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the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating
a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people
a mental image or best example of a category
The ability to make or bring a new concept or idea into existence; marked by the ability or power to create.
Convergent Thinking
a type of critical thinking in which one evaluates existing possible solutions to a problem to choose the best one
Divergent Thinking
a type of creative thinking in which one generates new solutions to problems
A methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem.
a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently; usually speedier but also more error-prone than algorithms
Confirmation Bias
a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence
Mental Set
a tendency to approach a problem in one particular way, often a way that has been successful in the past
an effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought, as contrasted with explicit, conscious reasoning
Representativeness Heuristic
a mental shortcut whereby people classify something according to how similar it is to a typical case
Availability Heuristic
estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory; if instances come readily to mind (perhaps because of their vividness), we presume such events are common
the tendency to be more confident than correct—to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments.
Belief Perseverance
clinging to one's initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited
the way an issue is posed; how an issue is framed can significantly affect decisions and judgments.
our spoken, written, or signed words and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning
in language, the smallest distinctive sound unit
in a language, the smallest unit that carries meaning; may be a word or a part of a word (such as a prefix)
in a language, a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others
Babbling Stage
beginning at about 4 months, the stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language
One-Word Stage
the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words
Two-Word Stage
beginning about age 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements
Telegraphic Speech
early speech stage in which a child speaks like a telegram—"go car"—using mostly nouns and verbs.
BF Skinner's View on Language Acquisition
He believed that language was acquired purely through reinforcement from parents or other people in a person's life
Noam Chomsky
Psychologist focused on language development; disagreed with Skinner about language acquisition, humans have an inborn native ability to develop language
Robert Sternberg
Psychologist focused on intelligence; devised the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (academic problem-solving, practical, and creative)
the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information
the processing of information into the memory system
the retention of encoded information over time
the process of getting information out of memory storage
Sensory Memory
the immediate, very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system
Short-Term Memory
activated memory that holds a few items briefly, such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing, before the information is stored or forgotten
Long-Term Memory
the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system. Includes knowledge, skills, and experiences.
Working Memory
a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information, and of information retrieved from long-term memory
Explicit Memory
memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare"
Effortful Processing
encoding that requires attention and conscious effort
Automatic Processing
unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time, and frequency, and of well-learned information, such as word meanings
the conscious repetition of information, either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage
aka practice
maintenance rehearsal
repeating stimuli in their original form to retain them in short-term memory
Implicit Memory
Memories we don't deliberately remember or reflect on consciously
Iconic Memory
visual sensory memory
Echoic Memory
auditory sensory memory
organizing items into familiar, manageable units; often occurs automatically
memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices
Method of Loci
A mnemonic technique that involves associating items on a list with a sequence of familiar physical locations
Peg Words Strategy
A mnemonic device that creates a list using words that rhyme with numbers and then creates a visual between the word and what you need to remember
Spacing Effect
the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice
Testing Effect
enhanced memory after retrieving, rather than simply rereading, information
Shallow Processing
encoding on a basic level based on the structure or appearance of words
Deep Processing
encoding semantically, based on the meaning of the words; tends to yield the best retention
Flashbulb Memory
A clear and vivid long-term memory of an especially meaningful and emotional event.
Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)
an increase in a synapse's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation. Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory.
A measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier, as on a fill-in-the-blank test.
a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned, as on a multiple-choice test
a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time
Context Dependent Memory
the tendency to recover information more easily when the retrieval occurs in the same setting as the original learning of the information
State Dependent Memory
The theory that information learned in a particular state of mind (e.g., depressed, happy, somber) or biological state (e.g. chewing gum, same caffeine level) is more easily recalled when in that same state of mind.
Mood-Congruent Memory
the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current good or bad mood
Serial Position Effect
our tendency to recall best the last (a recency effect) and first items (a primacy effect) in a list
Anterograde Amnesia
an inability to form new memories
Retrograde Amnesia
an inability to retrieve information from one's past
Proactive Interference
the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information
Retroactive Interference
the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information
Misinformation Effect
incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event
Alan Baddeley
Psychologist who proposed the concept of a working memory that underlies human thought processes
Hermann Ebbinghaus
the first person to study memory scientifically and systematically; used nonsense syllables and recorded how many times he had to study a list to remember it well
Studied retention and forgetting
Elizabeth Loftus
Psychologist whose research on memory construction and the misinformation effect created doubts about the accuracy of eye-witness testimony
elaborative rehearsal
a method of transferring information from STM into LTM by making that information meaningful in some way
L.L. Thurstone
Psychologist who challenged Spearman and proposed that intelligence consisted of 7 different primary mental abilities
Crystallized Intelligence
one's accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age
Emotional intelligence
the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions
Fluid Intelligence
our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood
General Intelligence (g)
a general intelligence factor that, according to Spearman and others, underlies specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test
mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
Intelligence Test
a method for assessing an individual's mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others, using numerical scores
Savant syndrome
a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing
Triarchic Theory of Intelligences
Robert Sternberg's theory that describes intelligence as having analytic, creative and practical dimensions
Howard Gardner
theory of 8 multiple intelligences
Studied savant syndrome