First Impressions
Less Than 30 seconds to form one
Can be very accurate but not always
Very Persistent
Ignore Contradictory Information
Take long time to change “wrong impression”
Halo Effect
Judgement based on one characteristic of a person (negative or positive)
Judgement about cause of a person’s behavior
Internal Attributions
An inner trait or characteristic that made them act a certain way
Situational Attributions
The cause of a behavior being the enviroment
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency to give other peoples behavior as internal attribution enven if situtational attribution calls for it
Actor-Observor Bias
We view our behavior and others very differently, situational attribution for worse behavior and internal attribution for good behavior
Just-World Beliefs
Good things happen to good people and bad things to bad people
Negative assessment of another person based on his/her membership to a group
Set of traits associated with a group
Unfair behavior towards a person based on stereotyping and prejudice
Prejudice is Universal
May influence how we feel about others subconciously or consciously
May not necessarily influence how we treat them
Reducing Prejudice
Contact between people of equal standing
Participation in cooperative activity
Robber’s Cave Study
Reducing Prejudice
Prejudice education and how it can influence behavior
Brown Eyes - Blue Eyes Project
Positive or negative feeling towards objects, persons, or situation
Personal Experience
Other’s Experience
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Dissonance
Uncomfortable state that occurs when behavior and attitude do not match, can be resolved through attitude change
Social Norms
Unwritten rules for behavior in social setting
Matching your behavior or apperance to the percieved social norms
Asch Line Study // Asch Conformity
Stanford // Zimbardo Prison Study
Volunters: White Young Men
2 Gaurds took their role to seriously and chaos ensues
Femal partner asks Zimbardo to end it because he was blind to the damage
Do as others command
Do as others want
Do as others do
No authority is used, you do something another person asks of you
Want to be agreeable
Want to get along
Compliance with the request of an authority figure
Milgram Obedience Study
Understand actions of normal people in Nazi Germany
Ethics Issue Milgram // Zimbardo
Informed consent not observed
Listed out all actions to be committed on subjects
Power of One
An individual or small group can influence a larger one
Must Display
Social Facilitation
Observers of a performance changes the result of performance
Well Practiced = Improved with audience
Novel / Complex = Worse with audience
Social Loafing
Reduce motivation and effect shown by individuals working in a group
Immersion of individual within a group, feels anonymous
Leads to contrary behavior for individuals in a group
Bystander Effect
Large group of people = Less likely for individuals to do anything
Diffusion of Responsibility
Kitty Genoverse
Her death led to 911 system and study of Bystander Effect
Physical closeness to other person
Exposure Effect
Consistent exposure leads to familiarity and liking
Shared values
Physical Apperance
Preference for attractive faces
Symmetrical Faces
Effects initial attraction but is not important for long term
Matching Hypothesis
Matching levels of attractiveness gravitate towards each other
Resource Exchange
In heterosexual dating, male trades occupational status for physical attractiveness in females
Reciprocal Liking
Like people more when other people like us
Drawn to those with similar qualities
Desirable Personality Traits
Good sense of humor
Social Assertiveness
Good Communication
Relationship Maintenance
Actions and activites used to sustain the desired quality of a relationship
Interdependence or Social Exchange Theory
If cost for being in a relationship is lower than benefit the relationship lasts
Intimacy (Sternberg)
Warmth, closeness, and sharing
Passions (Sternberg)
Intense feeling (positive/negative), sexual desire
Intent / decision to stay in relationship
Ultimate Type of Love
Consummate Love
All 3 ingredients
Sternberg’s Triangular Theory
Criteria for Abnormal Behavior
Maladaptive Behavior
Personal Distress
The behavior must be significantly differnt from what society deems appopriate
Maladaptive Behavior
The behavior interferes with the person’s ability to function
Personal Distress
The behavior is troubling to the individual
The behavior could cause harm to oneself or others
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Worried about everything and anything possible
No clear trigger for Anxiety
Panic Attack
Not a disorder but a symptom of a possible disorder
10 minute peak of intense discomfort, with four or more symptoms
Chest Pain
Fear of Death
Panic Disorder
Recurring and Unexpected Panic Attacks
Followed by 1 month or more of
Concern about having another
Maladaptive change in behavior to aviod Panic Attack
Unrealistic/Overexaggerated fears of an object or situation
Clear Trigger that causes anxiety or even attack
Aviodance behavior towards trigger
Fear of the marketplace, populated places
Avoidance behavior
Social Anxiety Behavior
Social or performance situation causes anxiety or even attacks due to potiental embarrasment
Specific Phobia
Marked by a persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger
Animal Type Phobia
Dogs, Cats, Spiders
Blood-Injection-Injury Type Phobia
Own blood or others, injury, and needle
Faint on exposure
Natural Enviroment Type Phobia
Heights, storms
Situational Type Phobia
Flying, driving over bridges
Anxiety Sensitivity Theory
