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What are the three major structures contained in the scrotum?
Spermatic cord
What structure separates the scrotum into two sacs?
Median raphe
What is the External Spermatic Fascia?
Fascial layer derived from the external oblique muscle
What is the Cremaster Muscle?
A suspender muscle that arises from the internal oblique muscle of the abdominal wall
What does the Cremaster Muscle consist of?
Bands of skeletal muscle
What wrinkles the scrotal skin?
Dartos Fascia and Dartos Muscle
What elevates the testes?
Cremaster Muscle
What does the Dartos Fascia and Dartos Muscle continue internally to form?
Median raphe (septum)
What is the Cremasteric Fascia derived from?
Fascia of internal oblique muscle
What is the Internal Spermatic Fascia?
Transversalis fascia
How many layers does the Tunica Vaginalis have?
Double-layer extension of peritoneum
What is the serous layer covering the testis?
Tunica Vaginalis
What two structures does the Tunica Vaginalis seperate?
Separates scrotal layers from tunica albuginea
What does the Tunica Vaginalis cover specifically?
The testes except for where the epididymis is attached
What three structures does the Tunica Vaginalis consist of?
Parietal (outer) layer
Visceral (inner) layer
Vaginalis sac
What layer of the Tunica Vaginalis lines the walls of the scrotal sac?
Parietal (outer) layer
What layer of the Tunica Vaginalis covers the testis, epididymis, and lower portion of spermatic cord?
Visceral (inner) layer
What is the potential space between the
two layers of tunica vaginalis? What does it contain?
Vaginalis sac containing fluid
What are the three ducts that deliver sperm to the outside of the body?
Ductus deferens
What are the three accessory sex glands that empty into the ducts during ejaculation?
Seminal vesicles
Prostate gland
Bulbourethral glands
What are the testicles?
Oval shaped glands
What is the Appendix Testis?
Small remnant tissue on the testicle created from the degeneration of paramesonephric ducts
What is the Tunica Albuginea?
Dense, fibrous capsule covering testis
What does the tunica albuginea divide the testicles into?
Divides each testicle into 250-400 lobules
What are lobules?
Internal compartments of the testicle
What do the lobules contain?
Seminiferous tubules
Interstitial cells (Leydig)
How many Seminiferous Tubules do lobules contain?
What do Seminiferous Tubules produce? How?
Produce sperm by spermatogenesis
What do Seminiferous Tubules contain?
Sustentacular (Sertoli) cells
What do Sustentacular (Sertoli) cells produce? Why is this important?
The blood-testis barrier needed for immunity
Where do the seminiferous tubules move spermatazoa to?
Seminiferous tubules
Straight (rectus) tubules
Rete testis
What do the seminiferous tubules converge to form?
The rete testis
Where is the rete testis located?
Testicular mediastinum
What is the thickened portion of albuginea along the posterior border of testis?
Mediastinum teste
Where do the Semineferous Tubules converge and exit into the Rete Testis and Efferent Ducts?
Mediastinum teste
What is the Ductus (Vas) Deferens/Seminal Duct?
Muscular cord that ascends along posterior border of testis
What are the functions of the Ductus (Vas) Deferens/Seminal Duct?
Pump sperm into prostatic segment of urethra
Store sperm for several months
How does the Ductus (Vas) Deferens/Seminal Duct enter the pelvic cavity?
Through inguinal canal
What structure does vas deferens merge into? What does this form?
The Vas Deferens merges with the Seminal Vesicles to form the Ejaculatory Ducts
What is the epididymis?
Comma-shaped structure that curves along posterior
border of testis
What is the appendix epididymis?
The most cranial portion of the mesonephric duct
What is the epididymis head (globus major)?
Most superior portion of epididymis
What does the epididymis head consist of?
First part of efferent ducts that transport sperm out of testes
What does the epididymis body (corpus) contain?
Ductus epididymis
What is the ductus epididymis?
Tightly coiled single tube where efferent ducts drain into
What is the epididymis tail (globus minor)?
Distal part of epididymal ducts
What part of the epididymis exits and continues as ductus (vas) deferens in the spermatic cord?
Epididymis tail
What are the normal measurements for the epididymis?
Head = 10-12 mm
Body = Less than 4 mm
Tail = Less than 4 mm
Where are the efferent ductules located?
From rete testes to enter upper portion of epididymis
What are the normal measurements of a testicle?
