biblical and greek mythical theories
Genesis 1: 1-31 and Genesis 2: 1-3
The universe is believed to have started from a GREAT EXPLOSION or EXPANSION____.
All the matter and energy in the universe are crammed into a tiny compact point called “_________”
Planck Epoch
it is the size of a golf ball, around 10-13 cm
Also known as Singularity
Light Elements
Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium
creates new atomic nuclei from pre-existing nucleons and nuclei
short-ranged (10-13 cm) attractive force which binds the nucleus
binding of protons; found inside the singularity
long-ranged force that binds atoms
Only stars and planets have an electromagnetic field
Short-ranged force present in radioactive decay
radio waves, microwaves, visible rays
weak, long-ranged, and attractive force which binds the solar system
Evolutionary Theory
density of matter decreases over time
Steady State Theory
density of matter is constant over time
The universe is UNCHANGING.
The size of the universe drastically increased.
expanding like a balloon
The universe experienced a period of exponential inflation
It states that different universes form from different areas/regions of a mother universe.
Some of these universes expanded through inflation while others did not.
The building block that replaces particles may come in open and close forms.
One or both ends of the strings are attached to a sheet on brane
a method of predicting mundane events based upon the assumption that the celestial bodies
natural science that deals with the study of celestial bodies (stars)
Greek word meaning stars
Greek word meaning law
Optical astronomy
study of celestial objects in the visible band
Use of our naked eye, telescope
Non-optical astronomy
uses instruments other than telescope to study objects in the radio through gamma ray wavelengths
using bigger equipment like satellite, coronagraph,
focuses on the study of planets
study of all the stars including their creation, evolution and death
only talking about the parts of our sun
Study of stars, nebulae and dust that composes the Milky Way
study of astronomical objects which are not covered by galactic astronomy; beyond the milky way galaxy
Huge swirling cloud of interstellar cloud; surrounding the stars/ sun
spinning around the sun (1 year or 365.25 days); ORBIT: pathway
spinning around the axis (24 hours); ORBIT: axis; 23.5°
earth is the center of the solar system;
proposed the geocentric theory
sun is the center of the solar system
proposed the heliocentric theory
Composed of hydrogen that turns into helium through nuclear fusion
99.8% of the mass of the solar system
the instrument used to study the sun and its part
the visible layer of the sun
rare field region above the chromosphere
collection of gasses around the sun
next layer after the photosphere made up of spicules (dark spots; loss of hydrogen and helium)
it is not seen because of the photosphere but seen during solar eclipse
Helmet Streamers
strings that holds the planet
Large cap-like coronal structures that usually arise from sunspots and active regions.
Prominence or filament was found here
Created by a network of magnetic loops that connect the sunspots in the active region
Coronal Holes
regions found in the dark part of the corona; dark sports
gives off the electromagnetic wave
LIGHT = rich in H & He; DARK = less in H & He.
Polar plumes
bright structures observed in the polar coronal holes of the Sun
Column-like streamers that project outward the Sun’s magnetic poles
Created by the action of the solar wind
cuz wind is going up and down; north and south
most of the strings(H, He) come from here
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Surrounds the sun in a region called as Asteroid belt
Size ranges from 50 meters and beyond
LARGEST asteroid in the belt;
named after the roman Goddess of growing plants and mother love
Giuseppe Piazzi
discovered Ceres
near the atmosphere; outer space; passing through the earth; LARGEST
less than 100 meteors per hour
more than 1000 meteors per hour
inside the atmosphere
land surface; SMALLEST
Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
A 6-12 mile diameter asteroid impact (50 megaton blast)
meteorite impact in the ocean displaces huge quantities of water instantly
a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind
an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another
A visible, thinly spread cloud of interstellar gas and dust
a small rocky body orbiting the sun
made of one or more solar systems
Descartes’ Vortex Theory
The Solar System was formed into bodies with nearly circular orbits because of whirlpool-like motion in the pre-solar materials.
He explained the orbits of the planets are the primary whirlpool motion and the satellites the secondary whirlpool motion.
The entire universe was filled with elements of different sizes which shifted around each other.
At the center is the sun, which is made up of the smallest kind of element and the bigger ones sift out and circle around it.
___ agrees that all of the planets, including earth, move around the sun.
However, he maintains that none of the planets are really in motion; the sun is the one moving
This way, ____ gets to have it all: he can account for all the observations that seem best explained by heliocentrism.
Buffon’s Collision Theory
Planets were formed by the collision of the sun with a giant comet.
The resulting debris formed into planets that rotate in the same direction as they revolved around the sun.
Kant-Laplace Nebular Theory
It suggested that a great cloud of gas and dust, called a nebula, began to collapse because of gravitational pull.
As the nebula collapses further, local regions contract on their own due to gravity. These local regions became the sun and the planets.
The spinning cloud flattens with a bulge at the center.
Jeans-Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory
Proposed that the planets were formed from the substance that was torn out of the sun.
As a speeding massive star passed near the sun, it pulled off material due to gravitational attraction.
The torn-off material subsequently condensed to form the planets.
The Solar Nebula Theory
Internal pressure + gravity (acting against each other) = formed counterclockwise orbits
The solar system was formed as the result of the condensation of hydrogen gas and dust referred to as interstellar gas and dust clouds.
An explosion of a star (supernova) might have caused the dust and gas cloud to collapse, forming the sun and planets.
Without this violent disturbance, the gas and cloud would remain an expanded and uncondensed cloud.
