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the body's energy reserves become depleted, leading to illness and possibly death
Health psychology
the branch of psychology that studies how biological, behavioral, and social factors influence health, illness, medical treatment, and health-related behavior.
Psychophysiological illnesses:
"mind-body" illness any stress-related physicial illness. (hypertension, headaches, etc.)
a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding a person's resources or ability to cope
Stress Appraisal
how you see or appraise the stress or present situation
Appraisal model
experience of stress is determined in part by our subjective evolution of phenomenon as well as our resources for coping
events we see as threatening or challenging
Important thing about stress
Stress is more the result of how we appraise the stressor and less from the event themselves.
Traumatic events
events are events or situations that are negative, severe and far beyond our normal expectations for everyday life or life events
Accourding to the health psychologist Shelly Taylor
the "tend and befriend" response is a phenomenon when those around you quickly come to your aid whether stranger or friend during traumatic events.
Walter Cannon
confirmed that the response to stress is a mind/body experience and results in a chan of internal physical reactions
Cannon observed that....
stressors trigger an outpouring of the stress hormones and is part of the sympathetic nervous system's response
Cannon calls the response to these changes fight or flight where levels of stress involve both the ___________________ and the _____________________
sympathetic nervous system, endocrine system
Catecholamines are...
fight-or-flight stress hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline, released when the sympathetic nervous system activates the endocrine system.
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS):
the body's' adaptive response to stress
_______________ extended Cannon's research on stress
Hans Selye
3 stages of (GAS)
1. Alarm
2. Resistance
3. Exhaustion
Alarm Reaction
sympathetic nervous system is activated, heart rate zooms, etc. Now ready to fight the challange
blood pressure, temp and breathing remain high and hormones flow. If stress continues, it can deplete the body's reserves during phase 3
stress hormones
supress the disease fighting lymphoctyes and impair immune system functioning
Chronic stress
triggers the secretion of corticosteroids, which influence immune system functioning
the interdisciplinary field that studies the interconnections among psychological processes, nervous, and endocrine system functions, and the immune system
_________ is an emotion that is closely linked to stress related illnesses esp. heart attacks.
_____________ levels are positively correlated to heart disease
Studies show that daily ___________ effect people's immune systems
____________ strongly effect ___________________, particularly those with _________________________(high in urgency, hostility and competitiveness).
stressor, cardiovascular health, type A personalities
problem-focused coping:
attempting to alleviate stress directly, by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor
Emotion-focused strategy
managing the emotional impact of the situation
alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive or behavioral methods. The way in which we try to change circumstances or our interpretation to make them less stressful
Personal Control:
whether we learn to see ourselves as controlling or controlled by our environment
External locus of control
the perception that chance or outside forces determine their fate.
(external, unstable, specific)
(internal, stable, global)
Internal locus of control
the perception that, to a great extent, one controls their own fate.
Perceived control
perception or belief that control exists
- more likely to use problem-solving coping if perceived control exists
Social support
resources provided by other people in times of need, including emotional, tangible, and informational support
the ability to cope with stress and adversity, to adapt to negative or unforeseen circumstances, and to rebound after negative experiences.
an individual's unique and relatively consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior
The psychoanalytic theory
Freud, first theory of personality. Includes ideas about an unconscious region of the mind, psychosexual stages of development, and defense mechanisms for holding anxiety at bay
according to Freud is a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoguhts, wishes, feelings, and memories.
3 levels of awareness of Freud?
1. Conscious
2. Preconscious
3. Unconscious
the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions
Freud's theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques is known as _________________?
Free Association
in psychoanalysis, method of assessing the unconscious by asking patients to spontaneously report mental images, thoughts, and feelings as they come to mind
the "royal road to the unconscious"
Freud proposed 3 interacting systems that make up the personality: _________, ___________, _____________
id, ego, and superego
the unconscious constantly striving to satisfy basic drives and operates on the pleasure principle and demands immediate gratification
*what u are born with, pleasure principle, id doesnt wanna wait, Ex. baby crying for survival, you want what you want when you want it, no impulse control
*immediate gratification, in the moment
operates on the reality principle, seels to graatify the id's impulse in realistic ways. It's the "executive" part of personality
The voice of our conscience focuses on how one ought to behave. It strives for perfection and produces feelings of pride and guilt.
