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Systematic continuities and changes in the individual over the course of life.
Developmental changes in the body or behavior resulting from the aging process rather than from learning or other experiences.
A relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from experiences or practice.
Normative development
Developmental changes typical of most or all members of a species.
Capacity for change; the potential for development to be shaped by experience.
Original sin
Concept that children are inherently negative and must be taught to redirect their selfish interests.
Tabula rasa
Idea that infants are born with a "blank slate" mind, acquiring knowledge and behaviors through experience.
Scientific method
Objective and replicable methods to gather data for testing theories or hypotheses.
Consistency of measurement.
The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to.
Cross-sectional design
Research design studying subjects from different age groups at the same time.
Longitudinal design
Research design studying one group of subjects repeatedly over time.
Microgenetic studies
Research design studying participants intensively over a short period to observe developmental changes.
Zone of proximal development
Vygotsky's concept of tasks too complex to master alone but achievable with guidance.
Ecological systems theory
Bronfenbrenner's model emphasizing the interaction of environmental systems on development.
Nature/nurture issue
Debate on the relative importance of biological predispositions and environmental influences in development.
Qualitative changes
Fundamental changes in individuals, making them different from before.
Emotional self-regulation
Strategies for managing emotions or adjusting emotional arousal.
Ability to experience the same emotion as other people
A person's characteristic modes of responding emotionally and behaviorally to environmental events
Behavioral inhibition
Tendency to withdraw from unfamiliar people or situations
Easy temperament
Child quickly establishes regular routines, good-natured, and adapts easily to novelty
Difficult temperament
Child is irregular in routines, adapts slowly to new experiences, and responds negatively and intensely
Slow to warm up temperament
Child is inactive, moody, and displays mild passive resistance to new routines
Goodness of fit model
Development is optimized when parenting practices match the child's temperament
Close emotional relationship characterized by mutual affection and desire for proximity
Synchronized routines
Harmonious interactions where behaviors adjust to partner's feelings and behaviors
Asocial phase
First 6 weeks of life when infants respond favorably to social and nonsocial stimuli
Phase of indiscriminate attachments
Infants prefer social stimulation and protest when left alone, between 6 weeks and 6-7 months
Phase of specific attachment
Infants attach to one close companion, usually the mother, between 7-9 months
Secure base
Caregiver used as a base for exploration and emotional support
Phase of multiple attachments
Infants form attachments to companions other than the primary attachment figure
Secondary reinforcer
Neutral stimulus acquiring reinforcement value through association with other reinforcing stimuli
Young of certain species follow and become attached to moving objects
Preadapted characteristic
Attribute evolved to increase survival chances for the individual and species
Stranger anxiety
Wary reaction to unfamiliar persons
Separation anxiety
Wary reaction when separated from attached person(s)
Strange situation
Series of separation and reunion episodes to assess attachment quality
Secure attachment
Infant welcomes contact with a close companion and uses them as a secure base
Resistant attachment
Insecure bond with strong separation protest and resistance to caregiver contact
Avoidant attachment
Insecure bond with little separation protest and tendency to avoid caregiver
Disorganized attachment
Insecure bond with dazed appearance or seeking then avoiding caregiver
Attachment q-set (aqs)
Method to assess attachment security based on observations of attachment-related behaviors
Japanese concept of infant's total dependence on mother and presumption of mother's love
Caregiving hypothesis
Attachment type depends on caregiving received
Temperament hypothesis
Strange Situation measures infant temperaments rather than attachment quality
Internal working models
Cognitive representations of self, others, and relationships from interactions with caregivers
Combination of physical and psychological attributes unique to each individual
Social cognition
Thinking about thoughts, feelings, motives, and behaviors of self and others
Proprioceptive feedback
Sensory information helping locate body position in space
Personal agency
Recognition that one can cause an event
Perceptions of unique attributes or traits
Ability to recognize oneself in a mirror or photograph
Present self
Early self-representation recognizing current self but unaware of past implications
Extended self
Mature self-representation integrating past, current, and future self-representations
Categorical self
Classification of self along socially significant dimensions
Individualistic society
Values personalism and individual accomplishments over group goals
Collectivist society
Values cooperative interdependence and group well-being over individual
Sense of self, life direction, and societal fit
Social comparison
Defining and evaluating self by comparing to others
Achievement motivation
Willingness to strive for success and meet high standards
Mastery motive
Inborn motive to explore, understand, and control environment
Intrinsic achievement orientation
Desire to achieve for personal competence or mastery
Authoritative parenting
Flexible, democratic parenting style with guidance and warmth
Achievement attributions
Explanations for successes and failures
Achievement expectancy
Expectation of performance in achieving objectives
Incremental view or growth mindset of ability
Belief in improving ability through effort
Entity view or fixed mindset of ability
Belief in stable ability not influenced by effort
Mastery oriented
Persistence in challenging tasks due to belief in high ability or overcoming failures
Learned-helplessness orientation
Giving up after failure due to attributed lack of ability
Attribution retraining
Intervention to attribute failures to lack of effort
Person praise
Praise focusing on desirable personality traits fostering performance goals
Performance goals
Objective to display competencies in achievement contexts
Process-oriented praise