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Comic strip
Single idea expressed through Sequential arts and a story that unfolds across multiple panels( typically 3-5), Often appears in newspapers and magazines
Comic book
The story told through Sequential art often in magazine format and the story unfolds across multiple pages and panels or strips. Often involves multiple artists and writers for one series
When did comic books emerge?
The golden age of comic books
Lasted until mid 1950s. During this period modern comic books were born in many recognizable characters today. There was a boost in comics during World War II
The silver age of comic books
The mid 1950s until about 1970. During this time, there was the first ever comic book convention
Bronze age of comic books
Lasted until 1985. News publishers entered the scene and started making news articles that look like this and comic books tackled more mature themes
Modern age of comic books
The way comic books are today in our Generation
Graphic novels
A bound narrative with a defined story arc resembling a book length comic, comprises multiple pages, illusions and textual components work together to reveal the story
How to read a graphic novel
From left to right and top to bottom
The square or rectangle that contains a single scene
The space between the panel
One row of panels
An image that Spans more than one page
How the panels, text, dialogue, etc., arranged on a page
Boxes containing text that may include scene settings, description, common, narration, etc.
Sound effects
The sound represented in text ; the fond, colouring, and lettering of sound effects are important to convey the sound to the reader
Speech bubble
These rounded rectangular squares that contain dialogue with a tail to indicate who was speaking
Thought bubble
These are similar to speech balloons, but show thoughts instead of dialogue. They look cloud like And circles were replace the tail to show who originated the thought
Composition of a comic
It means how many panels? How many tiers? How would you describe the layout of the elements?