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Slow Flight
- Clearing turns
- Set PWR to 1,500 RPM
- Set Flaps to T/O (Vfe T/O)
- Set Flaps to LDG (Vfe LDG)
- Maintain @ or just above Stall speed (Vso)
PWR On Stall
- Clearing Turns
- Set PWR to 1,500 RPM
- Set Flaps to T/O (Vfe T/O)
- Slow to 50 knts
- @ 50 knts, add full PWR & Max pitch up
- Watch for stall symptoms
- Recover from the stall
PWR Off Stall
- Clearing turns
- Set PWR to 1,500 RPM
- Set Flaps to T/O (Vfe T/O)
- Set Flaps to LDG (Vfe LDG)
- Simulate descent @ 65 knts (PWR idle) w/ 200'
- @ 200' Simulate Flare
- Watch for stall symptoms
- Recover from the stall
Soft Field Landing
- Downwind
+ When abeam touchdown point
+ Reduce RPM to 1,500' & set Flaps to T/O
+ Descend out of Pattern @ 80 knts
- Base
+ Set flaps to LDG
+ Slow to 70 knts
- Final
+ Slow to & maintain 55 knts
+ Slowly remove last bit of PWR before aim point
+ Land softly on main-gear first, hold off nose wheel as long as possible
Short Field T/O
1. Select Flaps T/O◦
2. Line up on centerline positioning controls for wind, using all available runway
3. Hold brakes
4. Smoothly apply full power
5. Check engine gauges
6. Release brakes
7. Callout “Airspeed Alive”
8. Briskly rotate at 52 KIAS
9. Accelerate to 58 KIAS
10. When clear of obstacles, accelerate to 68 KIAS (Vy)
Soft Field T/O
1) Select Flaps T/O◦
Roll onto runway with full AFT stick – minimum braking – do not stop
Smoothly apply full power holding full AFT on the stick – check engine gauges
As nose lifts off, ease back pressure (keep nose wheel off the ground)
Lift off at the lowest possible airspeed – remain in ground effect
In ground effect, accelerate to 57 KIAS (Vx), then begin climb
8) When clear of obstacles, accelerate to 68 KIAS (Vy)
Short Field Landing
- Downwind
+ When abeam touchdown point
- Reduce RPM to 1,500' & set Flaps to T/O
- Descend out of Pattern @ 80 knts
- Base
+ Set flaps to LDG
+ Slow to 70 knts
- Final
+ Slow to & maintain 55 knts
- Flare with minimum floating/ ground effect
- Once landed say/ do/ simulate "Flaps up, Max breaking"
PWR Off 180
- Downwind
+ When abeam touchdown point
- PWR Idle
- Pitch for 73 knts
- Base
+ Add flaps as necessary
- Final
+ After nosewheel is down, then apply gentle breaking
Steep Turn ACS Requirements (PPL & CPL Standards)
- Alt +/- 100'
- Bank 50 (For CPL) & 45 (For PPL) Degrees +/- 5 Degrees
- HDG +/- 10 Degrees
- Speed +/- 10 knts
Steep Turns Procedure (Commercial Standards)
- Clearning Turns
- Set PWR to 2,000 RPM
- Start Maneuver @ 90 knts
- Set Start heading
- 50 Degrees of Bank
- Add 100-200 RPM as you roll past 30 Degrees
- After 1st direction turn is completed, roll right into the other
Passenger Briefing (SAFETY)
Seat belt/ harness - Verify everyone is secure
Airvents - Location & usage, brief event of suspected CO in flight deck
Fire extinguisher - Location & Usage
Exits - Canopy operation, rescue hammer usage, & established pilot roles
Traffic & Talking - Always looking & listening for traffic
“Your Questions?” - Make sure everyone is on the same page
Pre-flight Briefing
Engine failure or abnormality PRIOR to rotation?
Abort Takeoff
Throttle Closed, Break as required, stop straight ahead
If not enough runway to stop
Mixture Cutoff, Fuel shut off, magnetos off, & battery off, avoid obstacles
Engine failure AFTER rotation w/ sufficient runway remaining?
Throttle immediately closed
Land Straight ahead, break as needed
Engine failure AFTER rotation W/ NO runway remaining?
Maintain control & pitch for best glide
Only shallow turns if needed
Use flaps as necessary
Throttle closed, Mixture Cutoff, Fuel shut off, magnetos off, Battery master off
Touchdown @ lowest possible speed
Turns Around a Point
1. Perform pre-maneuver checks
2. Select a reference point
3. Set power to maintain an airspeed of 90 KIAS
4. Maintain 1000’ AGL
5. Clear the area of other aircraft
6. Trim the airplane for level flight
7. First turn to the left at the highest ground speed and steepest bank angle (max 45 degrees)
8. Bank angle will gradually need to be decreased to the upwind point (slowest ground speed)
9. From the upwind point, bank angle will need to gradually increase to the downwind point (fastest
ground speed)
1. Perform pre-maneuver checks
2. Select a line feature that lies crosswind (road, etc.)
3. Set power to maintain an airspeed of 90 KIAS
4. Maintain 1000’ AGL
5. Trim the airplane for level flight
6. Approach the line feature downwind
7. Cross the line feature wings level
8. Initial turn is to the left at the fastest ground speed and steepest bank angle (not to exceed
30 degrees)
9. Directly crosswind moderate bank angle and decrease as the airplane turns upwind
10. Maintain coordinated flight throughout
11. Cross the line feature while rolling wings level
12. Upwind turn begins in the opposite direction with a shallow bank angle
13. Increase bank angle to moderate at the crosswind position
14. Continue to increase bank angle through the turn to downwind
15. Cross the line feature with wings level
16. Exit the maneuver at the same altitude and airspeed