Preconventional stage
Kohlbergs theory
punishment and obedience are most important
Kohlberg’s theory
start to take into consideration other people
what others think of us
Kohlberg’s theory
justice and universal needs and human rights
ethical principals
egotistical —> “what I see is important”
Longitudinal Study
studies a person or group of people over an extended period of time
cross-sectional study
compares individuals of various ages at one point in time
Identical twins
twins who develop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two, creating two genetically identical organisms.
Fraternal twins
twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs. They are genetically no closer than brothers or sisters, but they share a fetal environment.
Half twins
egg splits before fertilized, but is fertilized after
they share the moms DNA but not the Dads
Step twins
2 different dads, within same ovulation period (so same pregnancy)
John Locke
birth our minds are a blank slate, a tabula rasa
Jean Piaget
Swiss developmental psychologist who developed the stages of cognitive development (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational)
Lev Vygotsky
psychologist who developed the theory of mind
Erik Erikson
a developmental psychologist who developed the theory that people enter eight stages of social development.
Mary Ainsworth
a developmental psychologist who studied attachment through the Strange Situation Test.
Strange Situation Test
testing the attachment and relationship of an infant to their caregiver
Harry Harlow
a developmental psychologist who studied the effect of reassurance from the physical touch of a parent or caregiver and how it plays a key role in developing healthy physical growth and normal socialization.
Konrad Lorenz
studied the critical period and imprinting with geese.
Diana Baumrind
leading researcher on parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive)
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral development researcher (conventional stages)
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
developed 5 stages of grief
G. Stanley Hall
educational psychologist who looked at the effects of adolescence on education
Carol Gilligan
criticized Lawrence Kohlberg for being too male centered. She said he favored a principled way of reasoning that was more common to males, such as justice, while the moral concerns of women focus on caring and compassion.
Criticisms of Vygotsky
overemphasis on scaffold
ignores individual differences
not culturally universal
Criticisms of Piaget
childrens cognition is more fluid than suggested
underestimated ability of infants
based on his own children, and only 3
ignoring nurture
sociocultural theory of development
a persons cognitive development is largely influenced by their surrounding culture
the fertilized egg - lasts 2 weeks in which there is a period of rapid cell division
the developing human organism from 2 – 8 weeks (2nd month). At this time organs begin to form and function (the heart beats, liver produces red cells, etc.), the umbilical cord forms, and arms and legs are beginning to form.
the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth
toxins that are present during prenatal development
very impactful
harm fetus if injested by mother
Authoritative parenting
accepting and child centered
expects much of the child
authoritarian parenting
rejecting and parent centered
expects much of the child
permissive parenting
accepting and child centered
expects little of the child
rejecting/neglecting parenting
rejecting and parent centered
expects little of the child
a concept or framework that organizes and interprets information
the process of absorbing new information into an existing schema
the process of adjusting old schemas or developing new ones to incorporate new information
Fluid Intelligence
global capacity to reason
ability to learn new things
think abstractly and solve problems
Crystallized Intelligence
prior learning and past experiences
based on facts
increases with age
Contact Comfort
Harlow —> children need their emotional needs tended to, can’t just survive on food
Avoidant Attachment
little attention to caregiver, little distress when they leave
Secure Attachment
caregivers meet infants needs well
kids become well adjusted
insecure attachment
caregivers fail to fully meet infants needs
kids are shallow, withdrawn, need attachment
both you and baby —>build relationship over time that helps baby feel secure, loved, and ready to face the world
the way children respond to the world
parenting style
attitudes/pattern of parental authority towards the child
the emotional context for expression of parental behavior
theory of mind
simplistic : sharing, understanding peoples thoughts and feelings
complex: think about what others are thinking about
Moro/startle reflex
outstretching of arms/legs in response to loud noise/sudden physical change
Babinski reflex
response to touch of bottom food —> toes splay out and arch back
sucking reflex
occurs when an object touches the lips
rooting reflex
turning of an infants head towards stimulus (breast or hand)
grasping reflex
response to touch on palm —> infant will grasp
swallowing reflex
infant can swallow - not as well coordinated
stepping reflex
if held so feet just touch ground, infant will show “walking movements”
anxious ambivalent attachment
clingy and hard to console
parent was inconsistent
unsure if deserving of love
easy temperament
easy going
can adapt well
regular routines
difficult temperament
difficult to soothe
irregular daily routines
slow to accept change
slow to warm-up
low activity level
less intense mood
Habituation for faces
stare at something more if it resembles a face
pruning / myelination
axons rapidly myelinating so neural impulses can move faster, in addition to the pruning of non necessary networks
progressive neurological diseases
disease characterized by progressive deterioration in functioning
Virtue of Hope
trust vs mistrust
can i trust the world
Virtue of Will
autonomy vs shame/doubt
is it okay to be me
dressing themselves, potty training
Virtue of Purpose
initiative vs guilt
is it okay to take actions
Virtue of Competence
elementary school
industry vs inferiority
can i make it in this world
school / sports
Virtue of Fidelity
identity vs role confusion
who am I?
social relationships
Virtue of Love
early adulthood
intimacy vs isolation
can i be with another person
romantic relationships
Virtue of Care
middle adulthood
generativity vs stagnation
can i make my life count
Virtue of Wisdom
late adulthood
ego integrity vs despair
is it okay to have been me
reflection of life
recognition of and attraction to members of one’s own species or to surrogates
Basic trust
a sense that the world is predictable and reliable
5 stages of grief
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
the period of time between puberty and adulthood when people experience physical, social, and moral changes
maturation stages: lifting head
1 month
maturation stages: rolling over
4-7 months
maturation stages: sitting without support
4-9 months
maturation stages: standing w/ assistance
5-11 months
maturation stages: crawling
5-13 months
maturation stages: walking w/ assistance
6-13 months
maturation stages: standing alone
7-17 months
maturation stages: walking
8-18 months
Sensorimotor stage
0-2 years
experience world through senses
object permanance
stranger anxiety
preoperational stage
2-7 years
representing things with words / labeling
imaginary play
animistic thinking
concrete operational
7-11 years
seeing different aspects of a situation
complete concrete logical tasks
formal operational
12 thru adulthood
abstract thinking
moral principles and ethics
lacks perspective taking (ToM)
inability to see anothers POV
tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation / in the moment
changing objects shape —> stays same
Animistic thinking
believeing inanimate objects possess qualities of living creatures