Length = 4.0-5.0 cm
Width = 2.0-3.0 cm
AP = 2.0-3.0 cm
Weight = 12.5-19 g
Where are each testicle located?
Obliquely positioned within scrotum
Attached to spermatic cord
Where is the upper pole of the testicle located relative to the scrotum? Lower pole?
Upper pole = anterolateral
Lower pole = posteromedial
What muscle does the spermatic cord contain?
Cremaster muscle
What is the path of arterial blood flow to the testes?
Testicular Artery
Capsular Arteries
Centripetal Arteries
What is the arterial blood flow pattern of the testes?
Low resistance = high blood flow
Broad systolic peaks
High diastolic flow
What is the path of arterial blood flow to the scrotum and epididymis?
Inferior Epigastic Artery
Cremasteric (External Spermatic) Artery
Inferior Vesicle Artery
Deferential Artery
What artery courses through the epididymis tail and divides into a capillary network?
Deferential Artery
What is the arterial blood flow pattern of the scrotum and epididymis?
High resistance = low blood flow
Narrow systolic peaks
Diminished/absent diastolic flow
What is the path of venous blood flow to the testes?
Intratesticular Veins
Venous Outflow
Pampiniform Plexus
Internal Spermatic Vein
Where does the left internal spermatic vein drain into?
Left renal vein
Where does the right internal spermatic vein drain into?
Directly into IVC
What is the path of lymphatic drainage of the testes?
Lymph plexuses under tunica vaginalis, testis, and epididymis
Traverse in spermatic cord
Testicular vessels
Lumbar (para-aortic) nodes as high as renal veins
What are the chief phases of the male sexual response?
What is spermatogenesis?
Sperm formation
What is a male gamete?
Sperm or spermatozoa
How much sperm does an adult male produce each day?
400 million
What is meiosis?
“A lessening”
Nuclear division
Where does meiosis occur?
Mostly in gonads
How many divisions does meiosis consist of? What does this produce?
Two consecutive nuclear divisions
Produces four daughter cells
What does the hormonal regulation of reproductive function involve?
Brain-Testicular Axis
What does hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis and testicular androgen production involve?
Interactions between
Anterior pituitary gland
What hormone directly stimulates the testes? What type of cell is this hormone?
Gonadotropins (FSH and LH)
Pituitary cells
What hormone stimulates spermatogenesis in the testes?
What hormone indirectly stimulates the testes? How?
GnRH via its effects on the release of FSH and LH
What hormone binds to pituitary cells?
What serves as the final trigger for spermatogenesis?
What hormones exert negative feedback?
How are testosterone and the number of sperm produced related?
More testosterone = more sperm
Why is it important that the testicles are held outside of the body, but within the scrotum?
Temperature is more optimum for sperm maturation
What is the site of sperm maturation?
How do the testicles function as an exocrine gland?
Producing sperm
How do the testicles function as an endocrine gland?
Synthesizing and secreting testosterone
What is human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) produced by?
What structures cause an elevation of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the blood?
Embryonic cell tumors of testes
What is the main androgen secreted by Leydig cells?
What hormone induces puberty in males?
What structures cause an elevation of testosterone in the blood?
Testicular tumor
Adrenal hyperplasia
Benign or malignant tumors of testes, adrenal, pituitary
Adrenal tumor
What structures cause a decrease in testosterone in the blood?
Testicular or prostate cancer
Cirrhosis of liver
Primary or secondary hypogonadism
What is the normal ultrasound appearance of the testicles?
Smooth walls
What is the normal ultrasound appearance of the mediastinum testis?
Highly echogenic
Parallel to epididymis
What is the normal ultrasound appearance of the appendix testis?
Small ovoid
Under epididymis head
What is the normal measurement of the scrotal wall?
2-8 mm thick
What is the normal ultrasound appearance of the epididymis head? Body? Tail?
Head = Isoechoic or MORE echogenic than testis
Body = Isoechoic or LESS echogenic than testis
Tail = Thicker than body
What is cryptorchidism?
Undescended testis
What is the normal age for the testes to descend into the scrotal sac?
8 months gestational age
What does cryptorchidism look like in adults?
Small testis with normal echogenicity
Where is cryptorchidism most commonly found?
At or below level of inguinal canal
What are the potential concerns of cryptorchidism?
Increased chance of malignancy (seminoma) in
undescended testicle
Where can undescended testis appear?
Anywhere along normal track of decent from
retroperitoneum to scrotum
Who is acute painful scrotum commonly found in?