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A relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience.
Associative Learning
Learning that involves associating two events.
Classical Conditioning
Learning to associate two stimuli, such as a tone and food.
Operant Conditioning
Learning to associate a behavior with its consequences.
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
A stimulus that naturally triggers a response, such as food.
Unconditioned Response (UR)
The natural response to the unconditioned stimulus, like salivation.
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
A stimulus that initially produces no specific response.
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Previously the neutral stimulus, which now triggers a conditioned response.
Conditioned Response (CR)
A learned response to the conditioned stimulus.
The initial stage when the neutral stimulus becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus.
The weakening and eventual disappearance of the conditioned response when the CS is presented without the US.
Spontaneous Recovery
The reappearance of the conditioned response after a period of extinction.
Stimulus Generalization
The tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus.
Stimulus Discrimination
The learned ability to distinguish between the conditioned stimulus and other stimuli.
Taste Aversion
A learned avoidance of a specific food or taste that has been associated with illness.
Law of Effect
Behaviors followed by favorable consequences are more likely to be repeated.
Operant Chamber (Skinner Box)
An enclosure used to study animal behavior by providing rewards for specific actions.
Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
Primary Reinforcer
An innately reinforcing stimulus, such as food or water.
Conditioned Reinforcer (Secondary Reinforcer)
A stimulus that gains its power through association with a primary reinforcer.
Immediate Reinforcer
Occurs instantly after a behavior, reinforcing that behavior immediately.
Delayed Reinforcer
A reward that is received after some time has passed, like a monthly paycheck.
Positive Punishment
Administering an aversive stimulus to decrease a behavior.
Negative Punishment
Withdrawing a desirable stimulus to decrease a behavior.
Observational Learning
Learning by observing and imitating others.
Mirror Neurons
Neurons that activate when observing others performing an action, aiding in imitation.
Biological Constraints
The concept that some associations are easier to learn due to biological relevance.
Cognitive Processes
The mental processes that enable prediction of events based on experiences.
Classical Conditioning: Example
Pavlov's dog experiment, where dogs salivate in response to a tone.
Operant Conditioning: Example
Skinner's experiments demonstrating reinforcement of behavior in animals.
Applications of Classical Conditioning
Used in contexts like drug addiction and advertising to elicit emotional responses.
Punishment Effects
Negative impacts resulting from punishment such as fear or aggression.
Observational Learning: Bobo Doll
Bandura's experiment showing children learn aggression by watching others.
Cognitive Maps
Mental representations that help in predicting events based on prior experiences.