Which of the following describes how the EKG machine work?
Records the electric activity of the heart .
In order to get a clear EKG tracing the patient must be doing which of the following?
Lying in the trandelendurg position.
which of the following describes the EKG electrode positions?
The electrodes on the arms and legs are color coded and must be in the correct location
The chest electrodes all must be in the correct location on the patients chest.
How many leads are recorded strictly from the 4 extremities electrodes?
How many leades are recorded from the 6 chest electrodes?
Which of the following lubricants can be used when doing a 12 lead EKG?
Paste with electrolytes in it
The EKG machine can pick up interference from which of the following?
*Other electrical machinery *Electrical wall outlets *The patient
Which of the following leads are recorded strictly from the 4 extremities electrodes?
*lead I *lead II *lead III *AVR *AVL *AVF
The patient could be injured from the EKG machine from which of the following?
None, the patient cannot be injured during an EKG.
Which of the following leads are recorded from the 6 chest electrodes?
During a code blue emergency which of the following will the EKG tech need to do?
Record one lead only
keeping in mind the patients modesty the EKG tech should do which of the following wnen recording a female patient?
Keep the patient covered until the chest needs to be done then covered the chest if possible after the electrodes are attatched.
The EKG waves are labeled P Q R S T which of the following describe what these letters stand for?
They stand for nothing.
When might an EKG have a U wave?
Decreased K +
Where will the electrodes be placed to record the augmented leads of the 12 lead EKG.
Arms and Legs
Which of the following are ways to determine the rate of the heart from a 12 lead EKG?
The R waves counted on a 6 inch strip,
Which of the following is a normal PR interval?
0.12 - 0.20 per second.
When the SA node initiates an impulse the EKG shows this in which of the following waves?
The P wave.
When the QRS complex is seen in an EKG this is when which of the following is happening?
The ventricular impulse and contraction.
After the T wave or the U wave and before the P wave in NSR is when which of the following is happening in the heart?
The heart rests.
To measure the Atrial rate on the EKG you will count which of the following?
P wave
To measure the Ventricular rate on the EKG you will count which of the following?
R wave
AVR is considered which of the following?
Augmented or unipolar limb lead
V4 is considered which of the following?
Chest or precordial lead.
V6 is considered which of the following?
chest or precordial lead.
AVF is considered which of the following?
Augmented or unipolar limb lead
Lead II is considered which of the following?
Bipolar limb lead
V3 is considered which of the following?
Chest or precordial lead
lead I is wich of the following?
Bipolar limb lead
V1 is considered which of the following?
Chest or precordial lead
V2 is considered which of the following?
Chest or precordial lead
AVL is considered which of the following?
Augmented or unipolar limb lead
V5 is considered which of the following?
Chest or precordial lead
Lead III is considered which of the following?
Bipolar limb lead
The PR interval can be defined as which of the following?
Isoelectric portion of the interval that precedes ventricular depolarization.
THe R wave can be defined as which of the following?
The first positive area produced by the depolarization of the ventricles.
The S wave can be defined as which of the following?
The first negative area that follows an R wave during deplorization of the ventricles.
The T wave can be defined as which of the following?
A long wave following QRS during repolarization of the ventricles
The P wave can be defined as which of the following?
It represents the depolarizing of the Atrium when it starts to contract.
The QRS complex can be defined as whic of the following?
It represent the depolorization of the ventricles and ventricular impulse
The ST segment can be defined as which of the following?
It is the point where the tracing turns right in a myocardial infarction, this segment will be elevated.
The U wave can be defined as which of the following?
*It is seen but not often *It can mean an electrolyte problem potassium decrease *It may be normal for the patient
The QT interval can be defined as which of the following?
Is measured from the begining of the Q wave through where the wave is completed
Which of the following must be used to label and EKG when the EKG machine does NOT automatically label the strip.
*Patient name and ID numbers *Time and Date EKG was preformed *The EKG techs initials
(....) is the code to identify which of the following?
(-..) is the code to identify which of the following?
(..) is the code to identify which of the following?
Lead II
(- - -) is the code to identify which of the following?
(- ......) is the code to identify which of the following?
(.) is the code to identify which of the following?
