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psychological disorder
psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impairment in functioning that is not a typical or culturally expected response
a psychological disorder characterized by marked and persistent fear of an object or situation
abnormal behavior
psychological dysfunction within an individual that is associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response that is not typical or culturally expected
the scientific study of psychological disorders
a mental health professional who is expected to apply scientific methods to their work; they must keep current in the latest research on diagnosis and treatment, they must evaluate their own methods for effectiveness, and they may generate their own research to discover new knowledge of disorders and their treatment
presenting problem
the original complaint reported by the client to the therapist; the actual treated problem may sometimes be a modification derived from this
clinical description
details of the combination of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of an individual that make up a particular disorder
the number of people displaying a disorder in the total population at any given time
the number of new cases of a disorder appearing during a specific period
the pattern of development and change of a disorder over time
the predicted future development of a disorder over time
the cause or source of a disorder
a religious ritual that attributes disordered behavior to possession by demons and seeks to treat the individual by driving the demons from the body
psychosocial treatment
treatment practices that focus on social and cultural factors (such as family experience), as well as psychological influences; these approaches include cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal methods
moral therapy
a psychosocial approach in the 19th century that involved treating patients as normally as possible in normal environments
mental hygiene movement
a mid-19th-century effort to improve care of the mentally disordered by informing the public of their mistreatment
psychoanalytic assessment and therapy, which emphasizes exploration of, and insight into, unconscious processes and conflicts, pioneered by Sigmund Freud
an explanation of human behavior, including dysfunction, based on principles of learning and adaptation derived from experimental psychology
the rapid or sudden release of emotional tension thought to be an important factor in psychoanalytic therapy
psychoanalytic model
a complex and comprehensive theory originally advanced by Sigmund Freud that seeks to account for the development and structure of personality, as well as the origin of abnormal behavior, based primarily on inferred inner entities and forces
in psychoanalysis, the unconscious psychical entity present at birth representing basic sexual and aggressive drives
in psychoanalysis, the psychical entity responsible for finding realistic and practical ways to satisfy id drives
in psychoanalysis, the psychical entity representing the internalized moral principles of parents and society
intrapsychic conflicts
in psychoanalysis, the struggles among the id, ego, and superego
defense mechanisms
common patterns of behavior, often adaptive coping styles when they occur in moderation, observed in response to particular situations; in psychoanalysis, these are thought to be unconscious processes originating in the ego
psychosexual stages of development
in psychoanalysis, the sequence of phases a person passes through during development; each stage is named for the location on the body where id gratification is maximal at that time
castration anxiety
in psychoanalysis, the fear in young boys that they will be mutilated genitally because of their lust for their mothers
ego psychology/self-psychology
derived from psychoanalysis, this theory emphasizes the role of the ego in development and attributes psychological disorders to failure of the ego to manage impulses and internal conflicts
obsolete psychodynamic term for psychological disorder thought to result from unconscious conflicts and the anxiety they cause
object relations
modern development in psychodynamic theory involving the study of how children incorporate the memories and values of people who are close and important to them
collective unconscious
accumulated wisdom of a culture collected and remembered across generations, a psychodynamic concept introduced by Carl Jung
free association
a psychoanalytic therapy technique intended to explore threatening material repressed into the unconscious; the patient is instructed to say whatever comes to mind without censoring
dream analysis
a psychoanalytic therapy method in which dream contents are examined as symbolic of id impulses and intrapsychic conflicts
a therapist who practices psychoanalysis after earning either a M.D. or Ph.D. degree and receiving additional specialized postdoctoral training
a psychoanalytic concept suggesting that clients may seek to relate to the therapist as they do to important authority figures, particularly their parents
psychodynamic psychotherapy
a contemporary version of psychoanalysis that still emphasizes unconscious processes and conflicts but is briefer and more focused on specific problems
a process emphasized in humanistic psychology in which people strive to achieve their highest potential against difficult life experiences
person-centered therapy
a therapy method in which the client, rather than the counselor, primarily directs the course of discussion, seeking self-discovery and self-responsibility
unconditional positive regard
acceptance by the counselor of the client’s feelings and actions without judgment or condemnation
cognitive-behavioral model
a model that combines insights from the behavioral, cognitive, and social learning models, which brought the systematic development of a more scientific approach to the psychological aspects of psychopathology
classical conditioning
a fundamental learning process first described by Ivan Pavlov; an event that automatically elicits a response is paired with another stimulus event that does not (a neutral stimulus); after repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that by itself can elicit the desired response
a learning process in which a response maintained by reinforcement in operant conditioning or pairing in classical conditioning decreases when that reinforcement or pairing is removed; also the procedure of removing that reinforcement or pairing
an early, nonscientific approach to the study of psychology involving systematic attempts to report thoughts and feelings that specific stimuli evoked
systematic desensitization
a behavioral therapy technique to diminish excessive fears, involving gradual exposure to the feared stimulus paired with a positive coping experience, usually relaxation
behavior therapy
an array of therapy methods based on the principles of behavioral and cognitive science, as well as principles of learning as applied to clinical problems; it considers specific behaviors rather than inferred conflicts as legitimate targets for change
in operant conditioning, consequences for behavior that strengthen it or increase its frequency
in operant conditioning, the development of a new response by reinforcing successively more similar versions of that response; both desirable and undesirable behaviors may be learned in this manner
