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splenius capitis - origin
spines of C7 through T4 and the nuchal ligament
splenius capitis - insertion
lateral 1/3 of superior nuchal line of occipital bone and mastoid process
splenius capitis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami of inferior cervical nerves
splenius capitis - action
unilaterally: rotate and laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
bilaterally: extend head and neck
splenius cervicis - origin
spines of T3 through T6
splenius cervicis - insertion
posterior tubercle of transverse processes of C1-C4
splenius cervicis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami of inferior cervical nerves
splenius cervicis - action
unilaterally: rotate and laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
bilaterally: extend head and neck
iliocostalis lumborum - origin
iliac crest, posterior aspect of sacrum, the sacroiliac ligaments and the sacral and inferior lumbar spinous processes
iliocostalis lumborum - insertion
the inferior borders of the lower 6 ribs
iliocostalis lumborum - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
iliocostalis lumborum - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
iliocostalis thoracis - origin
superior borders of the lower 6 ribs
iliocostalis thoracis - insertion
inferior borders of upper 6 ribs
iliocostalis thoracis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
iliocostalis thoracis - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
iliocostalis cervicis - origin
superior borders of upper 6 ribs
iliocostalis cervicis - insertion
inferior borders of transverse processes of C4-6
iliocostalis cervicis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
iliocostalis cervicis - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
longissimus thoracis - origin
longissimus thoracis - insertion
inferior borders of transverse processes and ribs of lower 9-10 thoracic vertebrae
longissimus thoracis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
longissimus thoracis - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
longissimus cervicis - origin
superior borders of transverse processes of the upper 6 thoracic vertebrae
longissimus cervicis - insertion
inferior borders of the transverse processes of the 2nd-6th cervical vertebrae
longissimus cervicis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
longissimus cervicis - action
unilaterally: flex vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
longissimus capitis - origin
superior borders of 2nd-6th cervical vertebrae
longissimus capitis - insertion
mastoid process of the skull
longissimus capitis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
longissimus capitis - action
unilaterally: flex vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
spinalis thoracis - origin
between spinous processes of thoracic region
spinalis thoracis - insertion
between spinous processes of thoracic region
spinalis thoracis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
spinalis thoracis - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend vertebral column
spinalis cervicis - origin
inconsistently present
spinalis cervicis - insertion
inconsistently present
spinalis cervicis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
spinalis cervicis - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend vertebral column
spinalis capitis - origin
usually considered most medial portion semispinalis capitis muscle
spinalis capitis - insertion
usually considered most medial portion semispinalis capitis muscle
spinalis capitis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
spinalis capitis - action
unilaterally: flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend vertebral column
semispinalis thoracis - origin
transverse processes of the lower 7 thoracic vertebrae (T6-T12)
semispinalis thoracis - insertion
spines of the upper 4 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T4)
semispinalis thoracis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
semispinalis thoracis - action
backward bending of head and cervicothoracic regions
contralateral rotation
semispinalis cervicis - origin
transverse processes of the upper 6 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T6)
semispinalis cervicis - insertion
spines of 2nd-5th cervical vertebrae
semispinalis cervicis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
semispinalis cervicis - action
backward bending of head and cervicothoracic regions
contralateral rotation
semispinalis capitis - origin
overlies the semispinalis cervicis and runs from the transverse processes of the 4th cervical vertebra through the 4th thoracic vertebrae (C4-T4)
semispinalis capitis - insertion
inferior nuchal line of the skull
semispinalis capitis - nerve innervation
dorsal rami
semispinalis capitis - action
backward bending of head and cervicothoracic regions
controllateral rotation
multifitdus (short fascicles) - origin
caudal end of dorsal surface of each vertebral lamina
multifitdus (short fascicles) - insertion
mammillary processes of vertebrae that are 2 levels below
multifitdus (short fascicles) - nerve innervation
medial branch of dorsal ramus of vertebra below
multifitdus (short fascicles) - action
stabilizes spine during rotation and forward bending
protect facet capsules from being caught inside the joint
multifitdus (large fascicles) - origin
base and caudolateral edge of the spinous processes
fascicles are arranged in 5 overlapping groups such that each lumbar vertebra gives rise of one of these groups
multifitdus (large fascicles) - insertion
mammillary processes, iliac crest, sacrum
deep fibers attach to the capsules of the zygapophyseal joints next to mammillary processes
multifitdus (large fascicles) - nerve innervation
medial branch of dorsal rami of vertebra below
multifitdus (large fascicles) - action
stabilizes spine during rotation and forward bending
protect facet capsules from being caught inside the joint
rectus capitis posterior major - origin
spine of axis
rectus capitis posterior major - insertion
lateral part of inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
rectus capitis posterior major - nerve innervation
suboccipital nerve
rectus capitis posterior major - action
extension, lateral flexion, rotation of head
rectus capitis posterior minor - origin
posterior tubercle of atlas
rectus capitis posterior minor - insertion
occipital bone of inferior nuchal line
rectus capitis posterior minor - nerve innervation
suboccipital nerve
rectus capitis posterior minor - action
lateral flexion, extension of head
obliquus capitis inferior - origin
spine of axis
obliquus capitis inferior - insertion
transverse process of atlas
obliquus capitis inferior - nerve innervation
1st and 2nd cervical nerves
obliquus capitis inferior - action
rotates atlas and skull around ondontoid process of axis
obliquus capitis superior - origin
transverse process of atlas
obliquus capitis superior - insertion
occipital bone above inferior nuchal line
obliquus capitis superior - nerve innervation
1st cervical nerve
obliquus capitis superior - action
extension, lateral flexion of head
platysma - origin
fascia and skin over pectoralis major and deltoid muscles
platysma - insertion
inferior border of mandible and skin over lower face
platysma - nerve innervation
cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
platysma - action
tenses skin of neck, draws corners of mouth down, assists in depressing mandible
sternocleidomastoid - origin
sternal head: anterior surface of manubrium sterni
clavicular head: upper surface of medial 1/3 of clavicle
sternocleidomastoid - insertion
mastoid process of temporal bone and lateral half of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
sternocleidomastoid - nerve innervation
accessory (CN XI) and ventral ramus of second cervical nerve
sternocleidomastoid - action
unilaterally: ipsilateral lateral flexion and contralateral rotation of head
bilaterally: neck flexion
scalenus anterior - origin
anterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 3-6
scalenus anterior - insertion
internal border of first rib
scalenus anterior - nerve innervation
ventral rami of cervical nerves
scalenus anterior - action
flexes cervical column laterally and acts in respiration
scalenus medius - origin
posterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 2-7
scalenus medius - insertion
superior border of first rib
scalenus medius - nerve innervation
ventral rami of cervical nerves
scalenus medius - action
flexes cervical column laterally and acts in respiration
scalenus posterior - origin
posterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 4-6
scalenus posterior - insertion
external surface of second rib
scalenus posterior - nerve innervation
ventral rami of cervical nerves
scalenus posterior - action
flexes cervical column laterally and acts in respiration