicating the range within which the true score is likely to fall. It can help determine the range where a test score falls. Every test that is given has its own unique _____ value.
if a client with substance abuse disorder states he has been using “glass,” the counselor should understand that the client is referring to ____.
Structural family therapy that is family is made up of subsystems that have boundaries between them.
boundaries; disengagement; enmeshment
In Minuchin’s structural family therapy, there are _______ between family subsystems; if these are too rigid, they lead to __________, and if they are too diffuse, they can lead to ___________.
attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation
Albert Bandura’s theory posits that the following conditions must be met for social learning to occur…
Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences, Disputation, Effect
Rational-emotive behavior five-stem ABCDE stands for
Group process
involves looking beyond someone’s words and instead observing the person’s behavior within a group.
Adlerian counseling
includes the lack of a firm research base; the vagueness of many of his terms and concepts and lack of “how-to” counseling instructions; and the inherent narrowness of his approach
Inherited intellectual abilities: He proposed that intelligence is largely hereditary, emphasizing the role of genetics in intellectual capabilities.
what idea is Francis Galton known for?
Create a fear ladder
If a client with OCD is undergoing Exposure and Response Prevention therapy and the client has established a goal of being able to go into a store to shop for groceries, which of the following is the next step for the client?
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Ellis)
Pat’s therapist tells her that “self-talk” and “crooked thinking” cause emotional disturbances. He believes we all have the potential to think rationally. He uses techniques like role-playing and imagery to help Pat work through some of her issues. He also follows an A-B-C-D-E system. Pat’s therapist believes that we are not influenced by the events we experience, but by our interpretation of them. Pat’s therapist subscribes to which of these therapeutic approaches?
this test is used when the influence of an independent variable or variables upon a dependent variable is statistically controlled. is used to compare one or more means while controlling for the effects of other continuous variables.
Factorial ANOVA
This statistical test is used to examine the effects of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable, allowing for interaction effects between the variables.
Free Association
a fundamental rule of psychoanalysis and is meant to bring unconscious material into conscious awareness. Client is encouraged to say whatever comes into his mind.
It shows the number of times a particular value occurs
What does a frequency distribution do?
frequency distribution
presents data in a way that one can see how often a particular value occurs
Client: “My dad is constantly nagging me about homework and college applications. It’s too much.” Counselor: “It sounds like your dad is invested in your success.” This is an example of:
Individual psychotherapy
A client comes to a counselor because her house recently burned down and her husband has left her. She is depressed, and expresses suicidal ideation. Which of the following would the counselor consider?
Intellectual disability
A second-grader falls behind her classmates, particularly in the areas of abstract thinking, reasoning, expressions of empathy, and social judgement. A likely diagnosis for this student is: reactive attachment disorder, social anxiety, or intellectual disability
When did the State of Virginia pass the first general practice counselor licensure law?
the concept of the Johari window
Developed by Luft and Ingham, _________ asserts that there are four parts to the personality: the public self, the blind self, the private self, and the unknown self.
Freud believed that anxiety, unacceptable urges, and aggressive impulses are kept in one’s:
id, ego, and superego
exist in the unconscious according to Freud
unconscious source of all innate needs, emotional impulses, and desires
the reality principle, analyses complex perceptions (things, ideas, dreams)
reflects the internalization of cultural rules, mainly as absorbed from parents and general cultural ethos
mental health consultation model
social learning consultation model
behavioral consultation model
halo effect
the tendency to generalize about a person based on one trait
placebo effect
when an ineffective or inert substance is given to participants and participants report positive changes due the simple belief that they were given something that would cause improvement
Rosenthal effect
suggests that the researcher’s beliefs impact the outcome of an experiment
Hawthorne effect
the tendency for participants to change their behavior just because they are participants in a research study
managing impulses and regulating emotions
the prefrontal cortex is responsible for…
Adler and Rudolph Dreikurs
proponents of individual psychology
Carl Rogers
client-centered or person-centered therapy was developed by ______ and includes concepts such as the process of becoming, therapeutic relationship, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy.
Fritz and Laura Perls
Gestalt therapy was proposed by
Eric Berne
Transactional analysis was pioneered by
First born
A client, from a family of six children, is extremely conservative and responsible but suffers from feelings of inferiority. According to Alder’s birth-order theory, which place in the family si this client likely to reside?
eliminating or changing a client’s undesirable behavior
behavior therapies focus on…
unconscious thoughts and the origins of the reason behind the behaviors
psychoanalysts focus on
a client wants to understand why she continues to bite her nails. the counselor asks her questions to determine her thoughts before, after, and during her episodes of nail biting. What type of therapy is being utilized?
regression toward the mean
expresses the fact that if an individual scores very high or very low on a pretest, that individual is likely to earn a score closer to the mean on the posttest.