Terrestrial Planets
are earth-like planets.
are sometimes referred to as the INNER planets.
are composed mostly of dense, rocky and metallic materials.
rocks and metals condense, hydrogen compounds stay vaporized
Jovian Planets
These are Jupiter-like planets.
They are made up mostly of gasses: hydrogen and helium.
that’s why Jupiter has the storm
Gas planets or Gas Giants
hydrogen compounds, rocks, and metals condense.
Dwarf Planets
orbits the sun directly
massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity; own orbit
has not cleared the smaller bodies from its orbit
located in the Kuiper Belt
2nd largest dwarf planet
Farthest from the sun
has a moon called dysnomia
dwarf planet located in the asteroid belt
located in the Kuiper Belt
covered in iice of ehtane, methane and nitrogen
no known satellites
Dwarf planet found in Kuiper belt
has at least 2 moons
fastest rotating large object in the solar system
shaped like an american football
located in the Kuiper Belt
located in the Kuiper Belt
used to be a planet but now a dwarf planet
Continental Drift Theory
Pangea broke apart and drifted away and formed the 7 continents
a branch of geology that deals with the origin, composition, structure, and classification of rocks.
Igneous Rocks
molten magma; continental crust
Sedimentary Rocks
found in seas; oceanic crust; accumulation of rocks
accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles at Earth's surface
combination; alteration of preexisting rocks
the study of rock layers (strata) and layering (stratifications).
includes the study of fossils to determine how they have evolved and interacted with the environment
Geological Time Scale
represents the interval of time occupied by the geologic history of Earth
provides meaningful time frame in which events of the geologic past are arranged
Origin of Life
It took around 1 billion years for the Earth to cool enough for the first life forms to appear.
There are different theories as to how life formed on Earth.
Relative Dating
It is the process of identifying rocks in their chronological sequence or order of occurrence without knowing their actual age.
Basic principles on the relative order of geologic events
Fossils are mostly found in the oldest rock formation; coal comes from fossils
Absolute dating
It is the process of identifying rocks in their actual age based on the decay rate of certain radioactive isotopes within fossils, rocks, and artifacts.
age bracket
eon that comprises about 88% or a total span of roughly 4.1 Ga. (Giga Annum/Billion)
Hadean Era
considered the “chaotic eon” - a lot of volcanic eruption
Stretched from about 4.6 to 3.8 Ga.
the surface was continually bombarded by meteorites and the hot mantle caused severe volcanism.
Archean Era
Earth was probably warm (cuz of the volcanoes and water)
The atmosphere contained mostly methane and little to no oxygen (no plants yet)
most was covered with ocean
continent formation began
Proterozoic Era
stretched from 2.5 Gya to 542 Mya, lasted for 1.9 Ga.
longest period that lasted almost half the age of the Earth.
Time of great changes:
oxygenation of the atmosphere, (cuz of plants)
origin and diversification of eukaryote life,
appearance of multicellular animal life,
and the motion of continental drift.
Protozoa → atmosphere mostly has oxygen
Paleozoic Era
first living things are created
Marine invertebrates probably lived near the shores of shallow water.
Middle: marine life forms had developed shells.
Land plants began to develop.
Giant ferns and marsh plants provided food to land animals which increased in number.
Clams and snails increased in number and fishes became more abundant with greater variety of form.
Appearance of reptiles & land animals
End: land climate changed (water cycle)
Scientists believed that remains of plants formed the huge coal deposits in many parts of the world.
LIVING THINGS: marine → land animals
Mesozoic Era
Separation of Pangea
Largest creatures that existed during the era are dinosaurs.
Towards the end of this era, more continents broke up. (tectonic plates)
Many reptile groups have become extinct.
The only surviving reptiles today are turtles, snakes, crocodiles, and lizards.
they can live in both land and water; some hibernated
Cenozoic Era
Age of Animals
Mountains were uplifted and new life forms started appearing
Warm-blooded animals such as the marsupials and primitive mammals roamed the land.
Development of modern horses, modern birds, deciduous trees.
Glaciers covered the Northern hemisphere.
This era showed mammals with tooth structures for specific diets, limb structures for various postures, increased brain size.
Earliest records of humans: stone tools (already have the hunters)
The hypothesis explains that life originated on another planet outside the Solar System. Life was then carried to Earth on a meteorite or asteroid and colonized Earth.
Meteorite carrying life (bacteria)
The theory presumes that the “seed” of life exists all over the universe and can be propagated through space, and that life on Earth originated from those seeds.
the seed carrying the life
Many people believed that life was put on Earth by divine forces.
Creation theories are common to many of the world’s religions and cultures.
Scientists believe that life arose from inanimate matter.
Random events produced stable molecules that are capable of self-replication
are evidence of past life; discover the past
a remnant or trace of organisms of a past geologic age
studies the eras of the geological time scale
make use of information derived from fossils to define and identify subdivisions of geologic time scale.
The entire animals or plants are trapped and preserved in ice, tar, or other material,
shows the complete structure of an organism.
are formed by a process called petrification (petrified rock, animal stuck in a rock)
Hollow impressions of a living thing in a rock.
The mold reflects only the shape and surface marking of the organism.
Created when mold fossils get filled with minerals.
The minerals harden and form a replica of the original fossil.
Impressions on rocks that showed various activities.
are geological records of the activities and behaviors of past life.
only lived in a short period of time; only one layer or one strata
Fossils of widely distributed organisms that lived during only one short time period.
proposed by William Smith