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sensory fibres → connect to assoc. nuclei
body → ex. gut, skin
ex. glands, internal organs (ex. heart, lungs, gut)
worm-like animal evolves head on FRONT
White matter
set of myelinated axons
Horizontal plane
div's top/bottom → runs para to ground
Sagittal plane
div's left/right → runs from front to back
Midsagittal plane
EXACTLY in MIDDLE of left/right hemis
Coronal plane
div's front/back → runs from left to right
TOP (brain) / BACK (spinal cord / PNS)
BOTTOM (brain) / FRONT (spinal cord / PNS)
Rostral (AKA anterior)
FRONT (brain) / TOP (spinal cord / PNS) → twds head
Caudal (AKA posterior)
BACK (brain) / BOTTOM (spinal cord / PNS) → twds tail
NEAR midline
FAR from midline
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
nerves in body → touch & mvmnt → inc. MOST inputs/outputs to brain
Somatic nervous system (SNS)
body parts w/ volitional control = ability to move by thinking → need to reach nutrients/water
Afferent nerves
type of spinal nerve → part of SNS
input → ENTER dorsal spinal cord
somatosensory → feel touch / detect motion
can move (NOT feel) muscles below cut if severed
Efferent nerves
type of spinal nerve → part of SNS
output → EXIT ventral spinal cord
motor sys → synapse w/ muscles → allows to move muscles
can feel (NOT move) muscles below cut if severed
How do signals travel along afferent/efferent nerves?
Sensory signals from afferent nerves move UP dorsal spinal cord to brain
Sensory signals = processed/felt → UPDATES motor progs
Motor signals from brain move DOWN ventral spinal cord to efferent nerves
Motor signals EXIT to muscles
SMALLEST units of org of behav → exist @ spinal cord lvl
Learning to act/move volitionally involves coord'ing/inhibiting in pattern
Ex. afferent neuron connected to motor neuron in spinal cord
If afferent neuron feels stimulation, motor neuron sends signal to muscles to move
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
body parts w/ NO volitional control
Things control for viscera:
Sensory/motor ftns → MANY involve relay ganglia
Rates → ex. heart rate
Lungs have volitional control → so can consciously CHANGE breathing rate
ONLY way to affect body parts w/ NO volitional control → INDIR
Ex. can only INC heart rate by breathing HARD
b/c breathing = ONLY way SNS/ANS interxt
Enteric nervous system (ENS)
digestive system (AKA GI tract) → part of ANS
Sympathetic division
division of ANS
sympathetic chain = ganglia in chain along spinal cord → just OUTSIDE vertebrae
Twds fight/flight/freeze → senses focused on dealing w/ threat
Active when:
Aroused → ex. sexually
Parasympathetic division
division of ANS
vagus nerve
Twds broaden/build → ready to create / play / expand outwd
Active when exhaling
Cranial nerves
nerves in head/neck → part of SNS
cranial nerve nuclei
nuclei in hindbrain
Sensory nerves
carry info about wld that allows to sense
Motor nerves
carry signals from brainstem that allow to move
cranial nerve for smell
cranial nerve for vision
cranial nerve for MOST eye mvmnt
cranial nerve for rotation & vert eye mvmnt
cranial nerve for jaw mvmnt & face sense
ALL parts (jaw & above) = sensory → only ALSO motor in jaw
Causes migraines
cranial nerve for outwd horiz eye mvmnt
cranial nerve for face mvmnt
Motor ABOVE jaw → so wk's w/ trigeminal
allows to express/detect emo → esp. muscles around eyes
Vestibulocochlear (AKA auditory)
cranial nerve for balance & hearing
cranial nerve for taste & throat mvmnt
Ex. swallowing → wk's w/ trigeminal (does chewing)
Vagus (AKA vagal complex)
cranial nerve comprising ANS parasympathetic division
Spinal accessory
cranial nerve for neck mvmnt
cranial nerve for tongue mvmnt
Central nervous system (CNS)
brain + spinal cord
Why is spinal cord thicker closer to brain?
