functions of skeletal muscle
body movement maintenance of posture protection and support-sphincter muscle regulating elimination of materials heat production-AP used
characteristics of skeletal muscle
excitability conductivity contractility elasticity extensibility
ability to respond to stimuli by changing membrane potential
sending and electrical charge down the length of the plasma membrane
proteins slide against one another-
muscle cells cause body movement
ability to be stretched and lengthened
proteins slide and reduce overlap
ability of cell to return to original length after shortened or lengthened
what is elasticity dependent upon?
extensibility and contractiility
why is skeletal muscle considered an organ?
many tissue types
CT, bv, nerves, muscle fibers
bundle of muscle fibers
how many fascicles in muscle?
muscle fibers
muscle cells
Layers of skeletal muscle
epimysium perimysium endomysium
surrounds entire muscle
surrounds fascicles bv and nerves
surrounds each muscle fiber insulation, support, binds neighboring cells
Connects muscle to bone
common properties of tendons and aponeurosis
attachments of muscle to muscle, skin, bone
made from fibers of epi, peri, endo collective fibers
what type of tissue is in tendons?
dense regular
strong sheet of tissue that acts as a tendon to attach muscles to bone
btw frontal and occipital head
what type of tissue is in aponeurosis?
dense irregular
deep fascia
superficial to epimyisum
separates individual muscles, binds muscles with similar functions
bv, nerves, lymph
what type of tissue is deep fasica made of?
dense irregular
superficial fascia
separates muscle from skin
superficial to deep fascia
what type of tissue is superficial fascia made of?
blood vessel/nerve properties of skeletal muscle
vasculairzed-removes wastes, delivers oxygen
innervated by somatic neurons-voluntarily control of muscle
cytoplasm of a muscle cell
what does the sarcoplasm contain?
organelles and cytosol
how are muscle cells multinucleated?
myoblasts fuse together
some become satellite cells-support/repair
plasma membrane of a muscle cell
T-tubules (transverse tubules)
deep invaginations of the plasma membrane
channels in T-tuble and sacrolemma
VGC allow for electrical signals
voltage sensitive calcium channels
responsive to the electrical signals (action potentials)
bundles of myofilaments enclosed in sarcoplasmic reticulum
How many myofibrils are in each muscle fiber?
sacroplasmic reticulum
internal membrane complex similar to smooth ER
contains Ca pumps/calcium release channels
terminal cisternae
blind sacs of sarcoplasmic reticulum serve as reservoirs for Ca ions
two terminal cisternae and a T tubule
calcium release channels
Triggered by electrical signal traveling down T-tubule
calcium released into sarcoplasm
contractile proteins
thick filaments
heads point towards end of filament
thin filaments
actin, troponin, tropomyosin
globular protein, Ca binding site, pulls tropomyosin off
covers myosin binding sites on the actin molecules
f actin
G actins polymerized into a double helix
g actin
myosin binding site
monomer of f actin
myofilaments are organized into repeating functional units
thick/thin filaments
z lines
The ends of the sacromeres that cause contractions of a muscle
I bands
light bands
thin filaments b
what are the I bands bisected by?
Z discs
A band
dark area
thick filaments, some thin contains H zone and M line
H zone
Central region of A-band thick filaments
M line
middle of H band
attachment site for thick filaments
What anchors the thin filaments?
Z disc
What anchors thick filaments together?
M line
Extends from Z disc to M line
Stabilizes thick filaments
"springlike" properties (passive tension)
Anchors some myofibrils to sarcolemma proteins Abnormalities of this protein cause muscular dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
defective/insufficient dystrophin
sarcolemma damaged during contraction -ca enters cell, damage
what age do most patients with DMD survive to?
stores oxygen in muscle cells for ATP production
where is glucose stored
liver and skeletal muscle
creatine phosphate
phosphate from creatine phosphate can be removed and attached to an ADP to generate ATP quickly.
10-15 sec of energy
catalyst in creatine phosphate
creatine kinase
motor unit
A motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates
small motor units
less than five muscle fibers -allow for precise control of force output
large motor units
thousands of muscle fibers -allow for production of large amount of force but not precise control
location of fibers of motor unit
dispersed throughout muscle
synaptic knob
rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals
synaptic vesicles
saclike structures found inside the synaptic knob containing AcH
channels in synaptic knob
ca pumps, VGC Ca
motor end plate
specialized part of a muscle fiber membrane at a neuromuscular junction
many AcH receptors
synaptic cleft
separates knob from motor end plate
Acetylorichase resides here
an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine
neuromuscular junction
Location where motor neuron innervates muscle
Has synaptic knob, synaptic cleft, motor end plate
resting membrane potential skeletal muscle
Calcium entry at synaptic knob
•Nerve signal travels down axon, opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels •Ca2+ diffuses into synaptic knob •Ca2+ binds to proteins on surface of synaptic vesicles
Release of ACh from synaptic knob
-vesicles merge with cell membrane at synaptic knob: exocytosis -thousands of ACh molecules released from about 300 vesicles
excitation-contraction coupling
sequence of events from motor neuron signaling to a skeletal muscle fiber to contraction of the fiber's sarcomeres
end plate potential (EPP)
ach receptors open when Ach binds to them
Na diffuses into cell, little K out
EPP is local but is graded potential
opens VGC
How does EPP reach threshold?
by causing nearby voltage-gated Na+ channels to open
depolarization of skeletal muscle
30 mV
the release of Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca interacts with myofilaments triggering contraction
crossbridge cycle
crossbridge formation: binding of myosin to myosin binding site and actin to actin binding site
power stroke: myosin pulls on actin, ADP and Pi released
release of myosin head: ATP binds to myosin head causing its release from actin
reset myosin head: ATP split ADP and Pi, cocks myosin head
what is needed for crossbridge cycling?
Ca and ATP
steps of cross bridge cycle
cross bridge formation
power stroke
cross bridge detachment
cocking of myosin head
cross bridge formation
myosin heads attach to the active site on actin
power stroke
action of myosin pulling actin inward (toward the M line)
ADP and P1 released
what happens when ADP is released in crossbridge?
moves actin to m line
what happens when phosphate is released in crossbridge?
bonds get stronger
cross bridge detachment
ATP attaches to myosin head, causing cross bridge to detach
cocking of myosin head
As ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and Pi, the myosin head returns to its prestroke high-energy, or "cocked" position
break down (a compound) by chemical reaction with water.
muscle relaxation
AP ends, electrical stimulation of SR stops
Ca2+ pumped back into SR Stored until next AP arrives Requires ATP
Without Ca2+, troponin and tropomyosin return to resting conformation Covers myosin-binding site Prevents actin-myosin cross-bridging
storage of ATP in muscle cells
spent after 5 seconds of exertion
transfers Pi from one ADP to another, converting the latter to ATP
makes additional ATP rapidly
Ways to generate ATP in skeletal muscle fiber
-Immediate supply via phosphate transfer -Short-term supply via glycolysis -Long-term supply via aerobic cellular respiration
breaks glucose into pyruvate in cytosol
aerobic cellular respiration
pyruvate oxidaized to CO2-NADH FADH
How much ATP does glycolysis produce?
net gain of 2 ATP
How much ATP does cellular respiration generate?