__________ is a humanist approach that emphasizes the tragic aspects of life, the burden of responsibility, and the need to face the inevitability of death.
looks at bringing what is unconscious to the conscious level
what is the most appropriate tool for screen children and adolescents under age 21 for drug and alcohol use?
there is a wide range of scores
a confounded study is one in which
exaggeration; absence
Active symptoms of schizophrenia involve an _________ of thought processes; passive symptoms involve the __________ of normal traits and abilities.
displaced homemaker
someone who has been out of the workforce for a period of time and is now having difficulty finding suitable employment.
client’s feelings of unease while outside the hime, and a relative ease while in the home setting.
David Tiedeman is to Erik Erikson
John Krumboltz is to Albert Bandura as:
Alfred Adler
Which early theorist engaged in group therapy?
believed that one’s personality continued to develop throughout one’s entire lifetime
believed personality stopped developing after late adolescence or early adulthood
antisocial personality disorder
children who are diagnosed with conduct disorder at a young age (preteen) are most at risk for which of the following personality disorders as adults?
Gestalt therapy
Its focus is on challenging clients to become more self-aware and face their problems
Bipolar disorder
A client arrives complaining of feeling restless. She describes mood swings and times of hopelessness followed by periods of high energy and creativity in which she can go for days without sleep. What is her likely diagnosis?
Bipolar disorder
manifests itself with alternating periods of depressed and elevated mood
inform the client of the limitations of testing
when administering tests to a client, the counselor should always:
adolescent’s stage of development
Piaget: formal operational, Erikson: identity versus role confusion, Freud: genital stage
parenting style that uses coercive techniques and psychological control to discipline children
parenting style that emphasizes some control but allows for some independence
parenting style where parents are typically overindulgent with the child, they exert very little control and are lenient when it coms to granting independence to the child.
what is not one of the strengths or benefits of Rogerian counseling?
contemplation stage
stage, beginning to consider making a change. In this stage, clients are aware that they have a problem but are unsure if they want to change, or if they are even capable of making a change.
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance
what are the linear stages of the transtheoretical model (TTM)
what stage in the TTM is there a lack of awareness of behaviors that may require change
what stage in the TTM does the clients acknowledge the detrimental consequences of their behavior and get read to make a change
what stage in the TTM are changes actually made?
what stage in the TTM do individuals take the action steps required to sustain change
Haley’s strategic family therapy
this therapy focuses on how families use or abuse power, how they fail to communicate effectively and clearly, and how symptom serves as a protection against something that is painful
muscle dysmorphia
this disorder occurs almost exclusively in males and involves excessive exercise, weight lifting, and diet as well as use of anabolic steroids even though severe health problems may result
research suggest which to be the most common predictor of suicidal intent?
observed behavior modification and compliance
what are the two primary determinants of educational effectiveness?
Which name is associated with mental health consultation?
is a well-known family therapist
associated with career counseling
Super’s developmental approach to careers: age 18-21
Super’s developmental approach to careers: age 14-18
Super’s developmental approach to careers: age 21-24
Super’s developmental approach to careers: 24-35
Super’s developmental approach to careers: age 35 onward
Erik Erikson
the term “identity crisis” originated with which theorist?
standard deviation
describes the variability within a distribution of scores and is basically the mean of all the deviations from the mean
the square of the standard deviation
cultural encapsulation
counselors who show respect and acceptance for diversity embrace and promote:
a test producing the same results from one time to another is to a test measuring:
delusion of reference
client believes everything in the environment references him/her
delusion of persecution
client believes other intend to harm him/her
delusion of control
client believes other people or objects control her actions
delusion of grandeur
client believes he/she is an important person or being, such as God
personality test
what is the MMPI-II?
the family power structure is out of balance, but what is happening is that some of the family members are forming an unhealthy coalition against another family member
occurs when there is a diffusion of boundaries within a family
parent-child interaction therapy
A preschool student is disruptive in teh classroom, refuses to follow directions, and has disrupted two previous daycare placements. Which developmentally appropriate intervention would best target this student’s behavior?
how people are supposed to act
a cultural norm refers to:
harm reduction
If a client who is a pathological gambler insists to the counselor and to his spouse that he can control his gambling by limiting the time spent at the casino and the dollar amount he spends each week, which of the following approaches to treatment for process addiction is the client advocating?
Ackerman; Minuchin
psychoanalytic family therapy is to ____________ as structural family therapy is to ____________.