includes MORE of axons from PNS
bundle of somas in CNS → type of bulbous struct
bundle of somas in PNS → type of bulbous struct
Dorsal root ganglion
1st loc. where signals from afferent neurons collected B/F moving UP spinal cord to brain
What is weight of brain (AKA encephalon)?
brainstem → contains medulla & metencephalon
Medulla (AKA myelencephalon)
Part of hindbrain
ANS life-support sys → above spinal cord
WORST area to damage → ex. stroke can affect breathing/heart rate
Reticular activating system
Cranial nerve nuclei → cranial nerves enter/exit
OTHER nuclei
Reticular activating system (RAS)
part of medulla
sends arousing/activating signals UP to REST of brain
midpt b/w / coordinates HIGHER brain areas & body
Part of hindbrain containing pons & cerebellum
part of metencephalon
bulbous part → above / continuation of brainstem
Made of white matter
Axons enter/exit cerebellum → send signals to coord motor progs from cerebellum to spinal cord
Cranial nerve nuclei → cranial nerves enter/exit
OTHER nuclei → source of neurotransmitters (ex. dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine)
part of metencephalon
behind brainstem
Contains 1/2 of brain's neurons → DENSELY packed b/c SMALL area
Stores motor progs
Motor programs
skilled/coord'd/well-prac'd/automatic mvmnts NOT req'ing conscious thinking
REGRESS to lvl of kid learning mvmnt if consciously think too HARD about mvmnt
Initiated volitionally by frontal lobe
Midbrain (AKA mesencephalon)
Cranial nerve nuclei → cranial nerves enter/exit
OTHER nuclei → act as sensory & motor relays
Sensory & motor relays
integration pts b/w DIFF behav brain sys's
Contains diencephalon & telencephalon
What are the evolutionarily newest brain areas?
forebrain & cerebral cortex
part of forebrain containing thalamus & hypothalamus
UPPER part of diencephalon
Sensorimotor integrator = integrates sensory perception & initiated motor progs
Allows to compare motor progs' EXPECTED (dev'd by brain) & ACTUAL (shown by sensory sys) outcome
Allows to MIN prediction error = DIFF b/w (signals about) EXPECTED/ACTUAL outcome
Central hub for ALL brain netwks → ALL sensory pathways pass thru to comm w/ cortex
LOWER/FRONT part of diencephalon & part of limbic sys connected to brainstem
Neuroendocrine integrator → interface b/w nerv & endocrine (hormone) sys's
Connects to pituitary gland
Elec stimulating causes EITHER agg/calming behav
4 Fs = fighting, fleeing, feeding, mating
Controls/coords homeostasis / behav (ex. motivational, sexual) (drives) by integrating w/ brainstem structs
Pituitary gland
MASTER gland → releases hormones thruout body
creates feedbk cycle by affecting OTHER brain areas thru circulation
Telencephalon (AKA cerebral hemispheres)
part of forebrain containing basal ganglia, limbic sys, & cerebral cortex
Basal ganglia
Subcortical part of telencephalon
nuclei in brain → motor ftn (ex. tracking)
Inc. part of thalamus & (debated) substantia nigra
MINS prediction error
Dorsal/ventral striatum
Internal/external globus pallidus
Subthalamic nucleus
Substantia nigra
Dorsal striatum (AKA striatum / caudate putamen)
LARGEST part of basal ganglia
caudate + putamen
Controls amount of force/vigour/motivation in mvmnt
Ventral striatum
part of basal ganglia
reward/reinforcement circuit → controls amount of motivation / effort used to get what want
Nucleus accumbens
MAIN part of ventral striatum
Internal & external globus pallidus
part of basal ganglia
control info flow thru basal ganglia
Subthalamic nucleus
part of basal ganglia
connects/coordinates basal ganglia & thalamus
Substantia nigra
part of basal ganglia in midbrain
Source of dopamine for striatum → somas make/send dopamine down axons to axon terminals in striatum → regulates striatum motor component
LOSS of neurons = neural correlate of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease
tremors → neural correlate = LOSS of substantia nigra neurons → b/c NO dopamine for striatum
Cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop
neural circuit of activity where basal ganglia, thalamus, & cortex wk tog for consciousness
Steps → 1 cycle → REPEATS:
Cortex sends signal thru striatum to basal ganglia
Basal ganglia sends signal to thalamus
Thalamus sends signal as feedbk to cortex
Feedback frequency
Type of rate → see things changing FASTER as continuous INSTEAD
Ex. flicker fusion phenomenon → see flickering light as STEADY when flickers FASTER
What is feedback frequency of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop?