- strives for perfection
Psychosexual stages:
the childhood stages of development during which the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus o distinct erogenous zones
3-6 yrs
puberty on
1. Oral
3. Phallic
5. Genital
focus is on oral stimulation (mouth)
focus is on potty training and control
focus is on the genitals
sexual urges are repressed, and child prefers same sex friends
sexual urges that remain for the rest of one's life
Oedipus Complex
During phallic stage, Freud believed boys seek genitals stimulation and develop both unconscious sexual desires for their mother and jealousy and hatred for their father whom they consider a rival
the process of incorporating their parent's value into developing superego
lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies
Ex- abrupt early weaning can result in an orally fiixated adult
Ego defense mechanisms
tactics to reduce, avoid, or redirect anxiety by distorting reality
-not healthy
banish anxiety-arousing thoughts and feelings from consciousness
when faced with anxiety, to retreat to a more infantile stage of development
Reaction Formation
the ego unconsciously makes unacceptable impulses look like their opposites
disguise their own threating impulses by attributing them to others
offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions.
-making excuses
-he hit me because he grew up in a rough environment
shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person
refusal to acknowledge disturbing aspects of reality
trying to take back or make up for a behavior or impulse that was hurtful to someone. Replaying and reimagining them.
avoidance of feelings by overly focusing on the intellectual aspects of an issue to avoid emotional reactions.
Alfred Aldler and Karen Horney: believed that _______________________?
social, not sexual tensions are crucial for personality formation
(inferiority complex)
Adler (inferiority complex)
believed that much of our behavior is driven by efforts to conquer childhood feelings of inferiority and can be done in a healthy way or an unhealthy way.
The healthy person uses _______________ as a motive for productivity and overcoming obstacles.
The unhealthy way is to strive to overcome inferiorities at other's expense or one's own.
Karen Horney emphasizes the importance of _____________________ in _________________.
human relationships, personality development
__________________ emphasizes the importance of human relationships in personality development.
Karen Horney
Rather than overcoming an inferiority issue, Horney focused on the need to overcome _________________________
feelings of low self-worth
Both Horney and Adler agreed that ____________________ contributed significantly to faulty ________________________.
faculty parenting, personality development
Carl Jung:
less emphasis on scoial factors, agreed with Freud re: the unconscious, but believed it contains more then repressed thoughts and feelings
Collective unconscious
images derived from our species' universal experiences (inheritied experiences). Reflects human evolutionary history and is common to all people.
Ultimately, Jung believed 3 levels of consciousness existL
1. conscious
2. unconscious
3. collective unconscious.
In direct contrast to Freud's pessimistic view of people, the _____________________ saw people saw people as being innately good and naturally strive to fulfill his or her unique potential.
humanistic psychologists,
Two pioneers?
Maslow and Rogers
Maslow's heirchy of needsL
self actualization, the desire to fulfilling our potential.
The humanistic perspective focuses on the way "healthy" people operate and strive for ______________________ and _______________________
self-determination, self-realization.
Malsow's Herichy of Needs
5. Self-actualization
4. Esteem
3. Belongingness and Love
2. Safety
1. Physiological
Later, Self-transcendence was added at the end of Maslow's career
Carl Rogers:
known for the Person-Centered perspective, contended that the most basic human motive is the actualizing tendency: the innate drive to maintain and enhance the human organism
According to ______________, all other human motives (biological or social) are ______________.
Rogers, secondary
be true to who you are
(unconditional positive regard), total acceptance toward others and ourselves
to understand what someone is feeling without experiencing it first-hand.
Rogers agreed with Maslow regarding the ultimate goal of self-actualization, however, believed one needs 3 conditions to promote it: To be genuine, accepting, and empathetic
1. genuine
2. accepting
3. empathetic
Unconditional Positive regard:
refers to the sense of being unconditionally loved and valued, even if you don't confirm to the standards and expectations of others.
Rogers believed that healthy ____________________ is the result of being unconditionally valued and loved as a person. (discipline without undermining the child's sense of self-worth)
personality development,
Conditional positive regard:
the sens that you will be valued and loved only if you behave in a way that is acceptable to others, conditional love or acceptance