multidimensional integrative approach
an approach to the study of psychopathology that holds psychological disorders as always being the products of multiple interacting causal factors
long deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, the basic physical units of heredity that appear as locations on chromosomes; a single one is a subunit of DNA that determines inherited traits in living things
diathesis-stress model
a hypothesis that both an inherited tendency (a vulnerability) and specific stressful conditions are required to produce a disorder
a susceptibility or tendency to develop a disorder
gene-environment correlation model
a hypothesis that people with a genetic predisposition for a disorder may also have a genetic tendency to create environmental risk factors that promote the disorder
the study of factors other than inherited DNA sequence, such as new learning or stress, that alter the phenotypic expression of genes
the study of the nervous system and its role in behavior, thoughts, and emotions
an individual nerve cell; responsible for transmitting information
action potential
a short period of electrical activity at the membrane of a neuron, responsible for the transmission of signals within the neuron
terminal button
the end of an axon of a neuron where neurotransmitters are stored before release
synaptic cleft
the space between nerve cells where chemical transmitters act to move impulses from one neuron to the next
chemicals that cross the synaptic cleft between nerve cells to transmit impulses from one neuron to the next; their relative excess or deficiency is involved in several psychological disorders
causing excitation; activating
causing inhibition; suppressing
a chemical messenger produced by the endocrine glands
brain circuits
the neurotransmitter currents or neural pathways in the brain
a chemical substance that effectively increases the activity of a neurotransmitter by imitating its effects
a chemical substance that decreases or blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter
inverse agonist
a chemical substance that produces effects opposite those of a particular neurotransmitter
an action by which a neurotransmitter is quickly drawn back into the discharging neuron after being released into a synaptic cleft
an amino acid neurotransmitter that excites many different neurons, leading to action
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
a neurotransmitter that reduces activity across the synapse and thus inhibits a range of behaviors and emotions, especially generalized anxiety
a neurotransmitter involved in processing of information and coordination of movement, as well as inhibition and restraint; it also assists in the regulation of eating, sexual, and aggressive behaviors, all of which may be involved in different psychological disorders; its interaction with dopamine is implicated in schizophrenia
norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
the neurotransmitter active in the central and peripheral nervous systems, controlling heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, among other functions; because of its role in the body’s alarm reaction, it may also contribute generally and indirectly to panic attacks and other disorders
a neurotransmitter whose generalized function is to activate other neurotransmitters and to aid in exploratory and pleasure-seeking behaviors (thus balancing serotonin); a relative excess is implicated in schizophrenia (although contradictory evidence suggests the connection is not simple), and its deficit is involved in Parkinson’s disease
the entirety of the microorganisms (such as fungi, viruses, and bacteria) that populate the intestines
brain-gut connection
the influence of the gut bacteria on physical and mental health
cognitive science
a field of study that examines how humans and other animals acquire, process, store, and retrieve information
learned helplessness
Martin Seligman’s theory that people become anxious and depressed when they make an attribution that they have no control over the stress in their lives (whether or not they do in reality)
modeling (observational learning)
learning through observation and imitation of the behavior of other individuals and consequences of that behavior
prepared learning
an ability that has been adaptive for evolution, allowing certain associations to be learned more readily than others
implicit memory
a condition of memory in which a person cannot recall past events despite acting in response to them
flight or fight response
a biological reaction to alarming stressors that musters the body’s resources (for example, blood flow and respiration) to resist or flee a threat
a pattern of action elicited by an external event and a feeling state, accompanied by a characteristic physiological response
an enduring period of emotionality
a conscious, subjective aspect of an emotion that accompanies an action at a given time
circumplex model
a model describing different emotions as points in a two-dimensional space of valence and arousal
a developmental psychology principle that a behavior or disorder may have several causes
clinical assessment
the systematic evaluation and measurement of psychological, biological, and social factors in a person presenting with a possible psychological disorder
the process of determining whether a presenting problem meets the established criteria for a specific psychological disorder
the degree to which a measurement is consistent, for example, over time or among different raters
the degree to which a technique measures what it purports to measure
the process of establishing specific norms and requirements for a measurement technique to ensure it is used consistently across measurement occasions; this includes instructions for administering the measure, evaluating its findings, and comparing these to data for large numbers of people
mental status exam
a relatively brief preliminary test of a client’s judgment, orientation to time and place, and emotional and mental state; typically conducted during an initial interview
behavioral assessment
measuring, observing, and systematically evaluating (rather than inferring) the client’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the actual problem situation or context
an action by which clients observe and record their own behaviors as either an assessment of a problem and its change or a treatment procedure that makes them more aware of their responses
projective tests
psychoanalytically based measures that present ambiguous stimuli to clients on the assumption that their responses will reveal their unconscious conflicts; such tests are inferential and lack high reliability and validity
personality inventory
a self-report questionnaire that assesses personal traits by asking respondents to identify descriptions that apply to them
intelligence quotient (IQ)
the score on an intelligence test estimating a person’s deviation from average test performance
neuropsychological test
an assessment of brain and nervous system functioning by testing an individual’s performance on behavioral tasks
false positive
an assessment error in which pathology is reported when none is actually present
false negative
an assessment error in which no pathology is noted when one is actually present
sophisticated computer-aided procedures that allow nonintrusive examination of nervous system structure and function