40Hz (cycles/s) = 25ms/cycle (+/-5) → so see things changing FASTER than 20ms as continuous INSTEAD
Limbic system
MOSTLY subcortical part of telencephalon
Septal nuclei
Cingulate cortex
Septal nuclei
Medial part of limbic sys
pleasure & reward
part of limbic sys
emo (valence) → ex. fear conditioning
Inc. soc emos → ex. soc avoidance/approach/perception
Degraded by toxoplasmosis gondii
Toxoplasmosis gondii
bacterial infection → degrades amygdala → so LOSE fear ability
part of limbic sys
mem consolidation → mems pass thru B/F stored in LTM → ALTHO does NOT store mems
LOSS causes anterograde amnesia
Anterograde amnesia
CANNOT form/consolidate NEW declarative mems b/c lose BOTH hippocampi → BUT:
Keep OLD mems
Can STILL learn NEW skills → b/c stored in cerebellum
Cingulate cortex
cortical part of limbic sys → medial & ABOVE corpus callosum
stimulus valuation, goal tracking, self-awareness
Parts → anterior & posterior
Stimulus valuation
amount that prefer thing
Goal tracking
check whether reached subgoals of LARGER goal → COMPLEX behav
Cerebral cortex (AKA cortex / neocortex)
Part of telencephalon
OUTER brain layer
2mm deep, 10-20bil neurons
5 lobes → EACH assoc. w/ MAIN sense → occipital, temporal, parietal, frontal, insular
Transition zones b/w lobes coord / assoc. w/ BOTH senses → BETTER than 1 sense
6 layers → based on neuron type/struct & chara input/output
Local categorization → based on localizing ftns → b/c MAIN senses of EACH lobe do NOT use WHOLE lobe → primary/secondary sensory/motor cortices, association cortex
If based on cell type → B/F - 50 areas, NOW - 150-200 areas
Contains corpus callosum
Occipital lobe
Visual part of cortex → MOST impt sense
Temporal lobe
Auditory part of cortex → ALSO has OTHER ftns
Somatosensory part of cortex → ABOVE temporal & in FRONT of occipital
Does spatial/temporal processing → ex. determine space's layout by touch
Contains postcentral gyrus
Postcentral gyrus
MOST anterior part of parietal lobe BESIDE frontal lobe
Where exp touch
Contains body plan for OUTSIDE of body
Body plan
maps which brain areas' neurons get elec stimulated when spec body part touched
Frontal lobe
Olfactory & executive ftn part of cortex → contains prefrontal cortex
Prefrontal cortex
Part of frontal cortex BEHIND motor strip
Insular lobe
Gustatory & somatosensory (ONLY for INSIDE of body) part of cortex
Contains body plan for INSIDE of body (ex. viscera)
INSIDE brain UNDER Sylvian fissure
Sylvian fissure
line div'ing temporal from frontal/parietal cortex
inhibit/stabilize/regulate local SHORT-dist neural circuits/comm
binds input & output signals across layers so ALL layers send SAME signal to DIFF areas
SMALL ftn'al units / sections of cortex