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ሃሌታ halleta
'chanting of hallelujah' ButtsEthiopic02
ሐመር ḥämär
'boat' ButtsEthiopic02
ብዙኅ bezuḫ
'many' ButtsEthiopic02
ንጉሥ nǝguś
'king' ButtsEthiopic02
እሳት ˀǝssat
'fire' ButtsEthiopic02 ButtsEthiopic13
ዐይን ˁäyn
'eye' ButtsEthiopic02
ጸሎት ṣälot
'prayer' ButtsEthiopic02
ፀሓይ ḍäḥay, ፀሐይ ḍäḥäy (PL ፀሓያት ḍäḥayat, ፀሐያት ḍäḥäyat)
'sun' ButtsEthiopic02 ButtsEthiopic11
ሀገር hägär (PL አህጉር ˀähgur)
'city' ButtsEthiopic03
ሊቅ liḳ (PL ሊቃን liḳan, ሊቃውንት liḳawǝnt, ሊቃናት liḳanat)
'elder, chief' ButtsEthiopic03
ሐቅል ḥäḳl (PL አሕቃል ˀähḳal, አሕቁል ˀähḳul, አሕቅልት ˀähḳǝlt)
'field' ButtsEthiopic03
መልአክ mälˀäk (PL መላእክት mälaˀǝkt)
'angel, messenger' ButtsEthiopic03
ምድር mǝdr (PL ምድራት mǝdrat, አምዳር ˀämdar)
ሰማይ sämay (PL ሰማያት sämayat)
'heaven' ButtsEthiopic03
ሰብእ säbˀ
'men' (a suppletive plural for ብእሲ bǝˀsi 'man') ButtsEthiopic03
ብእሲ bǝˀsi
'man, husband' ButtsEthiopic03
ብእሲት bǝˀsit
'woman, wife' ButtsEthiopic03
ቤት bet (PL አብያት ˀäbyat)
'house' ButtsEthiopic03
ነቢይ näbiy (PL ነቢያት näbiyat)
'prophet' ButtsEthiopic03
ንጉሥ nǝguś (PL ነገሥት nägäśt)
'king' ButtsEthiopic03
ንግሥት nǝgǝśt (PL ንግሥታት nǝgǝśtat)
'queen' ButtsEthiopic03
እም ˀǝmm (PL እማት ˀǝmmat)
'mother' ButtsEthiopic03
አብ ˀäb (PL አበው ˀäbäw)
'father' ButtsEthiopic03
አንቀጽ ˀänqäṣ (PL አናቅጽ ˀänaqǝṣ)
'gate' ButtsEthiopic03
አንስት ˀänǝst
'women' (a suppletive plural for ብእሲት bǝˀsit 'woman') ButtsEthiopic03
ወለት wälätt (PL አዋልድ ˀäwalǝd)
'daughter' ButtsEthiopic03
ወልድ wäld (PL ውሉድ wǝlud)
'son, child' ButtsEthiopic03
ደብር däbr (PL አድባር ˀädbar)
'mountain' ButtsEthiopic03
ጻድቅ ṣadǝḳ
'righteous, just, true; faithful, truthful' ButtsEthiopic03
ፍኖት fǝnot (PL ፍናው fǝnaw, ፍናዌ fǝnawe)
'road, way, path' ButtsEthiopic03
ሖረ ḥorä
'to go' ButtsEthiopic03
ኀለፈ ḫäläfä
'to pass by' ButtsEthiopic03
ተንሥአ tänśǝˀä
Q 'to arise, get up; to resurrect' ButtsEthiopic03
ነበረ näbärä
'to sit; to stay, remain, continue; to live, dwell' ButtsEthiopic03
ዐርገ ˁärgä
'to ascend' ButtsEthiopic03
ወረደ wärädä
'to descend' ButtsEthiopic03
በጽሐ bäṣḥä
'to arrive' ButtsEthiopic03
ወፅአ wäḍˀä
'to go forth, emerge; leave, depart' ButtsEthiopic03
ገብአ gäbˀä
'to return' ButtsEthiopic03
በ bä-
'in, into; by, with' ButtsEthiopic03
ኀበ ḫäbä
እም ˀǝm-, እምነ ˀǝmmǝnnä
'from' ButtsEthiopic03
ውስተ wǝstä
ዲበ dibä
ወ wä
'and' ButtsEthiopic03
ላህም lahm (PL አልህምት ˀälhǝmt)
'bull, cow' ButtsEthiopic04
ሌሊት lelit (PL ለያልይ läyalǝy)
'night' ButtsEthiopic04
መቅደስ mäqdäs
'temple' ButtsEthiopic04
መንግሥት mängǝśt
'kingdom' ButtsEthiopic04
ሐመር ḥämär (PL አሕማር ˀäḥmar)
'boat, ship' ButtsEthiopic04
ሕዝብ ḥǝzb (PL ሕዘብ ḥǝzäb, አሕዛብ ˀäḥzab )
'people, nation; crowd' ButtsEthiopic04
