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prochlorococcus marinus
abundant in deep oceans and near surface, have divinyl derifitives of chlorophyll a and b and can harvest light at depth
purple bacteria
green bacteria
methylomirabilis oxifera
CH4 oxidized anaerobically with O from NO2/NO
oxidize methane to methanol (CH3OH) and release or use as carbon source
uses methanol (CH3OH) for energy
anaerobic methanotrophs archaea (ANME) [H2] low
Methane oxidation is exergonic and methane is consumed to make H2 and CO2
anaerobic methanotrophs archaea (ANME) [H2] high
methanogensis is turned on using H2 and CO2
Rhodobacter sphaeroides
Purple non sulfur bacteria, membrane infoldings increase surface area
chromatiales or Gammaproteobacteria
Sulfur bacteria taxonomy
purple sulfur bacteria with S0 deposited outside of the cells
alphaproteobacteria and betaproteobacteria
non sulfur bacteria, diverse
purple non sulfur bacteria examples
rhodospirillium, rhodobacter, rhododcyclus
green sulfur bacteria
green non sulfur bacteria (many thermophiles)
anoxygenic photoheterotrophs, anaerobic N2 fixers
halobacterium, no CO2 fixation but aerobic chemoorganoheterotrophs, bacteriorhodpsin (anaerobic only)
acidithiobacillus sp.
chemolithioautotrophs, E and e from inorganic oxidation
A. Thiooxidans
converts FeS2 and oxygen to Fe and SO4
A. Ferrooxidans
converts ferrous iron and oxygen to ferric iron which reacts with OH to make toxic waste
Thermoacidophiles (crenarcaheota)
low pH, sulfur dependent extreme thermophiles
Sulfolobus sp.
thermoacidophiles can reduce or oxidize sulfur depending on the conditions (aerobically use S compounds for E and electron source)
desulfovibrio, pyrococcus, sulfolobus
Thermoacidophiles that when in aerobic environment can use S0 as TEA to oxidize organics
Extreme halophiles (Eurarchaeota)
halobacterium, brines and salty areas only aerobically grow (survive anaerobically with purple membrane)
methanogens (eurarchaeota)
strict anaerobes, methanobacterium, membrane bound carriers transfer e to CO2 to make methane, can use acetate and H2 as electon donors
soil archaea that are nitrifiers, also deep sea nitrifers
asguard archaea
closest archaea to the archaea symbiont that made eukaryotes, have weird cell extensions that can trap other cells
very small archaea that are symbionts to other archaea, make H2S from S0 and H2, led to the discovery of new primers
nanoarchaeum equitans
symbiont to crenarchaeota
Chlorophyll a (shortest wavelength), PSI and II, use H2O H2S or organics as electron donor