Lead I
(- ....) is the code to identify which of the following?
(...) is the code to identify which of the following?
Lead III
(-.) is the code to identify which of the following?
(.....) is the code to identify which of the following?
(......) is the code to identify which of the following?
(- -) is the code to identify which of the following?
(-) is the code to identify which of the following?
(- ...) is the code to identify which of the following?
(- .....) is the code to identify which of the following?
The verticle scale of the ECG paper measures which of the following?
The standaradization of the EKG machine on each machine tells the technician which of the following?
*Testing the amplifier sensitivity *Stylus response *Check of the instrument's settings
The postition control on the EKG machine controls the baseline of the EKG. When will this need to be adjusted?
*Each time the baseline wavers from the middle. *When the voltage of the umpulse shoots over the edge of the paper. *When the stylus is on the top of the paper.
When would the technician need to adjust the paper speed?
*When the heart rate is rapid *When certain segments of a complex are close together
Which of the following is the internationally accepted standard speed for the EKG recording?
In the early 1900's a physiologist invented the EKG machine. We have named the augmented lead triangle after him, what is th ename of the triangle.
None of the above.
How many electrodes make up the 12 lead EKG?
If there is a lot of interference on the EKG tracing, which of the following could the technician do to help eliminate the interference?
*Plug the EKG into another outlet. *Have the patient try to hold still and lay on his
Any of the conductive gels or sensors on the market for use with the EKG machine have what in common?
They all work with electrolytes.
What cant the EKG technician do to help make the skin a better conductor or electricity?
*Rub the area to be used, briskly with alcohol or gauze *shave all areas to be used *Wash all areas to be used with hot soapy water
Which of the patient's limbs are the ground lead?
Right Leg
The QRS complexes in lead I shows the R wave inverted or negative, what does this mean to the technician?
The patients leads be hooked up incorrectly.
Which limb is positive in the AVL lead?
Left Arm
Which limb is positive in the AVR lead?
Right Arm
Which limb is positive in the AVF lead?
Left Leg
A negative wave will be pointing in which of the following directions?
A positive wave will be pointing in which of the following directions?
A rythm strip is which of the following?
*Is in addition to the 12 leads *Ordered by the doctor *helps the docotr see the complete rythm
The standard leads are comprised of which of the following?
*Lead I *Lead II *Lead III
In lead one which of the following electrical impulse are recorded?
*Right Arm *Left Arm
In lead III which of the following electrical impulses are reorded?
Left Arm and Left Leg
In lead II which of the following electrical impulses are recorded?
Right Arm and Left Leg
An electrical shock synchronized with the QRS complex or ventricular beat, that depolarizes the entire heart in order to allow the SA node to resume control is known as which of the following?
A normal T wave is what voltage?
0.50 - 0.10mm
When the monitor shows a straight line, you should begin troubleshooting by checking which of the following?
*Attatchment of Lead Wire *On-Off Switch *Lead Selector Switch
Poor electrode contact can cause which of the following?
*Wandering Baseline *Intermittent Loss of Signal *False Low Rate Alerts
The wave form that represents ventricular repolarizationis which of the following?
T wave
When a rythm strip is requested which of the following will be done?
*An additonal strip will be done on a specific lead *Approximately 8-12 inches of strip will be needed
On the EKG the P wave corresponds to which of the following
Atrial Depolarization
Which of the following demonstrates the direction time is measured on the EKG paper?
Which of the following demonstrates the direction voltage is measured on the EKG paper?
Which of the following describes where v7 v8 and v9 would be placed on the patient?
On the patients back on the same plane as v4 v5 and v6
5th intercostal space at junction of left midclavicular line
At horizontal lecel of position of V4 at left midaxillary line?
4th intercostal space at right margin of sternum
At horizontal level of position V4 at left anterior axillary line
4th intercostal space at left margin of sternum
Mid way between V2 and V4
Rapid heart rate commonly occurs with which of the following?
*Fever *Excitement *Exercise
Precordial lead are the ________ leads?
Chest or V leads
Good technique when hooking up a patient will do which of the following?
*Save you a lot of time *Prevent and sometimes reduce artifact *Give the patient a clear, accurate reading