People are more sensitive to internal physiological symptoms of anxiety and overreact with fear when they occur
Classical Conditioning
Acquisition of phobic fear
Operant Conditioning
Negative reinforcement through aviodance, person feels less anxious
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessed with certain though, image, idea, or urges uncontrolled
Compulsions: Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels must be performed (about an hour a day)
Level of Insight: Does patient understand that their behavior is drastic or do they think it’s normal
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Must experience Level 1 trauma, actual or threatened death / injury / or sexual assault
14% of Combat Soilders
Women have higher rate because of SA
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Depressed mood or loss of interest/pleasure
Must last 2 weeks or longer
16% of population
More common in Women, however may be caused by societal expectations
MDD Causes
Biological Factors
Genetic Disposition
Biochemical Factors
Cognitive Factors
Negative Thinking
Interpersonal Issues
Poor social skills
Precipitating Stress
Pre-existing stressor in life
Anxiety Disorder Causes
Biological Factors
Anxiety Sensitivity Theory
Past Experience/Conditioning & Learning
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Factors
Misinterpret harmless situations as threatening
Focus excess attention on perceived threats
Selective recall information that seems threatening
Manic Episode
Lasts atleast 1 week, abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood
Symptom of Bipolar disorder
Bipolar I Disorder
Atleast one manic episodes at any point in life
Do not need to have depression to be diagnosed
Bipolar II Disorder
Hypomanic episodes, less intense than manic
Never had manic episode
Needs to have depressive episodes
Most destressing flipping back and forth between two
Bipolar Disorder Causes
Genetic Predisposition
VERY strongly tied to genetics
Biochemical Factors
Low serotonin activity
Each Day
126 people commit
2,000 attempt
Women attempt 2x to 3x more often
Men 4x more likely ‘
78.8% of suicides are Male
Risks of Suicide
Previous Attempts
Family History of Suicide
Substance Use
1/3 Alcohol in System
1/4 Legally Drunk
Access to Firearms
5x more likely with gun in home
Anorexia Nervosa
Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight
Undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evalution
Restricting Type
Place severe restrictions on the quantity and type of food they consume
Binge-Eating/Purging Type
Consume a large amount of calories or food, then self-induce vomitting or laxiative
Anorexia Side Effects
Cold intolerance
Cardiovascular Problems
18-20% of people with the condition will die of it
Bulimia Nervosa
Recurrent episodes of binge eating
Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior
Misuse of laxatives
Occurs Regularly
About once a week for 3 weeks
Body image important for self-esteem
Bulimia Side Effect
Significant and permanent loss of dental enamel
Increase frequency of dental cavities
Gastric Rupture
Dependence on laxatives
Eating Disorder Causes
Learning Factors
Unhealthy weight management behaviors
Cognitive/Social Factors
Misperception of body shape/size
Too much importance on weight
Need for control (Anorexia)
Difficulty controlling negative emotions (Bulimia)
Role of Media
Thin ideal internalization
Pressure to be thin in our society
Significant impairment in functioning
Continuous signs of impairment for atleast 6 months
Schizophrenia Cause
Genetic vulnerability
Neurochemical factors
Excess activity of Dopamine
Structural Abnormalities in Brain
Enlarged ventricles
Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis
Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis
Schizophrenia as being the result of a disruption of brain development
Prenatal exposure to a flu virus
Severe famine
Birth trauma
Personality Disorders
Enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from expectations
Pattern leads to clinically significant distress
Pattern is stable and of long duration, onset in adolescence
Cluster A
Cluster B
Cluster C
Cluster B
Trouble with emotional control and trouble getting along with others
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others
Failure to conform to social norms
Reckless disregard for saftey
Lack of remorse
Borderline Personality Disorder
Pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects
Frantic efforts to aviod real or imagined abandonment
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Identity disturbance
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nature of impairment changes with age
Higher in Males
Causes of Autism
5% of siblings of children with autism are also autistic
Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis
Most common psychological disorder of childhood
3 to 10 percent of school age children
Can persist from adolescence to adulthood
Current causes unknown
Inattention Type
Often fails to give close attention to details or make careless mistakes
Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play
Is often easily distarcted by extraneous stimuli
Is often forgetful in daily activities
Hyperactivity-Impulsive Type
Often fidgets or taps hands or feet or squirms in seat
Often leaves seat in situations where remaining seated is expected
Often has difficulty waiting his or her turn
Often interrupts or intrudes on other
Combined Type
Combination of Inattentive Type and Hyperactivity-Impulsive Type
Improve symptoms of disorder through conversation between patient and therapist