ሕግ ḥǝgg (PL ሕገግ ḥǝgäg)
'law' ButtsEthiopic04
ሰይፍ säyf (PL አስያፍ ˀäsyaf, አስይፍት ˀäsyǝft)
'sword' ButtsEthiopic04
ባሕር baḥr (PL አብሕርት ˀäbḥǝrt)
'sea, ocean' ButtsEthiopic04
ብሔር bǝḥer (PL በሓውርት bäḥawǝrt)
'region, province, district' ButtsEthiopic04
በግዕ bägˁ (PL በግዕት bägǝˁt, አባግዕ ˀäbagǝˁ)
'sheep, lamb' ButtsEthiopic04
ቃል ḳal (PL ቃላት ḳalat)
'voice, word' ButtsEthiopic04
ኅብስት ḫǝbǝst (PL ኀባውዝ ḫäbawǝz)
'bread' ButtsEthiopic04
አርዌ ˀärwe (PL አራዊት ˀärawit)
'animal' ButtsEthiopic04
እግዚእ ˀǝgziˀ (PL አጋእዝት ˀägaˀǝzt, አጋእስት ˀägaˀǝst)
'lord, master, leader' ButtsEthiopic04
እግዝእት ˀǝgzǝˀt
'mistress, lady' ButtsEthiopic04
እግዚአብሔር ˀǝgziˀäbḥer
'God' ButtsEthiopic04
ከርሥ kärś (PL ከርሣት kärśat)
'belly, stomach, womb' ButtsEthiopic04
ዕፅ ˁǝ<!--anki-->ḍ (PL ዕፀው ˁǝ<!--anki-->ḍäw)
'tree, wood' ButtsEthiopic04
ዖፍ ˁof
'bird(s)' ButtsEthiopic04
ደቂቅ däḳiḳ
'children, offspring' ButtsEthiopic04
ገብር gäbr (PL አግብርት ˀagbǝrt)
'servant' ButtsEthiopic04
ገጽ gäṣṣ (PL ገጻት gäṣṣat)
'face; aspect, appearance; type, sort' ButtsEthiopic04
ጸሓፊ ṣäḥafi (PL ጸሐፍት ṣäḥäft)
'scribe' ButtsEthiopic04
ጽባሕ ṣǝbaḥ
'morning, east' ButtsEthiopic04
ረከበ räkäbä
'to find, come upon; to acquire' ButtsEthiopic04
ቀርበ ḳärbä ~ ይቅረብ yǝḳräb
'to draw near, approach' ButtsEthiopic04
በልዐ bälˁä
'to eat' ButtsEthiopic04
ቦአ boˀä
'to enter' ButtsEthiopic04
ነሥአ näśˀä
ነጸረ näṣṣärä
'to look (at)' ButtsEthiopic04
ወሀበ wähäbä
'to give' ButtsEthiopic04
ህየ hǝyyä (በህየ bähǝyyä)
ዝየ zǝyyä (በዝየ bäzǝyyä)
'here, in this place', along with እምዝየ ˀǝmzǝyyä 'from here' ButtsEthiopic04
አነ ˀänä
"'I' 1.c.sg." ButtsEthiopic05
አንተ ˀäntä
"'you' 2.m.sg." ButtsEthiopic05
አንቲ ˀänti
"'you' 2.f.sg." ButtsEthiopic05
ውእቱ wǝˀǝtu
"'he, it' 3.m.sg. non-acc" ButtsEthiopic05
ውእተ wǝˀǝtä
"'he, it' 3.m.sg. acc" ButtsEthiopic05
ይእቲ yǝˀǝti
"'she, it' 3.f.sg. non-acc" ButtsEthiopic05
ይእተ yǝˀǝtä
"'she, it' 3.f.sg. acc" ButtsEthiopic05
ንሕነ nǝḥnä
"'we' 1.c.pl." ButtsEthiopic05
አንትሙ ˀäntǝmu
"'you' 2.m.pl" ButtsEthiopic05
አንትን ˀäntǝn
"'you' 2.f.pl" ButtsEthiopic05
እሙንቱ ˀǝm(m)untu
"'they' 3.m.pl" ButtsEthiopic05
እማንቱ ˀǝm(m)antu
"'they' 3.f.pl" ButtsEthiopic05
ውእቶሙ wǝˀǝtomu
"'they' 3.c.pl." ButtsEthiopic05
ውእቶን wǝˀǝton
"'they' 3.f.pl" ButtsEthiopic05
ሕያው ḥǝyaw (F ሕያውት ḥǝyawt)
'alive, living' ButtsEthiopic05
ሕፃን ḥǝḍan (PL ሕፃናት ḥǝḍanat)
'infant, child' ButtsEthiopic05
መንፈስ mänfäs (PL መንፈሳት mänfäsat, መናፍስት mänafǝst)
'spirit' ButtsEthiopic05
ሥጋ śǝga (PL ሥጋት śǝgat)
'flesh, meat' ButtsEthiopic05
ቅዱስ ḳǝddus (F ቅድስት ḳǝddǝst)
'holy, sacred' ButtsEthiopic05
ብርሃን bǝrhan (PL ብርሃናት bǝrhanat)
'light' ButtsEthiopic05
ብፁዕ bǝḍuˁ (F ብፅዕት bǝḍəˁt)
'fortunate, blessed, happy' ButtsEthiopic05